I've just seen this show for the first time. It is too damn funny. I nearly wet myself with laughter. lol
I just calculated that about 58% of the membership have profiles at a level which can be auto-deleted for inactivity...
With 100+ new members a day, I wonder if this is a trend. Whether people are just deleting profiles to come back as a new 'person'?
Or if people really do join, get bored and leave...
A company called ACT, in Rotterdam, have been treating human beings with stem cells intended specifically for medical research only.
Obtained from companies in the US, they have used thousands in treatments of children.
One of the people who sold the stems cells, said "Has anybody died?" As his first response to being told they were being used in this way.
Fucking sick.
I must give off the internet equivalent.
I make one post in the vamp box. It goes from 'bored' and 'nuthin much'... To spankings.
what the hell?
Is it really me? Or am I just paranoid and self involved enough to think it is...
I think I made Daire laugh.
Or at least smile.
Woo! Go me!
Damn fish.
They suck.
They really do, some on the side of the glass- like the mynocks from Empire...
I like these movies.
I like them lots.
But then, I do like needles...
One of my big things that gets me going. A big stainless steel needle..
Is that odd?
"No, Tony, you can't fuck the future, the future fucks you."
Only one person knows almost everything about me. My real name, my address (previous now), all about my family and my beliefs.
I'm trying to get to know more about people I trust here and in turn, open myself up. I never really considered myself that closed, probably because of the openness I shared with a few.
Somebody told me that they found me hard to get to know. It's not intentional, just habit. I've been online fighting with real nasty people for a long time. And thats not to say that I enjoy it, not all the time, but something urges me to try and convince people of a more reasonable approach to life.
Sometimes, I get aggressive. I'm sorry about that, it was unexpected, but as a result of other things not related to VR. It may even be construed as an abuse of power by some. Though I'm not sure what it is that I'm doing incorrectly///
Now that was a trilogy that did amuse me greatly.
Part II is on TV in a little while. I probably will watch it.
That or Star Wars.
Ok, maybe Emprire Strikes Back.
Definetly Empire...
What was I thinking. Sheesh.
*goes to watch an actual video tape*
(none of your jazzy extra bits for me)
It's not always hard to find something to laugh about.
But it is always hard to stop from feeling that there is something to be sad for.
Everywhere we turn is a suffering of sorts. Such if life really...
But it's not possible to present that happy front all of the time, especially in the face of adversity. I don't know how some people manage it. Finding humour in the most appaling of times.
I want to be happy. I used to be happy a lot more often than I am today. The yummy brings me broad grins, but the fading glow of such joy is not always able to clear away the negative feelings.
There were people whom I talked to a lot more often than I do now. I don't even know why we stopped talking, some of us. But I guess I can't be friends with one and not the other. Or maybe I am deserving of this cold shoulder, since I've commited some kind of crime...
Maybe I wasn't all that some expected and maybe I am an ass and a bore, but even when I'm upset, I'm still me. Seems that isn't enough for some. Perhaps I need to seperate online from the real a little more robustly.
Trust has always been extended by me first, but in light of the last few months, it's not going to be given any longer. I know who I can depend on to be there for me. And I hope that when the time comes, they can come to depend upon me also.
Thank you, to my friends.
I drew it using Apophysis fractal generator.
It didn't generate this though. It is actually possible to draw with fractals. I only found this out a few weeks ago. Pretty groovy.
"Can ye' tell what it is yet?!"
You really are dredging the bottom of the intellectual bucket, you know.
Get out of my face or I'm going to tear yours off. This is your only warning.
Apparently, Alfred Gockel should paint me...
Umm, yeah.
Someone has accused me of being OTT on the forum.
But then, they don't know how many posts are deleted on a daily basis, or moved.
And they don't realise how many people disgaree with the way the forum is moderated in general.
They probably also are unaware that certain individuals and groups frequent VR, with the explicit purpose of undermining the forum and those who operate in it.
I know, however and I'll keep shoveling the shit as fast as they post it.
What is really disappointing though, is the attitude of some, whom I would have expected to have found building VR into something respected and of worth, rather than allowing it to devolve into banality and a BS drama zone.
Which of you is willing to step up to the plate and risk your necks?
Well, what can I say but that it sucks sweaty donkey balls.
Alright, I have the Beta build, but forking hell is it buggy.
Apart from more than 50% of all my apps and games not working, for neither love nor bashing it hard, it has IE7 built in, also Beta version.
What. a. Piece. of. Shit.
Or a bag full of crap.
Whichever... it's so poo, I'd likely rather push my own face through my screen, than continue to use it.
