RiotGirl69's Journal


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A Test of Friendship

21:28 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 464

Ayame was dressed in an all black ninja outfit with a black headband tied around her forehead, she had short light purple hair, icy light blue eyes and was carrying a single kunai with a small light purple ribbon wrapped around the handle. She’s 6 years old. “I think that’s enough training for today…” She started walking home.

Hanabi was dressed in a dark purple ninja outfit, she had long black hair and sharp purple eyes. She’s 6 years old. She was fighting off assassins, she thought to herself. {I can’t let them destroy the Kyuga House! Even if I die protecting it!} She turned to her older brother. “Brother one of us must leave to go get help, you go and find father and the others I’ll do my best to hold them off!”

Hakaku was dressed in all black with a black headband tied around his forehead, his long black hair in a ponytail with his grayish green eyes. He’s 16 years old. He was slashing his enemies with his sword. “No Hanabi! I am the oldest and I will last longer by myself with them than you, you go. If something were to happen to you I would never be able to face father again!”

Hanabi “But you’ll die if you face them alone!”

Hakaku” So would you, now go!”

Hanabi” But…”

Hakaku shouted. “Go!!”

Hanabi ran off and started looking for the other members of her clan. “Father! Where are you?!”

Her father along with the other members of their clan were gathered in the center of the village discussing with the village leaders.

Hanabi’s father turned. “Hanabi? What is it, we’re discussing important matters.”

Hanabi stopped panting. “Our clan’s house is under attack, and the only one there to protect it is Hakaku… We must hurry he can’t hold them off on his own for long.”

Hanabi’s father” Alright Hanabi you did good for telling me, everyone we must defend our clan’s house, hurry to battle!” He lead the clan on the attack.

Hakaku was bleeding badly but still was trying to hold them off.

The assassins didn’t do any damage to the house yet; they were too preoccupied attacking Hakaku.

An Assassin knocked Hakaku to the ground and stabbed a sword into his shoulder. “Tell me where the leader of your clan is and I’ll let you live!”

Hakaku groaned. “I’ll never tell you…”

The Assassin took out the sword. “Then die…” He was about to stab him in the chest.

Hanabi’s father threw a shudiken knocking the sword from his hand. “Don’t you dare touch my son!”

The Assassin looked at him. “Who do you think you are you snot nose bastard?! We’re here for the leader of the Kyuga clan, unless that’s you, get lost!”

Hanabi’s father” That is me, I am Ryu Kyuga the leader of the Kyuga clan. What could you possibly want?!”

The Assassin turned.” Ah… In that case…” He appeared next to him. “We have been sent to assassinate the leader of the Kyuga clan, and since that’s you prepare to die!” The assassin took out a kunai and tried to stab him in the throat.

Ryu disappeared then reappeared behind him.” Don’t be so hasty…” Ryu had him in a head lock. “Who sent you?”

The Assassin laughed.” You think it’s that easy?” He disappeared in a puff of black smoke. “This is only the beginning…”

All of the other assassins disappeared as well.

Another member of the clan walked over to Ryu.”What shall we do?”

Ryu”I don’t know, but for now we must take care of my injured children. Brother, tell your son Neji to watch over Hanabi, he will be her bodyguard until we know that they will no longer be threatened.

Ryu’s brother nodded his head. “Neji, you heard him, watch over your cousin until we make sure that those assassins no longer pose a threat.”

Neji was dressed in a blue ninja outfit, with his long black hair down. He’s 9 years old. “Yes father…” He went to Hanabi’s side.

Ryu” Kuruni, take these two to a secluded area, and watch over them. I will send for you when it’s safe.”

Kuruni was dressed in a green, black and white kimono, with her long black hair flowing in the breeze and her dull green eyes staring into Ryu’s eyes. She nodded.”Yes…” She turned to Hanabi. “Will you be able to jump through the trees?”

Hanabi was hurting badly, and could barely stand.”Y-yes, n-not a problem…”

Neji” I can but she is too injured.”

Hanabi” Don’t talk nonsense Neji, I’m fine. I can do it.” She fell down but caught herself.

They both ran to her side.

Neji” No you can’t!”

Kuruni” I’ll just have to carry you on my back…” She pulled Hanabi onto her back.” Hang on tight.” Kuruni turned and looked at Neji.” Let’s go!”

They both started jumping through the thick trees on their way to a small cabin in the forest.

Ryu” Now Siya get Hakaku to the village hospital, Raygen and Suzuki will help you carry him.”

They all 3 nodded their heads.

Raygen and Suzuki lifted Hakaku and followed Siya to the hospital.

Hakaku groaned.

