I. The Vampire Creed
II. The Dragon Speaks
III. The Calling of the Undead Gods
IV. The Secret Methods of Vampirism
V. The Predator of Humans
VI. The Book of Dreaming
VII. The Coming Apocalypse
I. The Vampire Creed
I am a Vampire
I worship my ego and I worship my life, for I am the only God that is.
I am proud that I am a predatory animal and I honour my animal instincts.
I exalt my rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason.
I recognise the difference between the worlds of truth and fantasy.
I acknowledge the fact that survival is the highest law.
I acknowledge the Dowers of Darkness to be hidden natural laws through which I work my
I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic is real, and I respect and
acknowledge the results of my magic.
I realise there is no heaven as there is no hell, and I view death as the destroyer of life.
Therefore I will make the most of life here and now.
I am a Vampire.
Bow down before me.
II. The Dragon Speaks
I am thine Inmost Self.
I gaze out upon thy world of coloured lights from the
Darkness behind thine eyes.
I reach out through thy hands and touch
The soft pleasures of thy living world.
I am the most Ancient One, the Creator of the Gods.
I am the Changing and Changeless One.
And whenever you gazeth into the eyes of another, there! Lo!
I gaze back at thee!
I am the Source of All That Is!
He who recognises Me as his own Self becomes also the Source
And is, in Truth, a Sorcerer.
He who allows the flow of My Being
To Writhe through the sinews of his body,
to Touch and Change All in accordance with his Will,
Is, in Truth, a Magician.
And My Dragon Magic is sweet for I Grant thee thy Wishes.
In what thou calleth dreams, I Gather My Forces.
In what thou calleth reality, I Stage My Dreams.
I Grant to all who seek My Being and My Power
the Right to seek their own Pleasures!
I am the True God, the One God, the Only God Which Is.
I am thee and thou art Me.
Yea, even My Symbol is the Mirror!
And know well My Name for by honouring It in all thy Actions
thou will Be and remain worthy of
My Dragon Magic.
III. The Calling Of The Undead Gods
Vampiric Communion Through Magical Ritual
Achieving the Vampiric Condition requires attracting and obtaining Communion with the
Undead, those Vampires who no longer walk in flesh but are astrally free. These Undead Gods
have shed the limitations of the physical body and can communicate with and appear to those
who still have living physical bodies.
The achievement of becoming a Living Vampire or, even higher, of entering the ranks of the
Undead Gods upon the death of the physical body, relies upon this Communion with the
Undead. It is Their intentions and Their desires which must be accepted and appeased.
Enter now into the suspension of disbelief. Enter the world of fantasy without prejudice. For
true magic requires release from the limiting beliefs of what is real and unreal, possible and
impossible. For the key to magic and the achievement of magical power comes from loosening
the grip of the closed mind and embracing the reality of other worlds.
Here you now open the Gates of Power and summon the Undead Gods through the ritual of The Calling.
The Sacrifice.
In true magical ritual the Undead are summoned to be present with the Living Vampire for the
purpose of Communion. To entice the Undead by means of offering lifeforce energy is the key
to successful magical ritual. Further, only the Living Vampire's personal store of lifeforce
will serve this purpose. Do not believe that sacrificing the life of any other being will serve any
purpose in ritual magic! Further, the destruction of a physical life does not serve any
purpose whatsoever and is wasteful of the lifeforce. Such waste it abhorred by the Elder Gods
and can, in fact, incur Their wrath. Never murder humans. Never waste food. Never incur the
of the Undead.
At the same time, the successful Living Vampire will offer his own gatherings of lifeforce as a
gift and an enticement to draw the attention and thirst of the Undead. In the presence of
these true Gods, the Living Vampire is himself gradually transformed or even taken, body and
with the Gods into Their abode. Although it is relatively rare for such immediate translation
to the full Vampiric Condition to occur, it is not unknown. Again, the Undead Gods do as They
Thus, the fullest preparation for magical ritual is to gather lifeforce from humans through
personal effort in order to have a worthy sacrifice to offer the Undead Gods.
The Ritual Chamber.
The Calling of the Undead Gods must be held where it will not be defiled by the eyes of the
profane human. This is not merely to protect the Living Vampire who has not achieved
immortality, but because the Undead will not be drawn in the presence of Those Who Would
Rise while there are present those who are covered with the stench of mortality. Therefore,
close the door and lock it. Seal the place of your Working from the casual and merely
inquisitive. Let no one who is not an active member of the Temple be present nor participate in
this most sacred of all acts of magic!
Wrap the chamber in darkness. If the chamber is located in a natural setting at night, this is
enough. Within a structure, natural or artificial, reduce all lighting to the minimum of just
one or two candle flames. Less light is better and to work in absolute darkness is best. The
Undead find the darkness comforting and appealing for many reasons. One superior source of
light is to utilise the flame from a single container or canned heat such as sterno. If more
light is required for the reading of notes during a group ritual, the use of a low wattage red
light commonly used by photographic supply companies can serve without damaging the
Symbols of Magical Ritual
Your dress should merge with the theme of darkness and sacrifice. Come to the Undead as true
witches and Warlocks. Many will shroud themselves in black capes and robes while others
will shroud their bodies in only the darkness of the night itself! In any case do not dress to
distract your mind from the task at hand but to enhance its purpose. Jewellery is as much an
option of clothing but if you are not of the priesthood wear no iron, for the qualities of iron
can offend the Undead Gods. The wearing of the Winged Skull of UR as ring of medallion
pleases the Undead and enhances the power of the ritual.