I can't even describe the mess it makes of some sites...
I am volatile today.
And the forseeable future.
Severe negative vibes warning.
I'm not a happy bunny.
And yet I still try to make light. Sorry, stupid ass me.
My grandfather is dead.
This has significance on me for numerous reasons.
Not least because I last saw him fifteen years ago.
He was cremated and his ashes scattered last week. I only found out that he was dead today. On a stupid fucking 'teambuilding' day at work. Great timing. I have to face forty plus of my new workmates in a state of mind barely capable of thought.
Then the guilt struck. Oh my. Followed quickly by a river of remorse, with undercurrents of rage.
"Elvis has left the building."
I've got the beta version of Vista installed now. and using firefox, even though I've not yet found the option to remove IE. Which makes me wonder if I can...
quite groovy.
The first thing that I did was set the display back to windows classic. How very anal.
It's pretty with the new bells and whistles, but I can't be doing with relearning how my system operates. I want appz I had this morning and docs I put in a certain place for a reason, to still be where they were before.
Call me old fashioned. Bleh.
Dave Gorman. Funny Guy. He searched the world for every other person called 'Dave Gorman' that he could find.
Quite a few. I think about twenty-six.
So, he challenged others to do the same.
And I did.
Guess how many...
My own father.
Do I feel special...aahhh, speshal.
So, is it a chance to stop before it's too late, or just a lulling into a false sense of security.
The man is blind and writes and produces some of the greatest funky tunes ever.
The song on my profile speaks volumes about me, my character and current state of my life and outlook.
Funkin love Stevie.
"Mars returns! the red planet is going to be as close the earth as our own moon to the 27 of aug. be careful mars is the planet refered by the romans as the god of war. this approach by mars has never been recorded by historians. only in our oldest documents has a reffrence to this event. this could be cool to see but it could be bad. this could make the gravity on earth change for a brief period of time. the effects are unknown. our documents only tell of the planet's approach not the effects. just whatever you do dont miss this event so tell everyone!!!!!!"
Actually, this is what is going to happen.
Sensationalist attention whore. And a nutter.
Lemon scented flash spray cleaner.
That squirts lemon in yer eye.
I'm gonna use it on your filth.
Someone updated their profile and swished it up a bit and asked me to come back and rate again, with a polite message.
I'm impressed, since I rated it a seven. The changes made me feel like giving a nine. It's cool. It feels almost as though someone took my genuine opinion of their page and made the effort to improve the layout and style. It does look really good, imo.
I know this post will make me look like a pretentious ass, but I wanted to say thank you to this lady and wish her well.
Thank you.
A person can be pushed just once too often before they react.
The sandbox is so full of the literary equivalent of cat shit, that it deserves the nickname of 'litter tray'.
Why can't I find peace and comfort?
Am I so vilified that I deserve such treatment?
Perhaps my words are false to those ears of vengeful appetitte, but really, who is the one speaking falsely of who they are?
I have never attempted to be anyone other than myself. I don't make second and third and more profiles to purposely seek to spite others with my words and ratings.
Nor do I pretend to be another elsewhere on the net. I use two nicks, the one here n VR, which I also use in other forums discussing subjects such as this one and then, there is please stop the madness. Which is mainly for chat, but is my nick from the politics forums I used to frequent (and now do once more).
So it riles me when I read the so obviously fake profiles, the words imbued with the writing style and distinctive resonant energy signature of the individual. It amuses me that I would be thought deceived so easily. But mostly, it disappoints me that those of such obvious intellect would stoop to such a base level of attempted manipulation.
In honesty, I have more pressing matters which concern me more urgently than petty online shoolyard games ever could and as a result, the impact of those backstabbings is less felt, since only those who truly know and trust in who I am, will care to stay in my company.
Anyone else who feels me unworthy of their grace, can believe whatever they like, since it affects not who I am, but how they see me, which is not my loss, as anyone capable of such betrayal, is unworthy of my own time and effort in any case.
I trust in my friends, those who have ever been honest and true.
With thanks to the Lurk Master. The Armageddon Flowchart
*looks around for his comrades*
I see...
I wondered why my back was hurting.
Why did I ever hope that I would be welcome.
Clever- Very clever.
It seems I may have to up my game.
I see that the VR wheel of gloomy doom, with spikes and nasty stickyness, still turns its shlurpy way around the journals of mysterious mysteries of destructive poo cheese bum sporks- inna bun.
I'm in the middle of watching a program on UK channel 4.
It's about two families, one of which has mother who has preconcieved ideas about psychic abilities, the other, a mother who has no understanding at all.