Raygen carrying Hakaku.” Don’t worry young master, we’ll get you to the hospital soon.”

Ryu turned to the other members of his clan.” Everyone else we must find out who’s behind this and why they want to destroy me…”

Man” But master, you should be in protective custody not going after these no good bastards!”

Ryu” They’re out to destroy my clan, I must worry about the others, not just myself.”

Next day -

Ryu left with almost every man from his clan to Dracon the Land of Shadows were the assassins first came from. “We will destroy the enemy no matter what the cost!”

Kyo the 2nd Lord (leader of the village)walked over to them with the 1st and 3rd Lords. “We cannot allow you to do this Ryu, if you go and start this war you will give them the idea that the entire village is involved.”

Reuk the 3rd Lord” Even if you do win, you will not be allowed to reenter the village.”

Man” That isn’t right! We’re defending our clan, not to mention that they could also be a threat to the village!”

Ryu” Hush Han! You will not strike such a tone with the village leaders!”

Naga the 1st Lord” Is there nothing I can say to convince you to stay?”

Ryu” I’m afraid not my lord…”

Reuk” This is madness! You’ll be leaving the rest of your clan behind!”

Ryu” But I will also be saving the rest of my clan.”

Reuk” I am demanding that you stay!”

Naga” That’s enough Reuk!” Looked into Ryu’s eyes. “It can’t be helped, his mind will not change no matter what the cost.”

Kyo looked at the guards then said calmly.” Let them pass.”

The guards moved as Ryu and his men moved onward.

Reuk” How could you just let them pass?!”

Naga” You are the newest of the Lords and have not yet gotten the chance to come across a situation where you can only use sympathetic words that might not even make a difference, this is one of those situations.”

Reuk” But…”

Kyo” A true leader will do whatever it takes to protect his people, and that is exactly what he is doing.”

Naga” He is a true leader, I just wish that one day I become as great a leader as him..”

Reuk” If he’s so great than why isn’t he a Lord?”

Kyo” Because he declined our offer, the reason why is, however, unclear.” He walked off along with Naga.

9 years later -

Hanabi is 15 years old, wearing a dark purple shirt with a long tan jacket and a tight black skirt. She was looking up at the sky thinking of her father.

Ayame is 15 years old, wearing a short black shirt that showed her belly button and black pants with a purple headband tied around her forehead. She was running toward Hanabi.

Hanabi closed her eyes as the wind blew threw her long black hair.

Ayame finally got to her, she ran then stopped out of breath.

Hanabi turned. “Hmm? Ayame? What are you doing here?”

Ayame “Its… Your brother…”

Hanabi was shocked.”What is it?! Tell me!”

Ayame” He left the village…”

Hanabi” Why would he do that?!”

Ayame” He went to find your father… He left earlier today, I’ve been searching for you all day so I could tell you that.”

Hanabi” I must find him!”

Ayame” Hanabi! Once you leave the village without the Lord’s permeation you become a rouge ninja and you won’t be welcome back. Your father and the men of your clan left to protect the rest of you knowing this, and your brother left to find your father knowing he can’t come back… Do you really want to leave your village behind?”

Hanabi” Ayame, Neji and I are the only members of my clan left… The rest of my family is out there waiting for me to join them.”

Ayame” You don’t even know if they’re still alive? Or if they even won the war, you could still be in danger…”

Hanabi snapped. ” Shut up, don’t you dare say that!”

Ayame got quiet.

Hanabi walked over to her and put her hand on Ayame’s shoulder.” Ayame, you’re my best friend and I’ve known you my whole life, you’re like a sister to me… You know I would never leave if I didn’t have a good reason, I have to do this. Even Neji was planning to go soon, so I won’t be alone, this is my family, you need to understand.”

Ayame” I’ll go too…”

Hanabi interrupted.” No…”

Ayame interrupted. “Why not? I don’t have any family here, and I can’t just simply let you go, even if Neji is going too.”

Hanabi” But this is where you belong… And I belong with my family.”

Ayame” I’ll miss you…”

Hanabi” And I you…” She turned and left.

That night-

Hanabi and Neji stood in front of the village entrance.

Hanabi turned to Neji” Once we leave, there is no going back…”

Neji” It’s our family, what choice do we have?”

Hanabi sighed.” Your right..”

Neji” What is it? You’re not having second thoughts about this are you?”

Hanabi shook her head.” No of course not!” She looked down. “It’s just that.. I’m going to miss Ayame a whole lot, she’s like family to me.”

Neji” Well this is family, and we have to find them. They might need our help Hanabi…”

Hanabi” Your right.. I was being foolish, please forgive me.”

