STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


Honor: 2,926    [ Give / Take ]


17 entries this month

A rant...

23:40 May 31 2007
Times Read: 830

when I get up, I'll shave, shower, dress in casual (its friday) go to work, get a load of emails before I even sit down. check all the server logs, record critical problems. backup the firewalls. install some pc's after people move desks. setup user accounts. build a couple PC's. swap over some more. fix a firewall. setup client laptops for remote VPN to their accounting network.check all the backups. set up home user VPN accounts. Install new VPN account tokens. show the new guy where everything is. My boss is in Japan. I am low on resource. I have 30 new starts and I have to create all of their user accounts. I have also got to purchase PC's for them and configure them/image them....and then, I can eat something and have a coffee...




Ah, success at last.

21:25 May 29 2007
Times Read: 832

See! *points* Not everyone hates Dominars! Wooo!!

"Thank you !!! you seem to be the only voice of reality in some of the thread in the forum! I was just reading the one on the ***** *****... and then I got to your post and thought thank God a sane person! Anyway thank for keeping the forums sane!!"




00:15 May 29 2007
Times Read: 857

I can't approve a religious poll where you have placed more than half the world population under 'other'.





From a whole lotta woman...

20:26 May 27 2007
Times Read: 899

No. 1: Most of the responsibility for a woman's orgasms - are the woman's.

No. 2: A woman really needs to learn the things she likes and use them to learn how to have multiple orgasms, and have the honest desire enough to have them that she is wiling to work on them.

No. 3: When with a man (or another woman) she needs to inform the other person exactly what is is she likes/wants/needs, even if this means demonstrating it - and needs to be honest. THEN, with a willing and tutorable partner, they can experience multiples together.

Fantastic advice, which I fully intend to take up.





16:07 May 27 2007
Times Read: 913

I've been off for a while, thinking, considering, playing out all the angles in my head.

Nothing personal to anyone here, really.

Just life being complicated. It's amazing how confusing they make visa applications.

Unless I find a work sponser (or a rich spinster willing to support me lol), then I have no chance...

My resume is pretty good...I just don't have a shiny piece of paper...damn my party attitude.




Stat attack...

19:32 May 21 2007
Times Read: 960

Way to go Maltese contingent! LOL

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Worst VR Experience vs Best VR Experience

23:36 May 19 2007
Times Read: 994

My second worst: Finding out that my unrealising and indiscriminate savaging of forum posts, resulted in a friendly fire incident.

(sorry about that)





23:20 May 19 2007
Times Read: 999

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket





18:27 May 18 2007
Times Read: 1,049

A friend told me a little while ago that if someone isn't pissed off with me, then I'm not doing the job (Dominar) properly.

The following however, is a virulent personal attack, with no foundation in actual truth and has no relation to the actual reality of my life, as those who read my journal and know me, can attest.

I am loathe to highlight this strange form of sociopathy which is exhibited here, but for the benefit of those Admins and friends who do frequent my journal, since it contains references and reflections upon them also, I have decided it is necessary to show what results from me being me.

And I hadn't even noticed it, until it was pointed out to me just now, but here is what lordvampirio has chosen to write about me, in continution of his insane BS attitude;

"This website has an age limit of 13. There are several reasons behind this, legal as well, but I don’t want to get into this here. And yet the occasional kindergarten pupil manages to slip through the system.

We are talking here about the most pointless, useless and pathetic child, commonly and infamously known as, laughed at and referred to as MirrorMan.

Realizing that one pile of shite (read: he) is not stinking badly enough, he creates another pile of shite (read: profile), which has no information on it whatsoever, and is as deep as an ant’s swimming pool.

I was generous there and rated the lowly whelpling a –6-. I anticipated another girl like tantrum as we all remember his last one like a month ago when he was deeply hurt by my –9- on the other profile.