An altar is any flat surface to rest the few implements of ceremonial magic upon and represents
the firm foundation of the earth upon which we move and live. When possible, place the altar
to the west. Above the altar, position a mirror at eye level or higher. The mirror acts as a
visual point of concentration, often acting as a gateway to the astral. The wand can be any
wooden rod or staff. The purpose of the wand is to help focus the will of the celebrant.
Candles offer light when needed and are black to symbolise the powers of darkness or red to
symbolise the blood of the lifeforce. Incense also rests upon the altar. Frankincense and
other scents traditional to funerals and death are appropriate. The chalice represents the
human body and the liquid within symbolises the lifeforce of the body. The black-hilt knife
(athame) or sword is held only by the priesthood and acts as a symbol of the taking of
lifeforce (as a weapon) and as a reminder to the priesthood of an Inner Temple Mystery.
Drums, rattles, bells and gongs can be used especially well in a group ceremony. With modern
stereo equipment the celebrant need not wait for the auditory power of a thunderstorm. Care
must be taken that the words of the celebrant not be overpowered by other sounds, however.
Group Magical Ceremony
The Calling of the Undead always possesses more power in a group due to the increase of
available life energy for the sacrifice. In any such group ritual it is necessary that only
one celebrant leads through the Seven Steps of Ritual while the others support the celebrant as
a proper congregation.
The Seven Steps of Ritual.
1. Entering the Chamber.
2. The Declaration of Self.
3. The Calling to the Four Winds.
4. The Sacrifice.
5. Vampiric Communion.
6. Restoration of Power.
7. Leaving the Chamber.
1. Entering the Chamber.
The place of magical ritual may be indoors or outdoors but must be secure from interference
from the profane. Lock the doors or post guards. Disconnect telephones. Close shades,
curtains, etc. Have all ceremonial tools prepared and positioned ahead of time.
Entering the place of magic enables you to separate yourself from the profane world of
everyday life. The physical act of going into the chamber enhances the mental and emotional
decision to enter into Vampiric Communion. It is best to be able to use the magical chamber for
this purpose alone, as this further sanctifies the room but it is better to have communion than not
in every case.
Again, you do not merely enter a physical chamber but enter a chamber free of disbeliefs. Here
you choose to fully believe in and accept the realities of magic and the Undead Gods you shall
summon. Here you leave behind your doubting scepticism and open yourself fully to the
celebration of that which you are: a Living Vampire, Master of the Worlds both Seen and
Unseen, Magician Supreme and Dedicated Worshipper and Servant to Those Who Have Risen!
2. The Declaration of Self.
Facing west toward the mirror (the dominant focus of the direction
of the ritual should be toward the west, if possible) the celebrant of the ceremony briskly
claps hand twice in rapid succession. This is a sign that all attention be directed fully upon
the ritual. Then the celebrant declares his status as a Living Vampire and the purpose of the
ceremony in his own words. One example:
"Hear me Now! I am a Vampire, a predator of humans! I have entered herein to Call the Gods
of the Undead into this sacred place. I have gathered lifeforce from humans. I am filled to
overflowing! I offer up this life essence to the Vampire Gods, Those Who Have Risen. I am
here to feed and be drained! I am here to die and be reborn. I am here to rise from death
into life! I am here to strengthen my bond with the true gods of this world! I am a Vampire!"
3. The Calling to the Four Winds.
The celebrant of the ceremony faces each of the four pints of the compass in the following
order: south, east, north and west. At each direction, the celebrant raises a wand or staff or other
wooden implement toward that horizon and, in his own words, calls the Undead Gods to come
forth to join in this ceremony. The Calling must be honest, direct and filled with emotional
power. Here is just one example:
Face the south -
"Oh Great Undead Gods! Oh most powerful and Ancient Vampires! Oh true Masters of this
earth! Join me here! Be with me in this place! I Call you now!"
Face the east -
"I call to you, the only true gods, and offer up to you my life essence! Come! Feed upon me!
I call You now!"
Face the north -
"I seek Your Company! I seek Your Wisdom! I seek Your Power! Enter freely into this place
for You are most welcome! I Call You now!"
Face the west -
"Set aside your doubts for I am sincere! I offer up to You my life! Take! Eat! Drink of me!
For I am Yours to use as You will. I Call You now!"
4. The Sacrifice
Here the celebrant directs the accumulated lifeforce to the Undead Who are present. If the
celebrant has not developed sufficient astral awareness to directly sense the Presence of Those
Who Have Answered the Calling, he should direct the force through the mirror. The mirror
acts here as a Gateway to the other world.
In a group ceremony, the other participants should direct their lifeforce sacrifice to the
celebrant, focusing upon the midsection near the solar plexus. In such a group ritual, the
celebrant then acts as a lens to further focus and project the stream of life to the Undead Who
may first visually manifest as images in the mirror.
The lifeforce is exhaled through the mouth with a long, slow and controlled hissing sound. The
Living Vampire literally pumps the lifeforce out of his body in a continuous stream of power by
repeating this sequence of (1) inhaling deeply through the nostrils and then (2) exhaling
slowly and completely through the mouth.
The effort to expel energy must continue with no thought of personal survival. Exhaustion is
to be expected. The effort needs to continue until there is good evidence that the Undead are
accepting the sacrifice. The more one can give and the more one empties self of the lifeforce,
the more return flow of transformation and aid can be received.
Remember that nothing is free and the Undead must be moved before you offering before They
may choose to assist in True Initiation. The members of the Priesthood of the Temple are
initiated into a Higher Sacrifice which has the outward form of less effort but requires an
inner discipline of a Higher Order. Such is revealed at the right time to those found worthy
their dedication and personal sacrifice to the Temple.
