When upon the ground the dead shall fall
Around them arms shall reach from the earth`s womb
Rise These arms shall,as shadows tall
To drag the fallen to their tomb
A mother cradling her child,they will sink the fallen
Down and under,just as a child from the womb
Is pushed down and out into this world
So will the arms caress the dead
Upon their journey to their final,earthy bed
These arms belong all to one being,
A creature tall and dark,with bearing
Of a king and of a sage
Lord Hades,the shadowy mage
For all will enter his embrace
Albeit by different paths and in a different place
Than some,or others
It matters Little
For all of us are mortal people
20:45 Jun 30 2016
I love the concept behind this one. It's quite a visual piece I enjoy it. So beautiful