Judging by the amount of time he spent on my profile this morning, to return the favour of rating, I hurt his feelings badly again, damaged his godlike vanity and lowered his self-esteem further. This guy is such a weak cry baby.

I was surprised though that he rated me back before 9 am. I suppose it’s Fridays in London when you collect your benefits cheque at the dole.

The ratings were as follows:


Rating: 3


Rating: 6

I always keep telling people that actions speak louder than words. If a person says s/he is 20-something or 30-something don’t be naïve to believe it. Let actions back the words up. For all you know you could be dealing with a 6 year old or a 60 year old. Or could you tell for sure who’s behind the pc?

In the example as shown above you have one and the same person on two different accounts giving two different ratings within a time interval of 8 minutes. (Note the drive and determination to rate, log out, sign back in and rate again. This is dangerously obsessive, which in my personal opinion requires professional help. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he asked me out soon lol)

Different perceptions? I doubt it very much.

Short-term memory? Possible

Low brain capacity? Highly likely.

There are only a few types of people who change their mind several times within minutes:

· Little kids

· Teenagers

· Females in general

· Females particularly 4 days a month

· Females who are pregnant

· People suffering from Alzheimer’s

· Senile people

Make your pick but we sure as hell have no clever version here!

What makes matters worse for MirrorMan is the fact that many people can’t act as independent assholes anymore. They are affiliated assholes instead. That means, as a member of an affiliation you represent your house or coven in all your doings. More so if you are in a responsible position, regardless whether you deserve this position or got it for all the wrong reasons.

MirrorMan has purposely and intentionally downrated (and blocked) several members today, simply because they did not give him a –10-. Taking into consideration that he is an affiliated asshole he is leaving the impression that this is an approved standard method of his affiliation. He brings his affiliation into disrepute, as this behaviour comes across as one of its core values.

This is quite understandable because this is the only way to keep a great affiliation like mine at distance. And I can also understand why the fear of being surpassed by us is so immense. Jealousy is another factor because he knows he could never be a part of us.

I will not lower myself to his childish behaviour and downrate him now. That is too primitive for me. I have rated his web server waste once and my perception will not be influenced by personal indifferences.

I will not waste much time on this issue either. I know that I have been an important part of his life for the past year, and the centre of his pathetic existence in the past month. It’s satisfying as it is if someone feels threatened by me.

I also know that his limited mental capability will never enable him to achieve the slightest trace of decency. He is bound to be an online shit stirrer for the rest of his life. His life is so empty he has to create drama to have a little bit of action.

But I won’t be dragged into it. He’s been trying to make me look bad for as long as he’s a member but only succeeded in making himself look like a complete fool.

I will just continue to work hard for my coven. Well at least I have a coven I co-designed, co-built up and co-run.

I can already predict what is going to happen next:

· The Journal Nazis will grace my journal with their predominant offline appearances.

· They will call for a meeting and discuss the case and further steps.

· MirrorMan will write a journal entry as well and make himself a bit more pathetic once again

· MirrorMan will spend the night staring at my portfolio pictures whilst playing with his little wormling

Sociologically speaking, the British label these people as charvers. In their behaviour they are all the same and predictable:

· Their educational level is low to not applicable

· One person stirs shit then runs to his label companions for help to create an outnumbering situation as only possibility to fight a battle

· On their own they are cowards who wet their beds and pants.

On here you label them Dumbinar, a label they have well earned and carry with pride.

And this is exactly the part I like about this website. People like this make me feel so awesomely great about myself. It is a huge ego-boost.

Funny random fact: I actually got paid for writing this entry ;)"

Frankly, I find this downright offensive and totally uncalled for. I'm also surprised that such harrassment and slander has been allowed to continue for this long, but then, I've made no complaints, since it is garbage. But really, is it becoming of someone who claims to be 'respectable', to post such diatribe?

I think not.




21:10 May 16 2007
Times Read: 1,076

I see it now, the intent.

But it is of small consequence to who I am.

