My Tai Chi Sivu has this thing about meals. we have a get together and he asks each of us to bring a dish, which we have to prepare ourselves, all with fresh ingredients.
Most of the class bring in dry foods, like brown rices and nuts, some fruit dishes, but usually, again, you guessed it, dried.
I don't like all that stuff. Does my teeth in. And lets be frank, it's not terribly appetizing. for me, at least.
So I cooked up some pasta. It has to be vegetarian too, by the way. Not sure why. I think so everypne can try it, since half the class are veggie. If only they knew...
But anyway, I added sweetcorn niblets, some chopped pepper and onion and made it a little spicy. Some chopped tomatos as well.
When I got to clas and put them all down, the blindingly obvious struck me. In among all the grey and brown, the occassional flash of colour, mostly from the bowls, was my primary colours, in a clear bowl, plonked there and looking like a clown.
But now I look back on that and if I care to wonder about the psychology of it, I might be forgiven to think that it stood out from the rest, but while being brightly attractive, it contained a hidden kick, but like a sweet chilli does.
Somehow, it does seem to fit me.