So few of us exist,any more if ever, But Those who DO know what I mean. Society has gone down hill and its terribly sad.
I prefera relationship over booty calls.
Cuddling over sex(its good and all but NOT that good.
Staying home instead of going out to the movies.
Kissing over grouping.
Intellegence over sheepish following.
Romance over crudeness,
Cooking food over take out.
Read over doing drugs.
I'm one of thoes girls. The EASY going, But not Easy. The ones people call a bitch,Tease,slut,whore. When I do NOTHING to be titled such(well ok I'm a bitch sometimes) One of thoes who gets made fun of and teased for not sleeping around. Not out at parties but prefers home in her room. Doesn't get drunk, but mothers friends who are. The horrible GF for not Fucking on the first day.
I was just relizing I'm an odity. As narcisstic as that sounds.. I really am.
11:35 Apr 04 2011
but we love you anyways dear^^
after all, i'm a bit odd myself too