I am a member of the VVC and I know what you mean. I don't know about Sanguinarians drawing energy when they arise. Especially since I am not one. I don't like these labels and I never have. I just say sanguine and always have. I am an older person and don't identify by feeding styles. That is all it is and not a type of vampire. There are a myriad of ways that vampires feed and drinking blood is one and taking in various levels of energy is another. Some have always been able to do both but this was not talked about so openly until the advent of the internet and Michelle B and Father Todd walked into the midst of everything that was underground. I absolutely hate the term psi or psychic vampire. What is psychic about it...nothing. I prefer energy or pranic. Sebastiaan use to call a sexual vampire a pranic vampire but it was a total misnomer because all it means is a vampire that takes in energy. I never say Psi or Psychic. If cornered I say Pranic/Empathic and have for years. I don't think it really matters.
Now for years and I mean years even Sanguinarians have stated they got energy from blood. So there is a schism that has formed in the last few years over that. The problem is people are over analyzing everything and they need some word to describe everything even if it is the wrong word. For some the blood energizes them and for others it does not. I think that is normal in the big picture of things and it might have to do with varying frequencies. Everything has a tone and everything has calories believe it or not. I wrote a long article a few years back about that. Calories are energy units and we think of it in correlation to food but it is in everything and everything is essentially energy of some form. Some is just dense energy and so it forms mass. Some may need a more concrete form and blood may have the right balance for what certain vampirics need. We just don't know but there are enough people around the globe that feel this way. I would consider vampirism a spectrum type of thing. Different people fall on different parts of the spectrum therefore some crave blood and others crave something else.
I don't think it is an issue really it is like someone is a vegetarian and someone else likes meat; steak etc. There is no reason for people to bicker over this because we are all vampires but shall we say loosely that we add something more to our food intake because we need it. It affects our systems and organs if we don't and our mental stability. Many get diagnosed as having fibro or CFS because the doctor is not going to tell someone they are energy deficient and need to drink blood or take in energy from some source. The reaction is the same so basically it is similar enough that is what you have or it may for other reasons cause the same disorders. We just don't know.
You've also have groups like the TOV, that state they feed on the astral and some through dreams. There are so many beliefs. The TOV believe blood drinkers are unevolved. I say to them prove it. I think all this hogwash about what is what should be dropped and the names to identify as only how someone feeds and everyone should just say, I am either a vampire or my preference, vampiric which covers it all.