Neji exhaled.” Come on let’s get going, father needs you to be strong.”

Hanabi” Yes, let’s go.”

They both began walking, it didn’t’ take long for them to fade into the blackness of the night.

The next morning -

Ayame was standing on top of a hill, thinking to herself. {I can’t believe she left me here alone… Hanabi you will pay for this!}

Kyo walked up behind her.” Thinking about Hanabi?”

Ayame” I can’t believe she left me here…”

Kyo” She did it for her clan… You shouldn’t be angry with her for that.”

Ayame” Aren’t you going to send someone after her?”

Kyo” Why? She became a rouge ninja the instant she left the village. The only problem we would have is if she tried to return, you know that.”

Ayame sighed. “Yeah…”

Kyo” Is there something bothering you?”

Ayame” No sir.. There is nothing bothering me…”

Kyo” I may be old but I am no fool, you wish to go after Hanabi do you not?”

Ayame looked shocked.” I-I uhh…”

Kyo” You do not have to say it, I already know.” He was about to walk away. “ Just remember if you decide to leave you cannot come back…” He walked off.

The Next Day-

Reuk was talking with Ayame.” Ayame you have my permission to go after Hanabi and bring her back…”

Ayame “B-but I thought it was forbidden




Story 2

21:25 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 466

What could be better than going to a new school? A fresh start, meeting new people, what could top that? Anything! My name is Aaron, I’m 16 years old and this is the 3rd time this year I had to move to a new state and I am sick of it. My dad’s job has always been the cause of us moving around, I haven’t stayed in a town for more than a year for the last 12 years. I have no friends because I haven’t really stuck around long enough to make any.

My dad keeps telling me that it will be different this time, and that we won’t be moving anymore. I don’t believe a single word of it, I don’t even plan to make any friends, I know I won’t be here very long. This time I will be going to a school in Spring Hills, Louisiana, maybe dad was right and maybe things will be different, and maybe hell will freeze over…

Honestly, I’m just waiting for him to admit that he was wrong about this one and that it’s time to move again. I really just stopped caring, I have no one. My only family is my dad and he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. I just hope I can get out of this endless trap.


Chapter 1

First Day

I was walking down the halls of a new school for the 3rd time this year, and like they do with every new student, everyone was staring at me. It didn’t matter that no one knew me, they still all talked about me. I could only hear bits and pieces of what they were saying. “Hey look, fresh meat.” “She looks so weird.” “And what’s with that hairdo?” It’s nothing I haven’t heard before, but it still bothered me, it’s like they can’t just come and say it to my face. I mean damn, I may be different but I’m not a fucking alien! All I could do was look down, hold on tightly to my notebooks and just keep walking. I didn’t bother to talk to anyone but I still felt uncomfortable. I hated being so alone, but honestly what was I to do? Make friends and leave? There’s no point.

I was still trying to find my first period, but I really didn’t want to look up; I didn’t want to be seen. With my head still looking down I couldn’t see the girl I was about to run into. We both hit the floor in opposite directions; I franticly gathered my stuff together while the girl stood up and dusted herself off. I looked up at her and she was smiling. I was so confused, I just ran into this chick and she wasn’t mad at all. I was so unsure of what to say, I was just sitting there quiet. She held out her hand and cheerfully said. “Sorry, looks like I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. Need a hand?” I hesitated and I just kept looking at her, she had bright pink hair and sparkling yellow- gold eyes. I could tell she was one of those people who were just happy all of the time. I took her hand as she said. “I’m Nikki, nice to meet you!” I was still a little surprise. “I-I’m Aaron.”


She was asking me where I came from when the bell rang and interrupted her. “Well we better get to class!” She laughed as she turned to walk away. “I guess I’ll see you later!” She waved at me as she ran off. I waved but only a little bit, and then I went off to continue looking for my first class. After a few minutes I finally found a door marked English 3, I slowly walked in. Just like in the hallway, everyone was looking at me. I was so nervous I couldn’t speak, it felt like my feet were nailed to the floor and I barely moved, of course that just made the other students stare at me even more. The teacher looked at me as if I was stupid. “Are you lost?” I shook my head and handed her my schedule, than I stood in silence. She was tall with long stringy hair and a smile that could put the joker to shame, she looked at me through her big glasses with a bold black frame. “Ah, so you’re my new student, my name is Mrs. Howard.” (I felt bad for Mr. Howard.) Her breath was gruesome, it smelled like she just got through gargling onion juice. My eyes almost started to water as I tried to look like it didn’t bother me. “I started to think you were never going to show up.” Which was kind of stupid to say considering I was only a few minutes late. She pointed at a desk in the back of the room. “There’s a desk back there.” I started toward my desk, then she quickly added. “Oh, and by the way, try not to be late next time.” I was so aggravated, I rushed over to my desk and sat down.

