to day was the most messed up day in my life ,i have been yelled at beat down my pride took away and embarrassed and through it all i managed to pick myself up and not shed a tear.some people call it life, some people call it a messed up world,me i call it my life,for every black eye he gives me it just makes me stronger,unfortunally that strength is turning in to a deep deep hatred and one day it will snap and come out.and where will he be in it all?
01:44 Sep 13 2010
No one deserves that kind of treatment NO ONE! You shouldn't wait til you snap...speaking from experience...
I am here if you need to talk
18:11 Oct 01 2010
get rid, sorry. but get rid.
23:21 Dec 18 2010
you only live what you have created.
08:45 Feb 18 2011
Abuse Is never a good thing.If someone truly loves you they won't harmed you regardless of how mad they get.I've never lashed out at a girl In angered and you won't see me do It neither.I've lashed out at plenty of guys,but never a girl.To me a girl Is to be protective at all cost even If It means your life must come to a end.