"Nothing unreal exists, yet reality as it is perceived is precariously unreal, which is why the dayshine world clings to it so desperately, giving it virtual reality, yet it's that very camouflage which allows this relentless predator to appear as true while being truly false that enables it to get such a strangle hold on its prey, yes? I prey you understand this, yet I fear you're still mesmerized by the predator's hypnotic eye, mistaking the illusions for truth while failing to visualize the darker reality beneath, the foundation the 'real world' labels as fantasy."
"In the case of 'reality,' its greatest weakness and greatest strength is an ability to project apparition as truth, relying on its prey to never look beyond the mental screen on which the scripts are projected."
"When you truly See that the world and the people you share it with are only mechanisms at the mercy of reality's programming, you will either experience an immediate and irreversible evolution in your Thinking or else you will choose to continue behaving as one of them."
"Ah, the voice of reason, killing you in effigy. Do you have the strength to stand against the diseases the machine will heap upon you in its attempt to destroy that which it cannot control? Do you think it doesn't matter what they whisper into your programming? Better a dead dragonfly in the sun than a live fairy in the night you see, for one can be dissected and made real, while the other is a flicker in the corner of the machine's compound eye, a reminder of magick in which they've agreed not to believe and must therefore obliterate in order to keep reality secure."
"You are a machine within the machine, and for as long as its programming overrides your nature (the truer nature of man which existed before the mechanism manufactured so many complexities with which to mask the reality of evolutionary immortality), you will still be serving the machine even if only by giving its minions something to distract themselves with while operating under the delusion they're really helping you."
"Enlightenment is really the obliteration of your world, which is why the devil's secret name is Morning Star. Ah, but the higher truth is this: the beast who destroys the world is really the demon in your mirror, for the only world that exists is the one behind your eyes and the only one who can tear it asunder or build it again is the one who created it to begin with."
"You can't keep clinging to the trees if you ever intend to reach for the sky."
"The illusion is all around you if only you will open your eyes and see – and now we’re back to the beginning of where it all began, the overlay pulled down over the eyes of man by ignorance and the intentional intervention of governments and religions. By reserving the power of creation to God alone, Man is placed in the role of impotent dependent, spoon-fed on faith until he dies in the womb of his own complacency, then forever swept off the sidewalk of the Vatican in the form of drifting sand that is really the powdered remains of ten million dead priests and parishioners who bought into that finite delusion and never bothered to look beyond their own back yards, so they could never know that Oz exists and the wizard was really the face in their own mirror, but now it’s forever too late, and so it goes, with the temples and towers molded in gold and the forgotten names of the faithful scripted only in dust."
"The mortal world is but an island in the River Styx, surrounded on all sides by the abyss. The saddest part is this: the island will inevitably sink and become just a lonely legend on the lips of those left behind, all that you were nothing more than myth."
"You can have other pleasures but not other obsessions, for the truth is that if you’re devoting more thought and energy to the things of dust, you are choosing to assemble your own death, and it should come as no surprise that the brute makes the taste of such things powdered-sugar pleasing."
"If it could be possible to go beyond the words and deeper into the ideas, you would see that the force Man mistakes for 'god' is actually his own creative ecstasy, his own magickal abilities to make the world a Garden of Eden or plow it all under through self-destruction."
"I suggest you examine your own fragmentation to determine if you are still afraid of God; for if you are, you are certainly afraid of yourself and that alone will keep you from the full realization of ecstasy, evolution and magick."
"...whoever said all men are created equal was the biggest fool of all, just the shallow end of the gene pool filling in the deeper waters with sludge."
"Think on those words: to live within the framework of perpetual, moment-to-moment self-creation that does not allow for going back to sleep, even if for only a moment."