Some of the Signs that indicate the Presence of the Undead include:
1. The feeling of moving air, as in a cool breeze (The Coming of the Winds).
2. Tingling sensations in the fingertips and face in particular.
3. Unusual pulling sensations at the solar plexus.
4. Sudden upsurge of mixed emotions of joy, love, worship, fear, etc.
5. Feeling of cobweb strands being laid over face or hands.
6. Ringing in ears.
7. Visual sense of the room filling with misty vapour.
8. Sensations of being touched or stroked.
9. Hearing one's name spoken aloud.
10. Classic poltergeist effects (levitation of yourself or objects in the chamber).
11. Visually sighting the Undead present first in the mirror, then in the chamber.
12. Dreams of flying, falling or travelling through tunnels after the ritual.
13. Astral projection following ritual into the Presence of the Undead.
5. Vampiric Communion.
As the Undead accept the "blood" of sacrifice, and exhaustion nears or arrives, there comes a
subtle shift. The Vampire Gods present having taken Their fill, judge the participant(s) as to
their worthiness for transformation and Higher Initiation. Even to simply be in the Presence
of the Elder Gods, however, does accelerate personal evolution.
To those found worthy in their efforts, the Gods may choose to release the rarefied higher
energy of Their Own Essence in a return flow. If this happens (as will almost always occur in
the presence of an Inner Temple member of the priesthood) then the participant(s) will
discover a renewal of energy and vitality. This Rain of Mercy may be weak or strong and may
take place at any time during the ceremony.
6. The Restoration of Power.
As Communion ends, the celebrant drinks from the chalice and declares again his chosen status
as a dedication. Here is an example:
Raise the chalice before the mirror.
"This is the blood of my victims past, present, and yet to be. I drink the life essence of
those who exist only to serve my will. I drink this in remembrance of that which I am,
Vampire, the predator of humans."
Drink from the chalice. Lower chalice to altar. Face the mirror and clap again twice,
7. Leaving the Chamber.
If a member of the priesthood is present, the sword of knife is drawn and directed to each of
the four pints of the compass in memory of the Most Ancient Pact and as a Mystery of the
Priesthood, the Words and Names are Spoken.
Then the celebrant extinguishes all remaining fire and proclaims the Closure with words such
"So it is done."
Without another word, leave the chamber and go into a place of brighter lights. Eat and drink
to restore a more normal sense of life. If in a group, celebrate and make merry.
The ritual is at an end.
IV. The Secret Methods of Vampirism
Vampirism is the taking of the lifeforce of the human to empower the Vampire. In its essence,
Vampirism is merely a more refined form of eating. The Vampire absorbs the lifeforce from
the human. The human absorbs it from other animals and plants. The plants take it from the
sun. The sun, too, is not the final source but a channel from other sources beyond the scope of
this teaching which is reserved for the Inner Temple.
However, the chemical breakdown of nutrients and its places in the biochemical cycle (the
Krebs Cycle) that transfers energy is not the complete story. Just as modern physicists are
finally aware of the fact that much of the mass of the universe if "missing", biochemists
remain unaware of the role of a "missing" element in the energy system of the human body. This
missing element is the so-called astral universe which includes the astral bodies of all living
At the heart of eating is the concept of astral energy transfer. The actual transfer usually
requires a discoincidence of the astral body from the physical which, in turn, usually entails a
loss of consciousness. Hence after a large meal, most humans and animals will become sleepy
because it is when they sleep that the true energy transfer occurs.
Another example of the role of sleep is energy absorption can be seen in those cases of extreme
danger to physical survival. If a human is crossing a desert and dying of thirst, he may slump
down to unconsciousness and sleep. When he reawakens, his energy level is renewed and he
can continue the struggle. This happens because during unconsciousness his astral body
separated to some extent from the physical body in order to permit the flow of stored energy
into the various tissues of body and brain.
The most refined source of the lifeforce energy for Living Vampires is thus found in the astral
bodies of humans while the humans are sleeping or in some other way not normally conscious.
We often travel to the sides of sleeping humans to draw off the accumulated store of their life
energy from the drowsing astral form which rests near.
To achieve this higher level of Vampirism requires the Vampire to be able to rise from his
physical body in the astral with sufficient awareness and intention. The achievement of this
conscious out-of-body travel requires will, practise and the assistance of The Undead Gods
through Vampiric Communion. The Living Vampire who can perform the shedding of flesh in
this way when desired is among Those Who Have Risen.
The Vampire Initiate aspires to this exalted level of Vampiric Mastery yet must gather the
needed excess lifeforce from humans first. This lifeforce is offered up as a sacrifice, an
offering to the Undead Gods in the magical ritual of Vampiric Communion. This Lifeforce
offering attracts the Elder Gods and draws Them near to the aspirant so that he may be aided in
invisible ways in his evolution to achieve astral control. The Loosening of the Astral Ties
(which bind the astral tightly to the physical of most humans) is dealt with in greater detail
as a mystery of the Inner Temple.
Yet how can the Vampire Initiate first obtain the life energies he needs in order to attract
the Undead who will help him to then become an astral Vampire? The answer is surprisingly
simple and, as with most effective truths, eminently instinctual.
When the human is conscious, the astral body shares the space of the physical, interpenetrating
every part. However, the astral, in a normal healthy human, is usually somewhat larger than
the physical body such that it will surround the physical to a distance of often between a few
inches to several feet. Those who have experienced a Loosening of the Astral Ties and are
therefore more capable of seeing into the astral universe have, throughout the ages, reported
the auras surrounding different humans. This is commonly seen in religious paintings of
Europe's last fifteen hundred years which portray the so-called "halo" or "nimbus" about the
heads and hands of historical religious figures (who quite commonly were actually Living
Thus whenever you touch a human, you are also penetrating his astral body to some extent.
