I would like to ask you all to visit this profile. Read this story. Then think of the pain caused to the family, and the actions that lead to such a violent crime. After reading some of her mothers post on the foundation site(can be found on the profile) tears came to my eyes. Even I who try not to see any action as straight drawn line of good or evil. Can not ever understand what kind of hate would lead to someone being kicked to death for being differnt. At times like this i fear for our planet.
I beg you all who may read this to take a minute or two to read this. I am not one to draw lines in the sand. However; we can not allow this to go unheard. I feel ashamed it has taken me this long to hear about such blind hatered. Lets make sure everyone hears this story and thinks about how to keep life safe for all. we must learn to embrace differance after all what would we be if we could not be ourself
You scream out for help. Who will hear you? A force of good or a force of evil. How would you know? What would they offer. What would it cost. If you are good of heart would an angle ask for your soul or reward you for your actions? Would a demon want one so rightous who may betray them. If your heart is as dark as the night would an angle let you suffer or offer salvation. Could you be rewared by forces who compete with you for rank. Would you be saved or left to rot. How can we tell who lies and who tells the truth. Can good fall and if so can evil rise. Do we have a choice or is it writen in stone. If a demon offered you life or to save one you loved. would your soul be to much to ask. and what is the cost to enter the land of angels is it not the same to enter the gates of hell. if the forces of good and evil walk a line so clearly drawn then why must we suffer shouldnt the side you protect aid and serve be there when you need it most many saints have fallen to ill fated deaths were was there lord then many evil men have feed the hungry were was there damnation. Two have offered aid to have set a price. on what shoulder dose the man in red sit. In what ear will an angle wisper. Was it God or the serpant who lead adam and eve to happiness. One laid a path to walk, the other opened many roads. If the fruit of knowlege had not been taisted were would we stand today. If pandora's box not been opened how would we know whats inside. If the sun never set all would burn. If the Moon was all we had then ice would cover it. If rain never came all would turn to dust. If the skys poured endless water all would drown. The forces of good can not be with out the forces of evil. If this is true then is evil not good. How could we feed the world if no one ever died. How would we know what joy is if we never suffer. If the masters never fell who could rise. If good rules over bad then do they not allow bad to exist. If you have a house to sell would you not sell it to the highest bidder. Finaly if a being of mercy damns a soul, how are they differnt then one of pain.
Mortality has been screaming more and more in my mind. Don't know if it's caused by becoming disabled at my age or what. Ether way getting married and starting a family tends to make one think of how they will be remembered. Will it be our looks our actions or our thoughts that echos though out history. The most immortal thing a think a man can do is done with words. Think back to a time when you last visited with someone dear to you. What is it that you remembered the most about that time.
You can be dangerous, but sometimes protective. you power is super speed and strength, sometimes you can see the future, or other powers. your love life is normal.
Your Answers
God of Nature
Lead Immortal.
God of beauty
Do you feel the rave is becoming a boring place?
Yes 22 22.92 %
No 16 16.67 %
A Little 41 42.71 %
Not at all 17 17.71 %
This was a poll that i came across that i must admit has puzzled me slightly. If , out of everyone that took the poll, 64% of these people are starting to get bored with the site then what brings them back. is it loyalty to friends, a thirst for knowlege, or something deeper. Just a random thought that crossed my mind. To be honest i dont know that i could give a straight answer. The people i have met here are second to none and i dont forsee me ever ditching out on them. The information up for grabs here i have not found any where eles, but then again im not even starting to become bored with the site. im just woundering what crosses your mind the moment you click "LOG IN"
After beeing gone for almost half a year it is good to return to V.R. my mentorship and my coven so much has changed sence then it almost seems ive been gone a life time ive gotten married to a girl named Emily Victoria Richburg( Johnson) who is about 8 weeks along with our first child my neck is still pretty much messed up and i find out on the 20th what happens with that. I have to admit its kinda strange being back but im glad to be here i missed you all