STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


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34 entries this month


06:21 Sep 28 2006
Times Read: 1,007

*is a typical man- doesn't read the instructions*




The Codex

19:11 Sep 27 2006
Times Read: 1,022

I was shown a bit in there that I'd missed previously, or skipped over...or, more likely, forgotten.

About eyes.

I then spent ten minutes staring at a mirror.

I've never really looked at my eyes before. But now, I see it. I have cool eyes.

*is even yummier than before*



18:31 Oct 08 2009

They're the most wonderful eyes, especially over breakfast with morning light spilling into them.


33kbps dialup...

16:48 Sep 26 2006
Times Read: 1,044

For all those with crap threads- sorry, but you'll have to wait for me to get around to closing off your BS...

And the rippings will also have to go into a queuing system.

"Please hold, your thread is important to us and will have the piss ripped out of it shortly. Thank you for your patience and the laughs that you give us at your expense."





18:12 Sep 25 2006
Times Read: 1,061


I'm not fond of them, but in the UK, we don't have any poisonous ones, so I don't freak out and kill them.

So far, I found a big ass black and red one spinning a web outside of the door. Black and red usually means bad when it comes to nature, so I wasn't too pleased at that.

But then, this morning, there's this little dude on the kitchen counter. Ok, I think, not to worry, then, it jumped.

I ran out the room like a big girl. And so I should, 'cus apparently, it's not a nice one either.

I fucking hate bugs and now, I'm in a country full of them. And thats not to mention giant ants and giant fleas. The mossies are normal sized, but they never bite me anyway.

I ought to be thankful for small mercies, I suppose...

*tries not to think about the movie 'Arachnophobia'*

Fucking jumping spiders. WTF.





11:50 Sep 23 2006
Times Read: 1,111

And just cus I'm in 'Magic America', doesn't mean that I'm not reading the forum.

...I can't believe how quick I got through check-in. 10 Minutes. Give or take.


*munches sarnie*

I had to buy it from Starfucks.


I know, you may beat me for it when you see me.

Not about the face though. Don't hit my face.

Or my nuts.




Whitby 'Goth' festival.

00:33 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 1,149

I did some digging on this event, up in North Yorkshire somewhere...

Now, I can't say I've ever taken a great interest in it before. Too far away for me to bother with...

But I asked around some friends, who do go up there every year. And I found some interesting stuff.

For instance, it has a big mix with the fetish scene, on the adult side of it too, not BS fake spankings from scantily, yet badly dressed women.

No, this is the real power getup. Good stuff. But, it also turns out that there is a bit of a schism as well, between the older skool Goths and the Vampyre Masquerade LARPers///

Apparently, the crowd that forms the core principle idea of the festival are rather embarrased and not a little offended- by the antics of the role-players.

And these are the full on, dress up and act out my fiction types. Not that it's not an interesting hobby, but it grates on the nerves of the more subtle and deeply recognising of the gathering.

At least, thats what I got told at my own little gathering this evening.

Nice to have a few turn out for crossing over into a new decade of age. Nice selection of those who did manage. A few didn't make it, a few wouldn't have noticed.

But it's cool. It was fun and they do wish me luck in my trip out. Which is nice. I worried that they might fear for me.

But from where I'm standing, I've no reason to be afraid any more.





*finishes reading the BS in the forum...*

00:17 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 1,155

Muha ha ha ha ha!

Ooh, ha...ha...ooh. ha! oh my, oh my G*d!

....My sides...please, stop, yer killin me!

*calls an ambulance*

Wait, wait, it gets better....

Billythejust - "Is that just STABB666 in disguise?"!?!?!

I don't normally go for multiple exclamations, but this deserves all I can fit...

Fuck me sideways with a six foot tarred brush!

Thats got to be the funniest thing I've heard all week!

It's soo almost yummy.

But it's the wrong flavour for me...

Were do these weirdos come from?

Oh, Whitby- Now I see...





*gets down on knees*

23:45 Sep 21 2006
Times Read: 1,158

*gets up again, cus they hurt...*

Lord Cancer, heed also my prayers, since they be much the same as Sahahria's, but with a flame thrower too...





Pigeons in Thailand?

23:13 Sep 20 2006
Times Read: 1,175

Coo! Coo!

Thats what they do...

In a bloodless coup, the King endorses a military coup in order to oust the (allegedly, but clearly) corrupt Prime Minister.

It actually has popular support too.

Amazing what can happen with the mice, when the 'cats away'.