With that penetration by your astral of his, it is now relatively easy to draw off some of his
lifeforce energy. It will not permit the degree of flow, the "deep drinking" which is possible
when preying upon the sleeping human, unencumbered by wither your physical or his but this
lowest level of Vampirism is as least possible.
The act of drawing the lifeforce from the victim's astral into your own is, at heart,
instinctual and not teachable. At the same time there are specific physical-astral actions which go
hand-in-hand which are learnable. Here then are the fundamental secrets of Vampirism:
1. Contact
2. Penetrate
3. Draw in
4. Break contact
1. Contact
Contact refers to the necessity for some part of your astral body to contact the astral body of
the human. Any physical skin-to-skin contact assures just such contact.
2. Penetrate.
Your astral must penetrate into the astral of the human to enable the absorption of the
The more your astral enters the human's astral, the more rapidly and "deeply" the force can
3. Draw in.
With penetration, the Vampire must actually draw in the lifeforce of the human. This drawing
in will usually accompany the inhalation of the physical breath by the physical body. Thus for
physical contact Vampirism, it is best to inhale deeply. You will come to feel the fluid
intake of the vaporous, liquid-like lifeforce as it enters you. In addition, tense and draw up the
anal sphincter muscles with the inhalation as this stimulates the same mechanisms involved
astrally with Vampirism.
4. Break contact.
It is equally important to withdraw completely from the human's astral following the Vampiric
act for at least two very good reasons. First, you do not wish to have a reverse flow of the
precious lifeforce back to the human and, second, you do not want to cause the physical
destruction of your prey by leaving a Vampiric tendril constantly draining the human's lifeforce
into your own. We are not gluttons and remember the first Vampiric Principle: Never Waste
In the beginning it is necessary to practise Vampirism consciously and with great intention.
Over time, and as you develop Vampirically, the act of Vampirism becomes increasingly
unconscious and automatic. You will find that in the presence of another Vampire this tendency
for unconscious Vampirism will be inhibited. As part of the natural order of things, predators
do not prey upon each other. This is not merely an issue of safety but of mutual self-respect.
To treat a predator as one would treat prey is the greatest of insults.
When you perform the act of Vampirism, affirm aloud or silently the act as you do it. Firmly
state the reality of your action as in, for example, "I now am taking your life energy, your
blood, your soul." By adding verbal suggestion you are further aligning you mind as a predator
as well as telepathically commanding the prey to acquiesce to your intention, to remain limp
and yielding to your taking of the "blood".
Then fill your body to overflowing. Take and take and take until you can take no more! Gorge
your inner body until, like a rising fountain, you can accept no more. And like a fountain of
water rising up through your being, the spray of overflowing energy will rise above your head
and then fall again upon and around you.
The signs of successful Vampirism are as follows to include:
1.Your vision clears, brightens and colours become more vivid.
2.You feel a refreshing, revitalising physical effect.
3.You feel a deep balancing calm within.
4.You experience an increase of physical strength.
5.Your dream recall improves such that you experience more dreaming while the dreams
themselves intensify in experience.
6.You tend to attract the attentions of the Undead in magical ritual.
The developing stages of Vampirism are four:
1. Physical contact required.
2. Visual contact required.
3. Sympathetic contact required.
4. Contact by mind alone.
1. Physical Contact.
From the most casual handshake or brush in a crowd to intense sexual encounters, the key is the
proximity of your astral body to that of your prey. Remember that physical contact is astral
2. Physical Contact.
With sufficient experience at the physical level, the aspiring Vampire can draw the lifeforce
from a human without physical contact in line-of-sight. The actual mechanism is the projection
of an astral tendril or elongated astral "cord" which connects to the astral of the prey. The
performance of this act usually feels as if the human were in physical contact with the
Vampire's eyes, as if the eyes could literally reach out and touch the prey. This and the following
advanced technique will be dealt with at the Second Circle level.
3. Sympathetic Contact.
The concept of the magic of contagion and sympathy is found within this level of Vampirism.
By coming into contact with some physical item, such as a piece of clothing, a pen, a nail
paring, which at one time was in physical contact (and hence, astral contact) with the prey,
the advanced Vampire can draw lifeforce at a great distance. This level is dependant upon the
degree of connection between the prey and the object as well as the development level of the
The interpenetrating astral universe is responsible here by means of astral extensions. Like
sticky threads which remain connected, more or less, with virtually everything the physical
human touches (and, to a lesser extent, hears and sees) the astral web that surrounds all of us
connects to our living astral bodies. The Vampire can learn to therefore follow this
connection and draw lifeforce from a footprint, or even a signature.
4. Mind Contact.
Requiring Inner Temple training, the Vampire Adept can sense the existence of prey and
directly draw upon the lifeforce without any apparent astral "bridge". This level of
sophistication steps beyond the laws of physics as commonly known and relies upon the
teachings of the Nine Laws of Magic, restricted to the Priesthood or UR.
Vampirism is instinctual but can only be achieved through personal effort. Each Vampiric act
self-instructs and broadens the capacity of the astral body to accept energy. With increased
energy, the Vampiric powers begin to dawn.
As always, if the Undead Gods should choose one for special aid, then the learning process is
shortened, For such, the Temple's purpose has been achieved and the Vampiric Condition
But the Gods are selective and They are pleased most by the best efforts to achieve on one's
own. Therefore, learn, apply and perfect for in this way alone comes the possibility of
attainment and true Initiation!
V. The Predator of Humans
The hierarchy of living beings on earth is based upon the food chain. Ultimately everything is
reduced to the issue of who eats whom. To achieve the Vampiric Condition, the Vampire must
come to a predator's perspective toward human beings. It is impossible for one to become
Vampire if one is unwilling to prey upon the vital lifeforce of humans.