Very interesting stuff.
It starts with a discussion about 'Indigo Children'. I've only read a little on VR about this idea.
It does concern me though, that one mother always seems to try and influence the thoughts which her child conceives, yet the other looks genuinely confused and a little frightened.
And as a result, the one child cannot seem to take the idea seriously, yet the other ask questions of her son, where he answers with alarming directness and without any consideration of ego.
It's freaking me out a bit, this little boy of seven, who just describes things with ease, things which most adults would find hard to create as a fiction.
One of the cool bits, was where they measured the electrical brain activity of the boy, showing up unusual patterns. He's then sent to a neurologist with a virtual dictionary after her name.
The child who has the mother who beleives in psychic powers, has dropped into a semi-religious experiencing of her healing powers, like those evangelists on TV.
As a side note, the mother of this girl who supposedly has healing abilities, has died her hair purple. The other mother of the boy, looks like any average person that you pick off the street,
It ended with the mother of the boy still not being able to comprehend and the mother of the girl proudly exclaiming her daughters 'talent'.
Very odd concept this, the indigo children. I'm still somewhat skeptical and more than a little wary, of adults attempting to convince children to 'awaken' at such a young (pre-teen) age.
I realise that not every parent does this, the mother of the boy being the prime example, but I also wonder at the ethics of implying one's chosen belief system upon a malleable mind, incapable of fully appreciating the nuances of the information being imparted to them.
Amusingly, my housemate is currently reading the intro page at metagifted.org and laughing her arse off.
Not because she finds it ridiculous, but because with every line she reads, she finds it describing myself more and more. And this is her first real consideration that I might be considered one of these children...
I figured this out a while back, but it's cool to see my friend so amused by this realisation.
I'd always wished to discuss this, but felt far too emabarassed to state what I felt, in the thread we had on VR a while back.
Maybe this will open up her mind to some of my more out there ideas...
*grins evilly*
I'm a gorgeous slut who wants to fuck every day!
Perhaps a quiz thingy has never been more accurate...
Stolen From Khayman (Sahariah, but yeah)
Pick the first Letter of Your first Name
A- Fabulous
P- amazingg
T- Very Sexy
Now the third letter in your middle name(if you dont have one use your last name):
A-beauty queen
B- skank
E- God (ess)
G-Queen/ King
L-sex god
M-Sex machine
S-Prince (ess)
U-Cry Baby
Now What Color Is the Shirt You Are Wearing:
Red- Who's Good With My Hands
purple- Who Looks At Porn 24/7
Orange- Who Likes It In The Butt
Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You
Green- Who will do anything for Sex
Pink- Who Will Do Anything For Crack
blue- Who wants to fuck everyday
White- Who everyone wants to fuck
Brown- Who Wears Big Sunglasses
Black- Who will rock your world
Gray- who gives great head
None-who is a beast in bed
So I realise that I've upset some people. It matters little towards my current life goals.
But what does matter, are the few individuals who have become upset with me over private matters.
I'm not entirely sure why I get the cold shoulder from some now, but I have my suspicions. I guess people will believe rumour and backstabbing, but thats ok too, since I have my own life to get on with.
It is sad however, that even though I can be a bit pretentious, I'm not intending it to come across that way.
I wonder if people find my posts to be little more than bullshit... But if not, why do I rarely receive a meaningful response?
That saddens me more than most things- that I try to understand, to learn and help others along my way, but to be largely frozen out by those in a position to provide deeper insight.
No matter- I made my own bed and though it's damn uncomfortable, I'll stay in it till I'm dragged out.
Funny how a person can go from being wanted by many for saying all the right things, to being ignored for expressing whats on their mind, the truth and for questioning dogma.
A few weeks ago, I went out clubbing...
When was taking a bit of a time out from dancing, I was speaking to few people who had made the effort to dress appropriately (I hadn't).
While I was introducing myself, one of their number had this scowl and started growling a low rumble, head tilted forward and long dirty blonde hair draped over his face.
So, I turned to him and said "Hey dude, are you alright?"
To which he responded, "Oh, yes, I'm fine."
In complete contrast to the attitude which he was presenting- probably because I was talking to his girlfriend or something, perhaps invading terrirtory, who knows.
But it was strange how he first tried intimidation, but when confronted with measured calm, resorted to deceit, in order to avoid the direct offensiveness of explaining his position.
Curiously, this led me to consider another time, five or six years ago now, when I was talking to my friend about how her college and life was going.
She had a hard time at home with her father and as a result, her approach to communicating with people was often muted, without eye contact and barely expressive.
