Mairs appointment is today, this ought to be fun lol..
She has become even more independant as she gets older.She has no clue she is a two year old. Walking into Costco last weekend with Bedlam and I she informed us that it was "too fucking hot" and she wanted to go home.
The joys of raising alpha females...
I have elected today to be the day Ryan gets introduced to the lake :)
After he gets off work we will load all of the children and the dogs into the van and head to the lake.
He and Shay will want to fish, girls will swim and I will want to stay dry lol.
I hope to get some good pics. The last time I was there the sunset was beautiful. Ill post them if they turn out good.
On another note, Mairen cut her hair. I mean REALLY cut her hair. So, she now has a pixie hair cut. Like tinkerbell she says. Like a girl from Denver says me lol.. she should be wearing flannel...