The teacher stood up in an ugly red flower dress, she looked like she was getting ready for early retirement. Putting her awful appearance aside I noticed she was holding a stack of packets. “Alright it’s time for your 6 weeks test!” She began to pass out the giant test packets. A boy in the seat next to me spoke up and said. “Does the new girl have to take the test too?” I quickly looked over at him. He had jet black hair and brown eyes, I couldn’t look away from him. “Yes, she does.” She said with a slight smirk on her face. He quickly responded. “But that isn’t right, she just got here and she has to take a test, what if she doesn’t know some of the things we went over?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, this guy was actually sticking up for me. I couldn’t understand it, I’ve never seen this guy once in my entire life, but he’s standing up for me like he cares. The teacher dropped the test packet on top of my desk. “Then she’ll have to try her best then.” She smiled and walked back to her desk. The boy groaned and started working on his test, he glanced over at me, and he just had that kind of sad look that said I’m sorry. I wanted to tell him how much I appreciated what he did, but I knew we’d both get in trouble for talking, so I just kept to myself.

I was relieved when the test was finally over, but on the positive side I knew all of the answers. Once the teacher handed me the graded paper, she got a smart look on her face and said. “See Colton, a perfect score, looks like you made a big deal out of nothing.” He rolled his eyes and looked down. I felt so bad, I could tell he was aggravated.

After class I tried to talk to him but he was already out before I had the chance, I sighed to myself as I went looking for my next class. This time I made it before the bell rang. I looked around the room, the desks were grouped together. I didn’t know where to go, and then out of blue I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Nikki calling me over to sit with her and one other girl. I sighed and walked toward them, after all Nikki was the only one I knew so I figured I’d at least sit with a familiar face. Even if that familiar face is rapidly waving her arms like she’s signaling for a plane to land.

I sat down in front of Nikki, as always she had a big smile on her face. “Hey Aaron, I didn’t think I’d see you here in my class!” “Uhh, y-yeah… I guess we have the same 2nd period…” She put her arm around the girl beside her. “This is my best buddy, Kali! She doesn’t talk much but she’s still great!” I looked at her, she had such a calm looked on her face. I held out my hand. “Hey, I’m Aaron.” She shook my hand. “I’m Kali.” Nikki cheerfully clapped her hands. I smiled a little bit and asked. “Is she always this cheerful?” Kali had a warm smile on her face. “Sadly, yes.” I joked. “I didn’t think it was possible to be that happy.” Kali joked back. “Well, Nikki found a way.”

Our joking stopped when Colton walked passed us and sat at a desk alone. I couldn’t help but look back at him and feel bad, remembering earlier. “Are you into Colton?” Nikki asked. “I don’t even know him, I just… I kind of feel bad, you see earlier he stuck up for me when this teacher –“Nikki interrupted. “He stuck up for you?!” “Umm y-yeah, what about it?” “He never sticks up for anyone.” Nikki responded. “Well, he stuck up for her. Which is very interesting, considering he doesn’t talk to anyone. I mean, Little Ms. Sunshine over here even tried to cheer him up, he didn’t even bother to look at her.” Kali added. Nikki looked down with a slightly sad expression on her face. “He’s always so depressed, and I don’t think he has any friends either.” I looked over at him as I said under my breath. “I know how you feel.”

Chapter 2

An Unexpected Friend

A few classes later I was spending my study hall in the library, at least in there I could be myself and no one would bother me. I liked being around Nikki and Kali, but I knew I couldn’t get too close to anyone. It hurt to avoid them, but I knew it would hurt worse when I left. We could hang out and talk but being friends was off limits. But apparently, I wasn’t the only one that wanted to get away. Colton entered the library and sat down with a book in his hand. Cirque du Freak: Trials of Death, I already read that book, but it was still a good choice. I was so surprised to see him of all people. I was just about to walk over to him until he looked at me, he’s gaze was just so cold and so numb. It froze me right in my tracks until he averted his gaze back into his book. I wasn’t sure of what to say, I felt like I couldn’t move. “Are you just going to stand there?” His voice was like ice, he looked over at me. “Well?” I took a deep breath. “I-I’m sorry about earlier…” My throat felt so dry and scratchy, it felt like I swallowed sand. “What for, I’m the one who should be apologizing.” I was confused, why on earth should he be apologizing? “Y-you, why?” He closed his book and looked at me, his shining brown eyes seemed to be full of so much pain. “Because, I couldn’t get her to take it easy on you. I mean, you just started coming to this school, you shouldn’t have to take a 200 question test when you just got here.” He looked so sad as if he failed or something, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He seem surprised, it was like he never had a hug before. We were both quiet, but then he stood up and hugged me, now I was the one who was surprised.

