Isn't funny how those we once loved never seem to leave our awareness. Even through the years and across miles. Love never dies. We may change and grow in separate directions, but the connection seems to exist indefinitely. Perhaps marriage really does bind the souls of the two persons, and isn't just a legal status change.... Perhaps the vows we made to each other so many years ago took on a life of their own.....
All that I know for certain is that you are as much a part of me today as you were on the day I married you years ago, just in a distant fashion. Circumstances have changed, but the soul ties remain.
Know that I love you~now and forever
Mo Anam Cara
05:43 Dec 01 2010
How very profound. ♥
22:01 Dec 10 2010
I agree...Love never leaves your heart, it stands the test of distance and time and knows no boundaries. X