Yet the Vampire has been reared in human society and had been programmed by human values
and human ethics. These must be overcome and transcended in order for the possibility of
Vampiric Metamorphosis to take place.
Human society is confused and holds contradictory values because the human believes himself
to be at the top of the food chain while remaining the prey of the Vampire. Human beings will
speak of peace and harmlessness as virtues while ignoring the act of murder that places dead
meat on their eating tables. Survival is always an issue of consuming food. Consuming food is
the predatory act of taking the lifeforce from another into one's own body.
Human beings continually display their prey-consciousness by their eternal denial of these
fundamental facts of life. They do not want to admit that life comes from the taking of life
because, deep within, beyond any conscious denial, the humans are aware that they are food for
their Masters. Within the lower animal kingdom we see the natural reaction of a mouse caught
in the jaws of a viper. The mouse ceases to struggle and is resigned to its fate. The rabbit,
too, will slacken his muscles and fight no more when the wolf has firmly seized his throat.
Why is this? Why don't these creatures battle to the last breath in the slim hope that they
might escape and survive?
The answer is simple. As prey, these timid creatures know that their role in the nature of
things is now to give up their lifeforce to the predator who has caught them. So too, human
beings invariably sense that they are prey for the Vampire. Yet, unlike the mouse or rabbit,
there is the spark of possibility within the human. There is that hidden potential of the
human to rise up and achieve a higher evolutionary level and become Vampire.
To achieve the Vampiric Condition, then, requires far more than merely mastering the
mechanics of drawing off human lifeforce into one's own body. To become Vampire entails
much more than to master astral flight and employ the time-honoured Vampiric Principles. It
first requires a change in attitude and viewpoint. It requires that the Vampire begin telling
himself the truth about the nature of the world and the struggle for survival. It requires
that he be willing to seize his own bootstraps and pull himself above the prey-consciousness of
human society.
The Vampire is the predator of humans and no human, man or woman, has achieved the
Vampiric Condition while retaining human identification and human ethics. These must be
discarded ruthlessly with no looking back! It is either sheep or wolf. It is mouse or snake.
The Vampire must choose, and will choose, for failing to consciously choose is a choice as well.
If you speak of these things to most humans they will tell you that this is a brutal and
inhuman, morally-depraved perspective... as they bite into the dead animal meat or rotting
plant pulp at hand. Yet what do they mean by this? They mean that they consider telling the
truth about the realities of life on earth is cruel and brutal. In other words, you are hurting
their feelings by talking about the truth! Yet remember, every human you see or speak to is
mortal. They will die, sooner or later. Their desire to hide from the truth of life condemns
them to inevitable death. As certain as the night follows the day, the human's avoidance of
"hurt feelings" will cause him to feel instead the pain of his own death.
Thus the human being has the potential to rise above his status as mere prey and become a
predator, something no lower animal can achieve. This triumph of the individual will has also
carried the open respect of humankind throughout history. Many are the "brutal" warriors and
generals who, throughout their ruthless murder of other men in war, became heroes and
statesmen among the sheep who shouted their praises. And make no mistake about it, there has
always been the general sexual attraction of the human female for the male who demonstrates
predatory characteristics. It is only natural for the human species to be driven toward choosing
predator tendencies over prey. The seeds of Vampirism are sown in the human's highest
evolutionary and genetic ambitions.
Furthermore, if we truly compare the Vampire to the human, we discover that it is the human
who kills to live. When a mortal man eats, he crushes into pieces what was once another living
animal or plant. Crudely he tears and grinds the bodies of the dead and dying into the wet
mash which he swallows into the bag of his stomach. When an ear of corn is eaten it is
The seed is killed. When a beef steak dripping in blood is chewed and mixed with saliva, the
steer is dead. The animal is lost.
However, through the aeons since the first rise of the Vampire, the drawing of the lifeforce
has long achieved what the human only pretends. The Vampire does not kill the human any more
than a dairy farmer destroys his herd by drawing off the milk from their udders. The first
Vampiric Principle is to never waste food. The Vampire who seeks entrance into the Vampiric
Condition must abandon the ancient fears of the human species that being food means to be
destroyed. The world's crowded "overpopulation" is the result of centuries of carefully
engineered intervention in human affairs to afford the Vampire population increases we desire.
The Undead Rulers of earth have no desire to kill off their own food supply. We need the
humans as much as the humans need crops and cattle. To be blunt:
The murder of harming of any human or other animal will result in immediate and permanent
expulsion from the Temple.
The predator does not waste food nor soil his own lair. While it is vital for the Vampire to
free himself from the prey-consciousness of his mortal heritage, this does not give him
permission to destroy the efforts of many centuries. Today, most human beings do not
consciously believe in the existence of our kind. This reversal of deep-held belief did not
happen by accident! Especially for those who have not achieved the Vampiric Condition and
remain mortal, it is vital that Initiates cultivate the lack of belief in the reality of our kind
among humans. This principle is known as:
The Truth of the Lie.
The "lie" is the existence of Vampires, which most humans now believe to be only folklore and
superstitious fantasy. The "truth" is that the Vampire is very real and it is this truth that
forms the basis of all Outer Temple teachings. As is revealed to higher levels with the Inner
Temple, there are several different purposes behind the execution of this manipulation of
human belief, but suffice it for now to simply understand that it is not wise to abuse the
powers which come with the Vampiric Condition. The Undead will simply cut you off from further
association if you do not abide by these simple and civilised principles. Such exile is a
death penalty for any mortal, for only through the Vampiric Condition can immortality be
What is required of the Vampire is to move silently through the human world as true predator
who does not alert the herd to his presence and does not betray the trust of his pack. We
expect you to remain innocent of crime as defined by human society. We expect you to become
wise and strong enough to avoid unnecessary altercations humans and to take their lifeforce in
a covert and cautious manner. We expect you to rise above the very propaganda our kind have
created and not confuse the fictitious blood-sucking "vampire" with the noble reality of the
Undead Rulers of this world.