A few minutes passed by, then he took a few steps back and looked at me. I didn’t know what to say, we were both completely silent. He took a breath and said. “Thank you.” I looked at him confused. “Thank you, for what? I didn’t do anything.” He looked into my eyes. “No one has ever hugged me before, well, at least not for a long time.” I was shocked. I mean he hasn’t had a hug for years, I would at least get them from friends of my now departed mother. “Are you serious?” I had to ask, just so I’d know for sure. He nodded, then looked down. “My dad was the only person in the entire world that ever cared about me, but the he was taken away from me.” I felt so terrible for him, however a completely new feeling had overwhelmed me. Finally, I had found someone who understood how I felt. I never thought this would happen and I especially never thought it would be him.

When I finally opened my mouth to speak, the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Looking down at my schedule I could see that I had first lunch, I looked at him. I really didn’t want to leave him there. “What lunch do you have?” He asked, for someone so anti-social he certainly seemed eager to continue talking to me. “I-I have first lunch, and you?” Colton’s face seemed to brighten up a little bit. “Me too, d-do you want me to sit with you during lunch?” Honestly, I was really happy to hear him ask that. He actually wanted to talk to me more, and for once I actually felt like opening up to someone. “S-sure, I mean i-if you want.” We started walking toward the cafeteria.


Once we both got our food, I looked around for a table. The tables were round and seated 6 people at a time, I really didn’t want to sit with a bunch of strangers. Then, I heard a familiar voice, it was Nikki calling me to her table. When I got over to her I could see 3 extra people with her, Kali and 2 other guys, they looked at me with a curious look on their faces. The one with short blond hair and light green eyes asked. “Hey baby, who’s this?” Nikki laughed. “Opps I forgot the introductions! Aaron, this is my boyfriend Bent, Brent this is my new buddy Aaron. “Nice to meet you.” I nodded and responded. “Likewise.” Then the guy with bluish-black hair and dark brown eyes looked over at Nikki. “Hey, what about me?” Nikki laughed again. Apparently she is very forgetful from what I can tell. “Oh yeah, my bad! Aaron, this is Kali’s boyfriend Carrington, Carrington this is Aaron.” He nodded. “Thank you.” Then he looked up at me. “So you’re the new girl?” He held out his hand. “Welcome to Spring Hill High School.” I shook his hand. “Thank you, it’s good to be here.” I looked back over at Colton, who was on the other side of the cafeteria. I turned to Nikki. “Is it okay if I bring a friend over to eat with us?” Nikki smiled happily. “Sure go for it!” I set my tray down and left to go get Colton. He was still looking around for a table when I got over to him. “Come on, I know a spot where we can sit.”

When we got to the table, everyone seemed shocked. Brent almost choked on his green tea when he saw Colton standing next to me. All was quiet. Colton actually looked nervous, which was pretty cute. I urged him to sit down and we both started eating. I looked around the table where everyone seemed to be staring at me and Colton. I turned to Nikki, who looked as if she was going to burst with questions. “What’s wrong with you guys?” Nikki blurted out. “You actually got Colton to sit with other people!” Kali covered Nikki’s mouth with her hand. “What she means to say is, Colton really doesn’t socialize with anyone and it’s a little surprising that someone who just camehere has actually got him to talk and sit with other people. “She looked at Colton. “No offence.” He didn’t seem to be fazed. “None taken.”

We all just started chatting about random stuff, we even told jokes and to everyone’s surprise Colton joined in. Time just flew by, and it actually made me realize something… These guys are my friends, I actually have friends. For once, I had people around me who actually wanted to hear what I had to say, and who actually cared how I felt. Maybe I was wrong before, I guess having friends really isn’t as bad as I first thought. And maybe, just maybe, things will be different this time.

