I did it! lol I am starting this New Year with following through with ideas I have had and never tried. I am letting go of some bad shit just so I don't carry it around with me to the new year, I'm too old for that now. I want to cultivate living with a sense of awareness and connection to everything around me. Who knows with the way things are going in our world now, we should all start listening and not get so lost in our our lives that we are not aware if our neighbor is alive. Open my heart to all that is good. Do things with reverence and dedication. Create Art, Dance more, laugh more, join in and mingle with positive energy. Help people actually do something not just like stupid shit people post about someone. If I'm going out of this world I want to know that I went out being my best self.
Going to give my students more love and understanding and kindness than I already do. I'm happy with my job and love what I do.
With family I would like to create an open heart where everyone feels they can always come to me no matter how bad or good the situation is. Also a safe place to go to.
06:46 Jan 06 2020
well done sweet lady
14:35 Jan 06 2020
Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read my journal