If you do not abide by these expectations we will not punish nor chastise you. We will only
withdraw the Cup of Immortal Life and allow the end of your life to speed you to mortal
The predator is patient. The lion will wait motionless for hours until the moment for action
has come. So, too, the Vampire seeks to abandon the restless motion of the herd and fix his
mind upon the goal of the Vampiric Condition. Cease now to think of yourself as a victim!
While we demand an obedience to the laws of the human world, we do not expect you to
abandon self-defence. Quite the contrary! Look upon human beings no longer as peers but as a
lower species. Do not tolerate the risk of your life from a mortal, when your life has just
acquired the potential of eternity. Walk in open places with a constant vigilance for danger.
Keep your hands free. If you can legally carry a weapon to defend your life, do so. If you
have not acquired simple physical skills for weaponless defence, begin.
On a more subtle but important level, begin to truly rethink the obligations human beings have
placed upon you. Challenge the reasons given for you to behave in passive and restrained
ways. Distinguish between the wisdom of a ruthless predator and the bleating wild-eyed
mindless behaviour of the human sheep. When you look at someone, sharply look through their
eyes to the centre of their brain. Consider you posture as you walk and sit. Look to the cat
for elegance and grace of motion.
Begin at the beginning. The foundation for achieving the Vampiric Condition begins with the
acceptance of the mind of a predator. Begin now, today, this very moment to weed out the
habits of thinking like prey, a simpering, self-depreciating victim of the real world. Replace
these thoughts and habits with the nobility of a conscious predator.
We will be watching.
VI. Shurpu Kishpu
The Book Of Dreaming
From the Oral Tradition
With modern commentary for the Outer Temple.
The Shurpu Kishpu is the ancient oral book of the Teachings of the Hekal Tiamat, the Temple
of the Vampire Dragon. The terse sutras or Words of Power were commonly memorised and
then expanded in oral instruction from experienced teachers in the Great Vampire Family.
Herein are contained the essential elements comprising the Mysteries of the Priesthood of UR.
To the uninitiated, the unprepared and the un-Sponsored these "open secrets" remain closed to
authentic understanding and realisation. Here is the most ancient description of the Bridge
between the Worlds. Read, learn, realise and attain!
The Dream Life Is The Only Life.
The dream body and the astral body are one. The astral body lives within the living flesh
body. The astral body animates the flesh body. What you call your life is this astral body.
The Dream Death Is The Only Death.
When the astral body completely separates from the flesh body this is physical death. After
physical death, the astral lives on for a time until the second death when the astral also
The Sleeper Is Born To Die.
The mortal is he who physically dies and then allows the astral body to also starve and die.
The mortal is "asleep" to the possibility for immortality.
The Dreamer Is Born To Live.
The Vampire is he who learns the art of taking the lifeforce from the bodies of others to avoid
the second death and live on as an Immortal Being. The Vampire dreams of the possibilities of
life everlasting.
The Blood Is The Life.
The Vampire need not drink the physical blood of the living but takes the transmuted lifeforce
which is the Blood itself to perpetuate life.
The Dream Is Made Flesh.
The Vampire can make the astral body solid to the touch of flesh humans by taking enough
lifeforce. Yet the Vampire retains the qualities of the astral body.
The Dream Is In The Flesh.
The astral body is composed of a more refined form of matter and is not within the visible
light spectrum. Hence the Vampire is unseen to the eye, the mirror, or the camera. The form of
astral Vampire is visible to the astral eyes of the flesh human though that form does not
reflect light. A living Vampire retains a physical body. Those Who Have Risen have attained
of astral projection. The Undead Gods have abandoned the absolute need for physical bodies
The Dream Is Of The Mind.
The astral body is a shapeshifter and thus the Vampire may assume any form. For rapid
movement by air is the shape of bat or bird. For rapid movement by earth is the shape of wolf
or cat. For invisibility is the form of fog or dust.
The Mind Is In The Dream.
The Vampire best enjoys the form of the human to merge and blend with the human herd for the
Hunt. Some Vampires becoming arrogant and unheeding of the reactions of mortals will openly
display their powers of flight, speed, strength, invulnerability. Such displays harm the Hunt
and alert the prey.
The Dreamer Chooses The Dream.
To become Vampire requires actions most mortals will not take. To become Vampire it never
a completed work for these actions must continue being taken or the second death will destroy
the Vampire. To remain alive in flesh the mortal must eat, drink and protect the flesh body
from the extremes of the elements. These actions require effort and the mortal must have a
purpose for remaining alive to continue taking these necessary actions.
The Dreamer Loves The Dream.
The Vampire extends life by similar action. The Vampire must love his own life enough so that
there will remain always before him a reason to continue taking the necessary actions to
sustain astral vitality.
The Dreamer Feeds The Dream.
The Dream Sharing offers seductive death to the Vampire, for like an exquisite drug it offers
the fulfilment of every wish while enervating the astral unto death. It is here that the
mortal finds his fantasy afterlife until his second death chokes out this delusion.
The Dreamer Eats The Sleeper.
The Vampire understands the requisite taking of lifeforce from mortals to sustain astral life.
The Vampire will endure as long as he takes mortal Blood (lifeforce) and does not himself fall
prey to the pleasures of the Dream Sharing.
The Full Dream Has Power.