The day was finally almost over and it was 8th period, Physics. I walked into the room where I saw not only Nikki and Kali, but Brent and Carrington too, the only way to make it better would be if Colton was in here too. Me still being shy, I stayed quiet until they saw me. They all had big smiles on their faces, and this time it was Kali who called me over, apparently Nikki was too busy staring at her boyfriend to notice me until Kali said something. But before I could get to them, this preppy cheerleader jumped in front of me. “So you’re the new girl everyone is talking about.” She was wearing her stupid cheer uniform and like most preps, she was covered in makeup. The jocks always thought it was so pretty, personally she looked like a circus clown. I could tell by the look on her face that she was one of those self-centered people who felt superior to everyone around her. I really didn’t want to even bother with her, but just to get it over with and so she’d let me by, I responded. “Yes, what of it?” She looked offended, but then like all preps do she got a smart look on her face and laughed slightly. I never understood why they did it, but it was always just so annoying. “Well, you know since you’re new I was trying to be nice and warn you not to hang around with them.” She glanced over at Nikki and them. “There’s nothing wrong with them.” I growled. She still had that smart look on her face. I swear, I just wanted to smack that stupid look right off of her face! “Their freaks, and if you hang out with them, people will think you’re a freak too. You should hang out with us.” She looked over at her group. “We’re the most popular kids in the school, be friends with us and you’ll be accepted by everyone, or you can hang with them and be an outcast.” I was always an outcast, so why should I care? I hated preps and the in crowd, I’ve always been a freak and I’m not going to change for anyone. “Thanks for the advice, but I think I can find good friends without your help.” I walked passed her. It was obvious she was upset, she was probably not used to being rejected (as a friend or as ad date).

When I get back to my group (I didn’t need to be a part of the popular crowd, I had my own group and I fit right in) they welcomed me with smiles and a high-five form each of them. “That’s how you tell a prep off!” Nikki congratulated. “Yeah, I knew you were too smart to fall for that load of crap!” Kali surprisingly added. As quiet as she was, I didn’t think she like me very much. But then again she was always a quiet person, not just me. “So who was that annoying chick anyway?” I asked (like a rude person, she never introduced herself or ask for my introduction). Nikki quickly answered. “That’s Tonnie, she’s just another spoiled cheerleader.” “She’s so rude, I mean she didn’t even bother to introduce herself.” I stated, slightly annoyed. Kali replied. “That’s just Tonnie for you.” “Yeah, don’t let her get to you.” Carrington added. Time just zoomed by. Because we had a substitute, there was just a random movie playing (which honesty no one paid any attention to).

Chapter 3

A Better Understanding

The bell rang and it was time for everyone to go home. And like always, my dad wouldn’t be home after midnight. Therefore, I had nothing to do. Colton put his hand on my shoulder. “Hey, do you want to go for a walk with me?” I smiled a little not realizing that I was also blushing, at least I didn’t know I was until Nikki pretty much announced it o loud. “Oh my god, Aaron, are you blushing?!” Everyone turned to look at me, and for those people who have been in this situation before you know, it only makes it worse. I hid behind Colton. “Shut up, I am not!” I yelled. She laughed. “It’s okay, I’m only messing with you.” She patted me on the back. “I hope you had a fun first day!” She walked off waving goodbye. And as I waved back I thought to myself. Truth be told, I did have a good day, I may be embarrassed as hell, but it was still great.

Colton and I had started walking, I wasn’t entirely sure where we were going, but I assumed he did. We were both quiet, I wanted to talk to him but I just wasn’t sure of what to say. “So, tell me about yourself.” He requested. I quickly looked at him. “W-what?” “I want you to tell me about yourself, you already know more about me than I do about you.” I wasn’t sure where to start. “I-I uhh…” “Well?” I started to think back, which I always hated doing. Every time I thing back to my past, to unhappy memories, it always makes me upset. “Well, I’m 16 and I’m from Colorado.” He smiled. “Cool, I’m 16 and, well, I’m from here. What else?” He looked so eager to hear more about me, it was kind of flattering, someone actually wanted to know about me. I actually like that too, it was nice to feel flattered every now and then. I had to pause for a moment; I wasn’t used to being asked questions so I really didn’t know what to say. “I’m not sure what to say, I’m not used to people asking me personal questions.” He quickly replied. “Then I’ll just ask questions, and you can answer them. How does that sound?” Since it seemed there was no other option, since clearly he wanted to learn more about me, I answered. “Sure, sounds like a plan.” He smiled.

“Cool, let’s begin. What do you like to do?” “Well, I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music, drawing, stuff like that…” He smiled. “What kind of music do you listen to?” “A little bit of everything, but for the most part I listen to rock and metal.” “That’s cool, what’s your favorite band?” “Actually, there’s just too many for me to simply pick one, but I really like Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park and Nickelback.” “That’s awesome, I know all of those too.” He pondered for a minute. “What’s your favorite color?” Finally, a question I had a strait forward answer to. “Oh that’s easy, black. “Cool, mine too.”(write more later)