*recovers from near heart attack*

23:05 Sep 20 2006
Times Read: 1,178

Fork me!

I log in, only to be presented with a huge set of red warning letters...

Almost shit myself.

Turns out, I had removed my email from my profile.


*wipes forehead*

I thought I was about to be evicted from VR!





Another death...

19:54 Sep 20 2006
Times Read: 1,189

This time, it was only one of my goldfish...

My nice wiggly fantail.






I hope I don't get robbed...

19:27 Sep 20 2006
Times Read: 1,190

I've never been mugged. Well, not since I was a child, but it's never really been a concern for me, despite living where I do.

Now, I'm off to America.

Atlanta Airport is BIG. I never quite realised until I looked at the map and thought that it was a bit of a walk from the terminal to the exit, only to find that there is a train service recommended...

Although, I may have to hope that my flight gets in ultra-early, or super-late.

*crosses fingers and and takes to his knees*

"Please make it work, Mr G*d, please?"





I'm pleasantly amused...

22:10 Sep 19 2006
Times Read: 1,207

By this new forum strategy.

It is inventive, but, ultimately, leaves those who play it in a perpetual state of ignorance.

Petty games and false personae with which to denigrate the popularity of VR.

It's amazing what people will dedicate their time to.

I suppose, I'd rather this, than going and acting out their schizophrenic fantasies.

At least I get to smile about it.






22:56 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 1,226

I've never been this nervous about anything.

I just realised that I have a very long list of stuff to sort out. By Friday.






13:30 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 1,261


I could swear myself into blindness over this, but it's almost as if someone is editing my journal entries.

Very strange.

I do mix up words and letters. I type too fast for my own good. I don't write enough either, but that's not relevant.

I wonder sometimes if I really do miss all those errors which I see when I read back through them.

I am a poor proof-reader, but still...

VR is haunted!





The Graveyard Shift

15:02 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,283

That time when most of sensible America is asleep, when the UK hits brunch, Europe finishing lunch, or sleeping off the night before, I find myself here.

Still addicted, still learning.

Mistakes are made, errors of judgement too.

But intentions, though they may indeed lead me to hell, are always well meant.

Still, it's these quiet times that I like to not be lurking. Just wandering around the site.

It's nice. Calm.




Croutons to you too!

12:43 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,293

Why do makers on cup-a-soup insist of putting mini-croutons in their ministrone flavour?

Not withstanding that they are tasteless, they get stuck in the teeth and the fact that the only reason that they exist, is because poor people (like me) used to put stale crusty bits of bread in their soup, centuries ago.

Have we not moved past the need for adding fake stale bread to a damn good soup?




Am I gay?

11:59 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,298

Whenever I check my 'last ten' list, there's only ever one guy listed in there, if ever. LOL

And a nice guy he is too. Never seen what he looks like, but likely he is a cutie.

I just wonder if I act all camp and whether this puts off guys from reading my journal...

I don't have too much 'yummy' going on in here, do I?

Maybe a sprinkle too many sparkles?

A touch of love too close for most men?





I think they need to change the smoke in the Vatican again...

10:01 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 1,342

The Pope.

Head of the Catholic Church and influence upon hundreds of millions of lives and opinions.

This is the man who can make dictates become a transposed reality- through dogmatic interperatation.

What is the man thinking when he says this?




Cyberpunk becomes reality.

09:19 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 1,345

A former US Marine, who lost an arm, has had the worlds first successful bionic implant.

A totally robotic arm, controlled by her brain impulses, which does not yet 'feel', but is proposed to gain this sensitivty in future.

This would be a great boon for WIA amputees, of which there are a high proportion from Iraq, where improvements in body armour have meant that whilst there are fewer fatalities, there are more wounded by percentage.

It also paves the way for integration of the universal head jack, allowing direct connectivity to computer systems, also recently successfully tested.

We are upon the cusp of a new way of being- total immersion of conciousness within machine/energy reality.

I love 'Ghost in the Machine'. And Cyberpunk 2020. No culture shock for me, but how will older generations cope?

And how rapidly with children accept these new technologies?

Perhaps even 'The Matrix' will become a feasible reality- after all, I've seen the stats on far eastern kids who spend the vast majority of waking life online, playing wargames mostly.

Even dying for it.

A scary prospect indeed, that a new generation of cyber-kids might voluntarily subject themselves to a semi-permanent existence within a shared virtual reality.

Crazy monkeys.





16:01 Sep 14 2006
Times Read: 1,360

Every time I try to use Apophysis, it blue screens my machine.


