RogueStrigoiVii's Journal


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27 entries this month

19:24 Jan 31 2021
Times Read: 300

Happy birthday DeviantSpirit.



20:24 Jan 31 2021

Thank you hun


04:56 Jan 30 2021
Times Read: 322

My work is now covid free. Great news and I can relax.




19:21 Jan 28 2021
Times Read: 352

A sigil is a symbol that's used in magik. It can be used to changed a situation or give you protection.




20:30 Jan 27 2021
Times Read: 368

No matter what your differences are, you have to embrace them and be proud of the way you are.” - Jazz Jennings




07:23 Jan 27 2021
Times Read: 380

"The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique."
Walt Disney




20:26 Jan 26 2021
Times Read: 394

Welcome back to Plastic Surgery Anonymous. Nice to see so many new faces here today.




21:15 Jan 22 2021
Times Read: 420

Why I am Rogue. 1. I hate rules(unless it makes sense) 2. I hate rituals unless it makes me comfortable. 3. Being forced to like those you don't like. 4. Not being to give healthy criticism to a leader.



03:40 Jan 23 2021

These are all good points. I agree with 1, 3 and 4 especially.


20:17 Jan 21 2021
Times Read: 439

Corrupted leaders playing the fiddle
Letting their actions diddle.

Control is what the leader's admire
flames of hatred spreading like wild fire
Brainwashing division is their game play
Humans lives is their gourmet
Enjoying the taste of those they hurt
War is their dessert
Soon their home
Will burn down like old Rome.




07:26 Jan 20 2021
Times Read: 457

Mmm.what to write. What's everyone favorite band?



18:41 Jan 21 2021

Immortal - For the Great guitar riffs, imaginary concepts, and sense of humour, Check out their Album. Titled At the heart of winter, if you enjoy good heavy metal.


21:03 Jan 17 2021
Times Read: 472

Uncovering Past Lives—or Alternate Lifetimes

Let’s say you didn’t come here for a lecture on quantum physics. Let’s say we’re going to an alternate reality: Time is malleable. The past, present, and future coexist in a single moment. Reincarnation is a possibility. And this present life might be a blip in a constellation of lives that compose your soul’s identity.
This theory cannot be proven. It cannot be disproven.
But firsthand accounts suggest that even acknowledging a past version of yourself—fantasy or not—can be deeply cathartic. And that unearthing these hidden identities can dismantle your working draft titled: Why I Do the Things I Do.
Medium and Reiki teacher Caitlin Marino says there are two ways to crack open the book of life and start skipping around the chapters. The first is past-life regression therapy: a form of deep hypnosis that seduces your brain into a trancelike state, to prompt you to recall memories buried deep in your subconscious. The other, which Marino prefers, is an Akashic records reading.

Caitlin Marino

How would you define a past life?

I prefer the term “alternate lifetime” to refer to past lives. Time and space cease to exist when you begin exploring psychic dimensions. Instead, we perceive multiple dimensions of reality where all versions of ourselves are happening simultaneously. From this perspective, our existence is not linear—we do not disperse our identity on a timeline that starts at birth and ends at death. Our souls have cyclical lives, like an infinity sign that folds over itself. But there is a place in everybody’s energy field called the Akashic records, holding their entire soul’s history—past, present, future, parallel. And through these records, we are able to access any moment in a soul’s journey.

How can our past lives help us heal the soul?

I use the Akashic records in my healing work to remove past lives that may carry lower vibrations, imprints, and stuck energy that are inhibiting a soul’s evolution. A past-life wound may show up as a karmic illness, which is caused by energy left over from another lifetime that is present now to balance or complete karma for an individual. When used as an opportunity for metamorphosis, karmic illness has the potential to change a person’s path in life for their greatest benefit. I use past lives to help create context and resolution through self-awareness. The simple act of acknowledging a past life through a reading has the potential to alleviate karma. Any time our consciousness expands in this way, we increase our potential for evolution.

Is it possible to research our past lives?

I know of people who have. You can get really specific with names, dates of birth, and locations. This usually happens if one of your past lives was fairly recent.

How many past lives is it possible to have?

I don’t see any limitation to it. Since everything is happening simultaneously, I don’t know if counting them is even an effective way to measure this. I believe there are infinite possibilities when it comes to measuring past lives.

Is it healthy to learn about all of your past lives?

I don’t feel it’s necessary to learn about all of your past lives. It can become detrimental to dwell on alternate existences because we are meant to be present and working to obtain our highest blueprint for this lifetime. I don’t believe it’s healthy to get distracted or attached to alternate lifetimes. It’s important to extract the information that is relevant to the present lifetime and use that to move forward with your purpose in this lifetime.

Who decides which of our past lives we learn about?

Our lives show us what we need to learn and when. When we become stuck and feel uncomfortable with where we are, then it is time for a shift. We decide what lessons we learn in this lifetime before we incarnate. We have a plan for the lessons we want to learn for our soul’s evolution. Your life will show you when these lifetimes are relevant, and they come up to help you evolve past a block or a pattern of stuck energy.

How can we reconnect with our past lives?