“Well this is the first time in the last 12 years that I actually have friends.” He was shocked. “What, why?” I looked down. “Well, my dad’s job has always kept us moving around from place to place, I’ve never stayed in a school for a full year. It won’t be long until I leave this place too.” I clenched my fists. “That’s why I don’t make friends because I knew I wouldn’t even be sticking around long anyway.” I looked over at Colton, who looked like he was about to cry, I didn’t understand why. I mean, he just met me, why would he get so upset over me leaving? I moved closer to him. “Colton, what’s wrong? You barely just met me, why does this make you upset?” He was trying to fight back the tears. “I-I can’t explain it, I’m just so happy when I’m around you. I don’t want you to be taken away from me.” I was in shock, when I tried to speak nothing would come out, let my voice literally stopped working. I couldn’t even get one word to come out. I’m usually never like that, but he caught me by surprise, I had clue he’d say anything like that. I move a little closer to him, hoping I could at least calm him down a little bit. I didn’t know what else to do, so I said his name to try to keep him from completely zoning out into his depressing thoughts. He looked at me with eyes full of tears, it almost broke my heart seeing him in that much pain. And then, he said something that I never thought I’d hear from anyone, especially him. “I can’t lose you.” It was only four words, but put together they make a world of a difference. I was just so amazed to hear those words. At that point there was only one think I could think to do, I embraced him in my arms. I couldn’t think of any other way to comfort him, and it really looked like he needed a hug anyway. As I rubbed his back, trying to help more, I said to him. “It’s okay, even if I leave I am not lost.” Honestly, I had no idea what I meant, but at least it seemed to work a little bit. Normally I don’t get this deep into my words, but I just didn’t want to see him cry anymore. For some unknown reason, it really hurt me to see him this upset.

I looked up at the sky, what was once a bright and vibrant sky blue was now fading into a dull grayish black color, like if you mix too many colors and they just make this ugly grey blob. It was easy to see that a storm was rolling in, and fast. I also had no intention of getting wet with rain water. I looked over at Colton, who to my surprise was starting to brighten up a bit. I smiled at him, then said. “It looks like it’s going to rain soon, let’s go to my house where it will be nice and dry.” He finally smiled, and agreed. We stood up off the ground, where we sat for at least over half an hour, and started toward my house.

We made it just in time, right when we walked through the front door I could hear the rain falling behind us. It started off light, then it rained more and more, and the rain got heaver and heaver. It was almost like some decided to dump a giant bucket of water all over the place, water was everywhere! I couldn’t believe how quickly the storm started, but I was relieved to be inside and away from all of the wind and rain. I always hated storms, even as a little girl, when all of the neighborhood kids were outside playing in the cold rain with all of the mud and the muck, I stayed inside where it was warm and dry. Colton looked at me showing some slight concern. “What’s wrong?” I shook my head to snap out of it, and said with a smile. “N-Nothing, I-I just don’t like the rain is all.” He looked a bit surprised. “Really, why?”

His curiosity didn’t come to my surprise, most people that I tell ask the same thing. But, in all honesty, I have no earthly clue as to why. It could be some suppressed memory of my distant past, or maybe I’m just weird like that… Either way, nothing about me really surprises me anymore. “I don’t remember, just ever since I was little, I never wanted anything to do with the water.” His eyes went big, kind of like a bug’s eyes; and he said. “Wait, all water?” I nodded. “What about swimming pools? Or going out on a boat? At least tell me that you’ve been fishing before.” I looked down as I shook my head for no. I couldn’t help it, every time I was near water something just told me to stay away from it, like it would hurt me or something. Colton pulled me over to him and held me tightly in his arms. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Aaron.” I felt so warm and happy, it was such an unusual feeling, but it was unusual in a good way, like it’s something completely new but its good. I snuggled up to him and started to drift off into the confines of my dreams, lord help me…

Chapter 4


I opened my eyes to find Colton still holding me, I was so happy to see that he was still there with me. “Hey there beautiful.” He greeted with a warm smile; I unknowingly started blushing. “Umm h-hi, how long was I asleep?” He wasted no time answering. “Not very long, only a few hours. Has anyone ever told you that you’re adorable when you’re asleep?” He smiled, I still don’t know how, but every time he smiles I always seem to blush. “N-no…” I paused, then finish my question. “B-but anyway, you stayed here the entire time?” He placed his hand on my cheek. “Of course I did, I couldn’t just leave a pretty young girl by herself and not even say anything, and I don’t see why I would in the first place. He looked deeply into my eyes and said. “Aaron, I love you, from the first moment I met you I knew I was in love.” I was speechless; I could feel my heart racing as I could hear it pounding in my ears, almost like they were drums. He pulled me closer to him and forcefully kissed me on the lips. My cheeks were a bright red, I tried, but I couldn’t keep myself from liking it. And with no reason not to, I kissed him back. His lips were so soft, it was like every touch could just launch me into orbit. I knew I liked him but I had no idea it would lead to this, although truthfully I found nothing wrong with this.

