SangrealVulpes's Journal

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{Telepathy and our Abilities Within}

03:46 Feb 24 2013
Times Read: 645

Over the course of the years I have pondered over how to gain power and abilities over others or how to defeat mine enemies with out raising a finger through realization, we vampires should begin to realize that we are our own gods and without proper knowledge on how to use our powers, this power lies dormant waiting for you to unleash it through proper training and dedication.

You will begin to notice a change in your very being that will slowly grow as you begin to dedicate daily training and learn the way energy speaks to you. With practice you will build the will power and advance beyond your wildness dreams, trust me.

The First thing when starting is to be calm and relaxed but not too relaxed. Meditation is not necessary with many of the telepathy skills i teach.

When first doing telepathy you want to focus all you can on what you’re doing; so it’s best to sit or lie down and then close your eyes.

After a while this will not be necessary. Visualize a tunnel or a vortex. It can be any color and just about any shape. You then should visualize a wave going from you and through the vortex.

Think of the person or entity you are telepathizing {connecting with via telepathy} with.

{I personally fine it easier to communicate via entities and shadow people}

Mundanes are much more closed minded...unfortunately.

Keep all the things from point two in mind and don’t forget them and keep visualizing and thinking about them, or who ever your communicating with... Then when you feel ready let go and you should be in their mind.

Remember this skill takes a lot more practice and work than others.

First you must have mastered the connection art above.

So, once you've successfully completed the above visualization exercise made,

Focus and concentrate more now on your target mind and don’t forget to keep thinking of the person/ or entity{s} as you will need this.

Focus on relaxing and clearing all thoughts from your mind too and no suggestions.

Listen to the persons mind and keep your thoughts clear out, you don’t want to get confused.

If you still can’t hear anything relax leave it for a bit and try again.

You can also read thoughts by searching. You think of what you need to find and keep that in mind. What you want should appear slowly.

Make sure you have no suggesting thoughts.

Telepathic talking using the mind:and is felt through the language of emotions.

Use the connection tech that i put first.

Clear your mind and leave no space for suggestions. You mind will have to be empty of any suggestions as this will not help.

Then when talking you should think of what you want to say. Keep on thinking and pushing it forward till they hear it.

Repeat this till they can hear you and it may take some time.

Finding specific memories of someone

First do the connection tech.

To see someone’s memory you need to focus on a specific period in time.

Focus on the period and details of what you want to see.

Let these guide you.

You should visualize ether a screen or some viewing plat form.

Use this to see the memories. Use the details to help, sent, clothing, anything of personal use.

{Telepathic Uses}

Telepathy can be utilized in a number of ways, including, but certainly not limited to, the following...

{Telepathic Defense}

Telepathy can manifest in a number of defensive ways.

{Cloaking} The ability to essentially cloak or shield a telepath or any one or place for that mater using telepathic illusions.

{Psionic Shield} The ability to create a psychic shield for protection of oneself and other minds.

{Mimicking} This allows someone to mimic anothers energy and other abilities, enabling them to deceive others. This ability is very hard and most vampires are born with a shield or ward like this.

{Telepathic Illusions} The ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.

This can be done as a type of mind control and attack. Difficult for newbies and rather easier for naturals.

Other telepathic abilities...

{Absorb Information} The ability to quickly process and store information, by mental transference.

{Dark Psyche} The ability to release the darkness of a person's personality, and make them more dangerous and easier or harder to control depending on their mind.

{Dilate Power} This is also known as blocks for abilities and used in spars or as attacks to stop someone using a ability.

And above all you must first off, believe wholeheartedly that you CAN and you will, and that you can develop your skills. Doubt has NO place in any situation where you are trying to succeed at a task.

This is especially true with telepathy, since skeptics and mundanes are hardly ever able to uncover their talents in this area.

Thank you for your time,

Sincerely {SangrealVulpes}.




{Energy within a single cell}

03:12 Feb 20 2013
Times Read: 658

How much energy is stored inside nucleic bonds, in a human.

But allow me to re-phrase it this way...our own cells contain as much electrical energy as a lightening bolt my friends, yes...indeed.

Ok, life can be viewed as a constant flow of energy right, as we all are aware of and understand being what we are, channeled by organisms to do the work of living. Each of the significant

properties by which we define life order, growth, reproduction, responsiveness, and internal regulation requires a

constant supply of energy. Both the lion and the giraffe need to eat to provide energy for a wide variety of cellular functions.

Deprived of a source of energy, life stops.

Within any living organism, chemical potential energy

stored in some molecules can be shifted to other molecules

and stored in different chemical bonds. It can also be converted into other forms, as in us feeding from a doners.

Recently i have found that the previously unknown electric fields inside of cells are as strong, or stronger, as those produced in lightning bolts. Previously, it has only been possible to measure electric fields across cell membranes, not within the main bulk of cells, so scientists didn't even know cells had an internal electric field, with electric fields as strong as 15 million volts per meter, perhaps five times stronger than the field found in a lightning bolt.

I'm currently studying for my bachelors in science...

And, fact that cells have internal electric fields as well..that fire off like their own synapses and coat the cells structure, like its own aura.

Also, that energy is organized in patterns and layers and is essential for life, fact that cells have internal electric fields.

Which can also explain the creation of live and that life that we feed off from.

Thank you for your time,

Respectfully {SangrealVulpes}



03:42 Feb 20 2013

Yes,this was coined Scroll energy back in the 80s by Dr.George Merkle.;)

ATP and Nucleotides..gotta love it.:)

03:43 Feb 20 2013

Yes,this was coined Scroll energy back in the 80s by Dr.George Merkle.;)

ATP and Nucleotides..gotta love it.:)

04:15 Feb 20 2013

Oh.Apologies for the double post.Not sure how that happened.

But anyway,I almost forgot to ask..have you read The body electric? Its a pretty good book.Right up your alley.

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