Every moment of your soul’s existence is contained within the Akashic records of your soul’s energy field. It can be located with clear intention to access these alternate lifetimes. There are books that can teach this process and classes are available. I recommend How to Read the Akashic Records by Linda Howe. You can also find a practitioner to read your records.
I have no personal experience with past-life regressions—a different method. An Akashic record reading allows one to read the energy of another lifetime without having to relive any trauma. The less attached we are to the reading, the better we can maintain a healthy energetic boundary and remain present and grounded.

How can you trust that the information you receive about past lives is more than a fantasy?

I always set a clear intention, and I ask for divine guidance before I start the reading. And once that is complete, it is about getting out of your own way. The ego will want to censor or edit information that comes through, but I’ve learned over the years that the details that don’t make any sense to me are those that impact my clients most profoundly.

Is it possible for a past life or a parallel life to influence our current life? How?

Yes. This is the nature of the universe. Everything is connected, and everything is occurring simultaneously. Your present life can also influence your past life or alternate life for the exact same reason: Everything is occurring simultaneously. That is why it is important to be present and conscious about the decisions you’re making and how you are making them. Otherwise you could be creating karma for yourself in other existences. In any given moment, you have the choice to live from a higher vibration, to evolve in some way. Opportunities are always showing up in the present moment for you to choose a higher vibration and learn your lesson. If we choose to resist, we make problems for ourselves because we’re just not evolving as we should be.

Caitlin Marino is an intuitive, a medium, and a certified Usui Tibetan Reiki Master. Marino primarily works over the phone, creating customized distant energy sessions for clients all over the world."





00:58 Jan 17 2021
Times Read: 482

White paint and yellow coat
Balloons and rootbeer float
Riding in a bannana shaped boat

Clowns clowns clowns
Ohhhh ohhh
Clowns n clowns n clowns
Ohhhh ohhhh

Some are friendly some even homicidal
Some will go the extra mile
To give you a smile

Clowns clowns clowns
Ohhhh ohhh
Clowns n clowns n clowns
Ohhhh ohhhh

Laughter from a far
In their tiny bity car
Driving to the bar

Clowns clowns clowns
Ohhhh ohhh
Clowns n clowns n clowns
Ohhhh ohhhh

Some friendly and sincere
Some radical and some just bring out fear
Some just float down here.

Clowns clowns clowns
Ohhhh ohhh
Clowns n clowns n clowns
Ohhhh ohhhh




07:22 Jan 16 2021
Times Read: 496

Hell a delightful place. Make sure to wear tank tops or bikinis before arriving, its known to get hot.




07:24 Jan 15 2021
Times Read: 518

Party Girl

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.





20:16 Jan 14 2021
Times Read: 530



07:22 Jan 14 2021
Times Read: 547

"Shapeshifters are not just the stuff of science fiction, though. We have them right here on earth. Some are innocuous, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. But there’s another shapeshifter that’s responsible for more than 400,000 deaths every year. I’m talking about the group of microscopic parasites that cause malaria."





20:26 Jan 13 2021
Times Read: 568

Many centuries
And Ancients histories
Unlocks a puzzle to all life's mysteries



21:24 Jan 13 2021

When you figure out let me know


20:56 Jan 10 2021
Times Read: 610

Hoodoo fruit meanings......

Cranberries; domination.
Watermellon; healing.
Apple; love.
Lime; money.
Pomegranate; power.
Blueberries; protection.
Grapes; lust.
Orange; success




21:28 Jan 08 2021
Times Read: 655

One Is The Loneliest Number - Three Dog Night (Lyrics)Dedicated to TheNameGame



00:37 Jan 09 2021

Thanks Puddin'


19:28 Jan 08 2021
Times Read: 660

I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”
—Michael Scott (Steve Carrell), The Office




19:56 Jan 07 2021
Times Read: 688

Wow! Just watch the news. That's all I got to say. Riot 2021.




19:37 Jan 06 2021
Times Read: 710

"I'm seriously the nicest and meanest person you will ever meet. Now fck off and have a great day."




07:52 Jan 06 2021
Times Read: 737

I'm getting a new kitten this coming Friday. His name is Rodger.




18:58 Jan 05 2021
Times Read: 764

Blutengel - Cry little Sister




20:37 Jan 04 2021
Times Read: 794

Funny picture

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.




03:48 Jan 03 2021
Times Read: 807

In the land of broken hearts
And shooting darts
Love and empty shopping carts
Hearts Running

Promises like broken mirrors
Pirated soul and steerers.
Hearts Running

Aboard the first train
In the storm and rain
Trying to avoid the pain
Hearts Running

A new replacement
Inside the locked basement
Hearts Running

A new person a new smile
On speed dial
Hearts Running

Replacements for sale
A priates tale.
Hard to move on

Hearts running..




20:19 Jan 02 2021
Times Read: 830


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



20:35 Jan 02 2021


20:54 Jan 02 2021



01:20 Jan 02 2021
Times Read: 843

Humanity is so sad. Today I saw a skinny women eating out of the trash. Everyone around here, ignored her. Typical human behavior. One reason I don't care for people.



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