no more tonsills or adenoids as of tomorrow...
being a mom sucks.. all this worry...and being a nurse only makes it worse
At our usual bar, on our usual night....In walks my beloved cookie monster, bearing a tupperware container full of home baked chocolate chip ~ macademia cookies.
What more could a girl possibly want from her best friend?
Bedlam and I ate them on the way home :)
I have not forgotten you, my darling journal. Actually, I comment often on how I need to blog this and that... I just never to take the time to do so. I must make it more of a priority.
Tonight was the first night of hockey. OMG i am SO out of shape. I thought I would be just fine but apperantly the month off from the gym has had its effects. So, back to the gym..45 mins of cardio 3 times a week... No excuses..
Megan starts college on st paddys day. I am still not sure how I feel about this, but realize that my feeling change nothing so I am resigned to them. Might as well expending the energy in a place that I can affect change.
Other kids are all doing well, growing up and having fun. Shay and Melly slept in the backyard in a tent this weekend....Mair is just a pistol as my grandmother woudl have said. She certainally is well suited to being the baby and knows full well how to run the show LOL
Megan and Ryan have played guitar hero so much that I needed to replace the guitar today.. they simply wore it out i Tis so nice to have a partner who plays with the kids and is kind to them. i think that why they have all accepted him so well and so quickly. Hes just a nice person who spends time with them. They are not stupid, they feel his genuine caring for all of them, not just for one.
I worked an ICU shift this weekend for ht efirst time since I have been home. It felt good to be a real nurse for a day.. but I certainly am ready to go back to my cushy day job lol hospital nursing is HARD work...
wow what a meandering blog this is... i should just go to bed lol