The powers of the astral body are responsible for most of what mortals call magic. The living
Vampire will commonly utilise magical ritual to strengthen the astral body as well as to firm
his commitment to immortality and the Vampire Family.
The Powers Of The Dream Are Five.
To see with astral eyes is clairvoyance. To feel with astral touch is psychometry. To hear
with astral ears is clairaudience. To move the physical with the astral is psychokinesis. To
speak with the astral voice is telepathy.
The Dreamer Is Known By The Mind.
The Vampire is a mental illusion to the senses of the mortal. There is no gross physical shape
to see or touch. There is only the projection of the dream body of the Vampire into the mind
of the mortal prey.
The Dreamer Is Not The Flesh.
The Vampire may move the physical, yet what appears to be his hand raising a glass is the
psychokinetic moving of the glass apparently grasped by the intangible astral hand. the
Vampire also feels he is raising the glass but if he should fail to feed upon the lifeforce and
lose power, his hand would fail to move or even feel the physical glass.
The Dreamer Rules The Flesh.
The strength of the Vampire to move physical objects comes from the reservoir of energy he
has taken from the living. Thus he is not limited by the mechanics of muscle and leverage but
can directly surpass mortal limitations.
The Flesh Obeys The Will.
The Vampire may also move physical objects without apparently touching them with even his
astral body by extending a filament of his being to the object he desires to affect. As with
the astral cord of the living Vampire, this filament can be so fine as to be invisible to the
perceptions of the mortal. From the perspective of the Vampire, his intention would be to wish
a door closed and with his Will extended, the door closes. If he looks carefully he may
perceive the filament from his body which has stretched out to perform the deed.
The Sleeper Sees The Dream.
The illusion of physical form projected to the mind of the mortal will sometimes fail to
include important elements which are always present in physical reality. The mortal's mind will
sometimes fail to include some common otherwise seldom noticed consequence of physical
presence. The mortal may notice no image of the Vampire in the mirror or shadow cast from
light. The look of surprise or bewilderment should alert the Vampire and Will that mortal to
see the mirror image or shadow. Thus the mortal will relax as the full illusion is restored.
The Dreamer Sleeps In The Dream.
When the astral Vampire sleeps, his astral body remains in the same physical location. Should
a mortal come upon his form there, the failed illusion of no shadow, no mirror reflection, no
recording of an image through a camera, no sound recording of breathing sounds from a tape
recorder - these imperfections will alert the mortal to the reality of the Vampire's astral
The Dreamer Does Not Die Asleep.
The mortal does not have recourse to destroying the Vampire according to the superstitions of
tradition. A physical stake of wood through the astral heart of the Vampire causes no harm.
Neither will garlic nor human religious symbols such as crucifix or holy wafer produce any
response in the Vampire unless the Vampire should believe such practices potent. In such case,
any pain or disfigurement of the astral body is produced by the Vampire's mind alone. Unless
the Vampire believes he is truly dying and enters full into the Dream Sharing (which is certain
to eventually lead to astral death), the Vampire is unharmed by such ventures.
The Dreamer Feeds In Sleep.
If the mortal does not waken the sleep astral Vampire, he will encounter no body he can touch,
but only an intangible holograph image. His mortal hands will pass through the Vampire's form
since it is not truly physical. However, the more experienced Vampire will automatically
draw lifeforce from the mortal even in deep sleep. Thus the mortal will usually faint from the
sudden drain.
The Dreamer Does Not Die Awake.
Thus the sleeping Vampire, if freed from the superstitions of human culture, remains
impervious to the casual mortal "Vampire killer." The Vampire, however, can pose a serious
threat to another Vampire by taking his accumulated store of life energy.
The Dreamers Eat The Sleepers.
Vampires seldom prey upon each other in that the effort required to do so far exceeds the ease
with which the same energies can be drawn from mortals. Further, the sense of belonging
which extends between Vampire elevates their usual interaction far above such petty squabbles
as those which lead mortals to fight wars and carry out vendettas.
The Dreamers Are Awake.
Vampires soon learn a love for life and respect for those of their own kind. The accumulated
wisdom of centuries that an ancient Vampire may share makes his continuation an authentic
value to other Vampires as compared with a relatively ignorant mortal whose small mind is
filled with useless trivia and superstitious nonsense. If life is to carry meaning, and
thereby ensure the life-choosing actions of the Vampire, then the comradeship of those Few Who
have taken the step beyond mortality is a treasure beyond price.
VII. The Coming Apocalypse
For each mortal life there is a physical death and for each great Cycle of Life on this world
there is an ending. For thousands of years the Undead Gods have carefully worked a scheme to
create a new level of existence for Themselves and those who Truly serve Them.
Civilisation is the product of these most Ancient Ones and is also an experiment. Prior to the
civilising of humankind, the Vampire population was checked by the limited human population.
Humans who were simple hunters and gatherers were few in number and subject to the dangers
of a natural world filled with deadly intent. Thus the Vampire was also endangered.
However, the Ancient Vampires rose up from the brutality of Their origins by the sheer force
of Their immortality. As the decades grew into centuries, the most Elder Ones grew wiser as
well as stronger. Apart from Their Own Vampiric Mastery (as related in the Shurpu Kishpu
and retained as a sacred oral tradition to this day) They also discovered the secrets of fire,
simple tools, agriculture, animal husbandry, metal smithing and weaponry.
Therefore, the Ancient Ones decided to improve the lot of the human in the same way that the
human improved the lot of cattle and sheep. Civilising mankind was, for the Vampire, the
domestication of the human for food. Just as human cattle ranchers breed their herds to
improve the stock, so too did the Undead Ancient Gods genetically manipulate early man and
closely governed his breeding though laws and taboos.