And yet more grr.





21:12 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,394

Yes, I am.




18:10 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,041

Babies. hmm. Babies.

Who is to know?

I don't believe anyone has even semi-scientifically studied the prospect.

Would it 'skip' a generation, as some traits are wont to?

Maybe it would be influenced by the parents self-realising and understanding. The standard dysfinctionalism of the family unit might not be a factor. Resulting inevitably in an increased learning rate for the child. Possibly the ramifications of that, might see some change occur at puberty which is at an accelerated pace, in comparison to the sparsely educated environment in which the majority exist.




British Cinema on top form.

22:00 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,454

*does a little dance*

~Looking for some hot stuff...Baby this evenin'!~




21:41 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,456

Watching The Full Monty, I find myself wondering, in all seriousness, whether I'd do that.

And finding that I'd have less shame than a baboon, but hopefully, a bit more style...



18:19 Oct 08 2009

You're a shameless hussy.


20:53 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,467



He surely must fix these words...




"Gordons alive!"

19:05 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,472

In my most egotistical, obnoxiously arrogant sense of narcissism yet, I considered using Queen - 'Flash' as my profile music...

Only really because the other day, I was suggesting that we ought to remake Flash Gordon, with better special effects and a new script.

We discussed who we would most like to fulfill certain roles in the movie, the director, the usual drunken 'never gonna happen' wishlist...

Only to find out that someone is planning to do a remake already.





Who says that Belgians are boring?

19:15 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 1,548

With all the focus on 'Arab Terrorists' and 'Western Crusades' against them, such stories as these, can often miss the headlines...

Seems that the rise of the right is spreading across Europe now, with the Netherlands, France and of course, Germany having an increase in political support for the Nationalist ideologies.

And people accuse the 'fuzzy left' of undermining the Government. Sheesh.




Shark Baiting

18:54 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,573

I saw this cool documentary about Shark hunting.

They were after filming a Great White. Well, who wouldn't want to see one of those...lol#

The technique they use is known as 'chumming the waters'. It did work. A Great White did turn up.

Unfortunately, these dudes managed to bring in some of the other Sharks from miles around, much smarter and far more vicious.

One of these tried to jump out the water and bite his fucking hand off.

Is there a moral here?

Dunno, but I realised that no matter how clever man thinks they are, any man, there's always something, or someone, cleverer than onesself.



18:18 Oct 08 2009

Or at least hungrier



03:34 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,589

I sit quiet sometimes.

Just contemplative.

I can worry- it's good to worry about some things.

Like travel plans.



18:17 Oct 08 2009

*kisses your forehead*


I hate TV.

00:35 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,595

But I like a few select shows...

Apart from documentaries and sports.

I've gotten hooked on Gordon Ramsey's 'Hells Kitchen' (the USA version is funny as fork).

And also X-factor.

Damn it.

I detest reality TV. Especially Big Bollox. So why do I like these two?





The Sandbox

17:58 Sep 04 2006
Times Read: 1,612

It is what it says.

But there are some who feel that by taking 'ownership' of threads in this area, both in attempting to circumvent Moderator decisions and also, through exploitation of system bugs, they can somehow place themselves in a position of assumed authority.

While this may be of limited effectiveness, one only has to remind ones-self that these people are based upon a fictitious representation at the core of their being.

In short, they are sets of faked personae, seeking to undermine the content and purpose of VR, through pretention of depth of knowledge on the subject of this forum, yet spouting only the mish-mashed and overly repeated 'common knowledge', to those who have had enough of being spoon fed the intellectual equivalent of porridge- so are now seeking something a little spicier.





16:38 Sep 03 2006
Times Read: 1,657

I did a bad thing.

I had a craving this morning (afternoon..lol), for a Subway sandwich. The smell of the fresh bread. yummy.

So off I went to get one. Todays special- Chicken Teryaki. Sweeet!

Ate that.

Walked past KFC and smelled the fine scent of the Colonels secret spices...

Had to have a Zinger. No mayo or lettuce (icky).

Ate that.

Went outside and the next shop along. Is another Subway.

I had to. I tried to resist, but it called my name. I heard it whisper to me, like a dinner bell in the wind...

I went in. I ate another 'Sub of the day'.

Let me hear you sing now...

~Who ate all the pies!? Who ate all the pies!?... ~



18:15 Oct 08 2009

You're too damn cute and funny.



01:16 Sep 03 2006
Times Read: 1,671


Microsoft sent me an automatic update which fixed yahoo messenger on Vista.

Too cool.



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