Few know me.

Even less have seen inside of me, tasted me.

Those few who have, have told me what they saw, felt.

So those who may presume, based upon what I write here, in VR and online in general, do only assume to know the whole story, from this short trailer (with obligatory deep booming voiceover, of course).





22:48 May 12 2007
Times Read: 1,113

It's on TV at the moment.

Up till now, the UK has Nil Point. LOL

I wonder why that is...

The war? Our negative European foreign policy? Refusal to join the Euro?

Or simply because the song was utter bollox?

edit: 12 points from Malta?





20:10 May 12 2007
Times Read: 1,125

Mini me keeps trying to edit stuff, like forum posts and polls...grr. grrr. lol




20:03 May 12 2007
Times Read: 1,128

The work has begun. The scouting party has made it's advance into The Sandbox...




Shameless self-promotion!

13:15 May 09 2007
Times Read: 1,221

I've been asked often about the job that I do...

Officially, I'm just a lowly 'IT Analyst'.

Funnily, at school, during careers interview, this is the role I said I wanted to have. I never doubted that I would. Computers like me.

But, the sctual work that I do, isn't really analysis...mostly because we have a staff of one. Me.

So, I end up doing all sorts, from filling up the printers with paper and ordering toner, to installing and configuring a cluster.

Clusters are not a great deal of fun, especially when they don't work correctly on the first shot.

Currently, I administer 6 LANs over leased line VPNs to form a global WAN across five countries, with 6 domain controllers, 6 exchange servers, 2 clusters, 15 other member servers of varying applications, associated firewalls, proxies, AD accounts, Group Policies, several hundred users and their desktops, laptops and home VPN's.

Next to this, I perform all office moves, including yesterday, moving our entire training facility two floors down, which has 15 desktops, switches cabling and even the desks themselves.

I spend most of my life under a desk (ha! get out of the gutter. lol), or behind a server rack.

My back is in severe pain in any case, but when I finish, I feel like I've been lifting weights without a belt. My hands are covered in scratches and cuts. I have to shower twice a day to get rid of the dust and dirt.

I also have to provide front line, first point of contact user support for more than a hundred people in our UK office.

And I have to sort out low level purchasing...

Over the next week, I have to install 7 new servers for a banking application, as well as a SAN.

The SAN will not be fun. Apart from the fact that I can hardly lift it on my own, I'm not pleased at having $100,000 wirth of kit under my hand of responsibility.

It's been bad enough trying to get a DOA server replaced. If this thing is busted, I will not be a happy chappy. Nor will my boss, who just happens to be the IT Director.

What I'm annoyed about, is that they want me to sign a guarantee that I will pay back any external training costs to the company if I leave within a year of having that training. And I have no development plan, nor had any appraisals, targets set, nor even the glimmer of a pay rise.

Considering the work I do which is outside of my job spec (I forgot to mention software testing and deployment), I am not sure that I've really got a long term future with this place.

Sooo...anyone in America want to hire me? I'll work for as little as edit: $50k a year. lol





12:59 May 09 2007
Times Read: 1,224

It seems that I have a new motivation to help me work out...


A little competition never hurts.

But damn, those are big shoulders.

Time for push ups. Heh.




22:36 May 07 2007
Times Read: 1,251

In holding to my oath and principles, I turn the other cheek, so that it too may be struck with such spite.

And in doing so, am I any more harmed than if I tore my own morals down and trod upon them, as I am provoked to do?

Existence is suffering and as masochistic as I am, I care little for the aches and pains which I suffer here in physicality, because in my heart, I know love and sorrow and love again.

Those who would seek to strike me, can never know the joy which I have felt, even in my sadness.

And once time is at an end, perhaps we will meet in a place of together and there, we will know who is laughing, at the last.




*munches popcorn*

00:04 May 02 2007
Times Read: 1,315

They couldn't write a movie better than this stuff.




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