The civilising of humankind also included breaking the human spirit to maintain control. The
Ancient Ones created the early religions of mankind and acted as their Gods. With the single
exception of Hekal Tiamat, The Temple of the Dragon which is the Inner Temple of the
Priesthood of UR, all religions of humankind have been designed or manipulated to reinforce
human slave mentality. They are taught to obey and not question the Gods. They are taught to
sacrifice their labours and their lives to the Gods. They are taught that the Gods are
perfectly superior to humans and that they must always submit in action, thought and feeling to
the desires of the Gods, whatever those desires might be.
Thus the creation of religion for humanity served the Vampire family quite well. In the
earliest times, humans would directly and physically serve the Vampire will all the joy of any true
worshipper of a God. Fear of punishment or death was seldom required as the human would
willingly seek to obey the Vampire Gods not out of duty but out of ecstatic pleasure. For the
humans openly knew in those times that there was always the possibility of rising up with the
Gods and becoming Vampire themselves. This direct contact on a daily basis with the Undead
continued for many thousands of years before the time of the Renegades destroyed this ancient
but Golden Age of Rule.
The Renegades, Some of Whom remain to this day, were generally younger Undead Who had
not long before joined the ranks of Those Who Have Risen. Identified strongly with Their
human origins, these younger Gods rebelled against the realities of human mortals serving the
Undead. They felt too much compassion for those who must serve as food for the Gods. They
had not taken fully the essence of true predation but remained, on some unconscious levels,
controlled by Their previous religious programming. In short, They had not yet outgrown the
slave mentality of the humans from which They came.
Thus came the first Great Wars. Here the Sons of the Gods gathered humans to attack those
Undead yet with physical bodies and to ravage the ancient temples and shrines where sacrifice
had been the Law for hundreds of centuries. Outposts beyond the Great Dark were cut off, the
Gates of Power destroyed by ignorant human barbarians. Human blood flowed in rivers and
isolated communities of humans, devoid of their Undead leadership, waited in numb confusion
for direction.
It was during these early destructions that the first Harvests came to pass. The religions of
the humans caused then to increasingly seek and sing of the return of the Gods and to release
waves of lifeforce in the emotion of desire. Multitudes would gather on hilltops at the sighting of
an aerial battle and become overwhelmed with longing and desire for the great Gods to descend
and rule them again. The Vampire Gods, feeling this intense flow of energy, would pause from
the conflict and often descend, wrapped in shimmering incandescence, to drink deeply of the
flood of human lifeforce.
Commonly the humans would be drained past their survival needs and drop to the earth as
desiccated husks. Thousands would give up their lives in moments and the Undead
experienced more that nurturance but were uplifted, evolved, transformed. The evolutionary
effects of this orgy of feeding, which came to be known as the Harvest, brought to the Undead
the powers of magic, and broke their last bonds to gross material limitations. The Inner
Mystery of the Transcendance of the Dream became a reality and the great Vampire family
discovered the existence of the Dream Sharing of the astral universes.
Thus a new purpose was placed to the civilising of humanity. Before, the intention was to
ensure the survival of the Vampire food stock through the domestication of the human. Now the
Great Purpose of Dream Transendance created the goal of civilising humans to cause an
exponential increase of the food supply. Thus the Undead Gods struggled to draw up the human
population from thousands to millions to billions.
Then as the population would increase, Harvests would come. Now under conscious intention,
the small Harvests would attract religious enthusiasm with hundreds and thousands to witness
the coming of the Gods. These small Harvests would offer controlled release of highly
concentrated lifeforce for the Undead to channel for greater magical purposes, such as opening
a new Gate of Power to another world. Yet, the small Harvests were engineered to cause a
subsequent burst of breeding activity by the humans so that the population of the world would
grow to the limits of human technology to support it.
Finally, in just the last few centuries, the Vampire-inspired industrial revolution opened the
door to the tremendous expansion of the human herd so that today billions of humans eat and
live on this single planet.
And so we are now approaching the Final Harvest. Like the Great Harvests of the ancient
Great Wars, the human stock shall be drained in a carnage of energy release unlike anything
seen before. The overabundance of humans has reached its peak and the Ancient Ones are
preparing for a massive culling. The signs of approaching apocalypse have been outlined long
before and are upon us.
And what shall the New World hold for those of us who have embraced the Path of Night and
cast our lot with the Undead Rulers? We who are members of the Temple shall see a
transformation of the consciousness of the Vampire so that the mastery of magic will be
complete and enlightenment in the Dream a common birthright. The human shall, from his
undeveloped stage, continue to serve as slave and food, but the Great Gates of Power shall be
flung open to the farthest reaches of all possible universes and the Vampire shall be no longer
restricted to the limitations We have tolerated through the millennia.
The Final Harvest is close upon us. The cities shall be swept up with the agony of billions
who, in dying, will pass forth their life energies to a greater cause. The Great Undead Gods
shall return to Their visible Thrones of Power in the world of men, and men shall again openly
know their Rulers and their place of servitude in the order of things. Man shall be content to
serve and the Vampire shall, without restriction of matter, rule both the material and astral.
Therefore it is well for those of us who wear the Winged Skull of UR to align our thinking with
the coming Apocalypse. We need to embrace the predator's attitude of power and increasingly
cut off any sympathy for the soon-to-be-dead billions who are and shall remain mortal. We
must, each one of us, serve that we may rise to be served. To drink that we may be filled. To
share our lifeforce that we may be found and remain worthy of Those Who are the only True
Gods of this world.
The time grows short! Work while there is yet time! This is the ultimate purpose of our
Temple! Stand tall and seize your future. Let the true slaves of this earth serve of die.
Europe and Asia are in turmoil. What follows is the breaking of the Seventh Seal.
Hail Tiamat!