Maybe sanity is simply being able to live life simply as a drone ant in an ant colony. The lack of love or paassion for anything aside from your job, home or something imaginary like a TV show. Perhaps the endless flock of sheep flowing to and from their "important" jobs are so involved in their own minds that they fail to see the reality around them. Thus they are sane. What happens when a sheep is distracted by love? A door in their reality opens and they exit sanity to never be able to return again? Is it sane to consume poison until one starts to wobble and throw up believing this is an enjoyable experiance. What is sanity? Thus if the idea is unknown to an individual is that one "insane, unsane, or merely unsanity?"
Have you ever wondered why you just didn't fit in? No matter where or how, almost as if time had passed you by and now you are obsolete. As if you have sold your life for a roof over your head, a TV, and enough to eat? Why does it seem to never end. And even when a light can finally be seen thru the darkness, why does it have to be so far away, and behind so many obstacles?