During this conversation, I directed some focus towards her, energy if you will, but softness of grasping her full attention. Bringing up the eyes without a physical movement towards her, since I'd seen the flinches previously when people attempted body contact.
My friend is aware of energies and metephysical ideas of psionics and we are comfortable in knowing one another well enough, so I pressed a little more in drawing up her flow, where she made eye contact and spoke to me in a 'normal' tone.
Before this, she was all "I'm fine." But afterwards, she explained more of the current situation which she was enduring. This was not to gain pity, nor for my pleasure of gaining secrets, but for both of us to discuss it maturely.
Since then, much has happened, but she moved out of home, took out her dreads and got herself a job that pays enough. And we are still friends, though our lives mean that we see little of one another.
It is funny how people avoid facing the truth in favour of a little lie which makes them feel better. I fnd myself doing it. Just so I can avoid confronting my own truths.
I sometimes wish that I had the written form of teurrets syndrome that many people seem to revel in.
I can't even spell it, but I wish I could lower my expressions to base insults against the person. It would be so much easier than reason.
I've been in conversation with an Isreal guy, who likes to metaphorically stick his fingers in his ears and yell when the points drive a little too deep.
Lot's of people take that kind of attitude. I've done it myself, but usually when people are talking about rubbish, or describing weird perversions.
I did notice the sudden jump in my journal viewing stats when I posted some harshly worded responses to certain issues within VR.
It is amazing how gossip and drama create good viewing. I guess that this is why soap opera's are so popular...
I've been mixing it up a bit, but really, I only have one priority for this site, which is fulfilling the responsibility invested in me.
I don't have an opinon or a barest glimpse of many topics, but I like to read new ideas, so I just try and keep the responses to the civil, the useful and the thoughtful.
I was never really upset over what happened with my becoming a Dominar here. I found it a little amusing and quite flattering actually. I know this will only make sense to a few, but I'm really glad to have shown my hand in remaining on the VR forum, despite it's difficulties at times.
But VR isn't as inclusive as it seems, nor as it once was. Probably this could be a direct result of the House and Coven system, but it's not only that. BS has played a large part in closing up peoples walls, creating fear and mistrust where perhaps a benefit of the doubt once stood.
I find that hard to bear, since I knew a time when the forum was a place of meaningful expression, rather than the personality questions and word association (freakishly called chat), threads which now reign.
It is unfortunate that the forum design allows for the quick cycling of threads to the front page, often burying the half-decent conversations in a mire of pointlessness.
But even so, I don't think that private House forums are to blame either, since I see a number of La Bella Oscuridad members participating regularly and with insightful words.
I am proud to know such people of DarknessBound's House, herself not least of which. And it is a clear sign of stability that we have kept many of the same members as freinds from before the House existed.
I saw the Nocturnal Retribution trawler thread. Very interesting proposal in response to dwindling numbers. It seems to me as though some Houses will use a rod and line to catch some of the bigger and more exquisite individuals, whereas others use this great big net that catches everything, before seperating the best from the rest.
And this is no great criticism, but only an observation of the different ways in which different people work. The Covens have some odd ways, by my reckoning, for example.
Well, well, well.
I bumped into some old friends the other day. Old in comparitive terms online.
They have a yahoo group, which I promptly joined. I'm pleased. I thought them all lost in the ether forever, but it really is a small world online nowadays.
This ought to be interesting.
Perhaps I might convince one or two to join up...I've only ever had one referral...lol
And a wonderful person that one is and always will be.
My journal has been cleared out. This is for no reason other than I felt it needed a change.
I've been posting snippets of info on the war, but have been lax of recent days.
There is a logical reason for this- I've been posting it elsewhere.
I think that some of my opinions do upset some, but this is not intentional, merely my point of view.
I am willing to discuss these topics, should anyone disagree.
But rarely do I receive a message on anything so confrontational as the politics of war. I understand this is not for many people to actively deal with. It's a shit topic, but it's also an important one.
This war will change all our lives forever, no matter whether we face it or not.
It's changed mine already. Well, it changed mine years ago, since it's never really stopped. since the second world war, we've had little peace.
So, I've taken my aggression out elsewhere, in places where it can be more widely felt by those supporting this 'neo-crusader' policy.
It's been fun, in a masochistic kind of way. To see the fervanty religious, pro-war lobby bringing out all best qualities of me.
I am sorry Miz, I mistook your sarcasm for something less funny. There are many out there who make light of such things as I have described in my journals and they have no humour, no wit and little care for morality.
I've never stalked anyone before.
I've started with the ones closest.