It didn’t take long for him to start biting my neck (a major sweet spot of mine), I loved it and I just couldn’t stop myself, I wanted more. I took off his shirt as he removed mine, he was so warm to the touch, I just wanted to keep holding onto him and never let go. Things really started to heat up, Colton bit harder into my neck causing me to moan loudly, I dug my nails into his back pressing him against me. It felt like we were closer than we’d ever been before, I felt such passion, it was like every time we touched there was a bolt of electricity that was sent coursing through my veins. In the heat of the moment, we decided to go just a little bit further. Colton was about to unbutton his pants when…

Bam! My dad busted down the door, with a loaded shotgun in hand. I was terrified, but Colton somehow didn’t notice that my dad was even there. Colton looked down at me with kind of a twisted looking smile on his face. “What’s wrong, you’re not afraid are you?” I was frantic; I tried to yell for him to run, but for some reason, I couldn’t speak. Was I too scared? Or was my throat too dry from all of the kissing? I didn’t know, but what I did know was that I had to warn Colton before it was too late. I quickly pointed behind him and signaled for him to run, but he just didn’t understand. I could hear my father’s voice, it was more angry and menacing then I’ve ever heard before, I was absolutely terrified. “How dare you deflower my little girl!” I tried to signal to him, I tried to tell him that it isn’t what he thinks. But, it wasn’t working. “I’ll kill you no good bastard!” That was the last thing I heard before…

On the first try, my father shot the bullet at close range, piercing through Colton’s back and out of his chest. Blood sprayed from his chest as he fell onto the ground. I was too traumatized to speak, I couldn’t stop shaking when I saw all of the blood. Colton’s blood poured out onto the tile floor, I was horrified. I looked at the blood on my hands, it too was Colton’s. He was dead, and because of me, because I couldn’t control myself.

I looked at his face, which began to lose color. “Colton… It’s all my fault…” I dropped to my knees and cried, I had no idea what to do. I was crying so much, it felt like my eyes were going to burst. My heart was racing and my whole body was shaking. “Colton, I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault!!” I cried even more. “It’s all my fault…” I looked at his face. “Colton…” He was so lifeless, but then he raised his head off the ground. I screamed at the top of my lungs, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.




Tough Love

21:22 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 467

Farren stood in front of Shane, with her long brown hair covering her face as a stream of tears rolled down her cheeks. Then she mumbled. “You’re moving? But.. But why?” Shane whipped the tears off of her face; he started to cry as he gazed into her crystal blue eyes. “My parents are getting a divorce, and no one else but my mom will take me in.” He held Farren tightly trying to comfort her; she looked into his emerald-green eyes as she did her best to understand.

Farren’s life was already hard enough; this didn’t make it any better. Everything around her seemed to be falling apart and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Shane was Farren’s whole world, she loved him with every fiber of her being, but now he was being taken away from her. What is there for her to do? There was just no way she could simply just give up and move on, but a long distance relationship would be extremely difficult. She was in a no win situation.

“Isn’t there anyone you can stay with? Your grandparents, your older brother?” She cried. “I’m afraid not. I haven’t seen my dad in years, my grandparents don’t want to take anyone in and when Garret left he made it clear that he didn’t want to see any of us again.” Farren buried her face in Shane’s chest; the sun was setting as the wind blew through Shane’s jet black hair. Farren looked up with tears streaming down her face.”Why are they trying to take you from me? Can’t they see how happy we are?” Shane pulled her closer to him. “I guess not, they’re so god damn worried about themselves they can’t see how this is affecting us…” She looked down. “I just wish that this wasn’t happening. Please promise me that you won’t leave me for anyone else, that even though we will be apart for awhile we will still try to make it work.” He placed his hand on her chin and softly kissed her lips. “I promise, you know I will always love you and-“. Shane was interrupted by a ringing from his pocket. “Damn it!” He growled as he reached into his pocket and took out a dark grey cell phone. “What?!” He asked in an angered tone. There was a silence on the other end of the phone, followed by. “Don’t get an attitude with me Shane! You were supposed to be home half an hour ago! Now take your girlfriend home and get back here so you can finish packing!” The call ended and Shane angrily closed the phone. Farren held him, trying to make him feel better. “Who was it? “ He reluctantly replied. “My mother, she wants me home…”

Shane sighed heavily. “Before we go there is something I want to ask you.” He got down on one knee as he pulled out a small black box from his jacket pocket; he took Farren’s hand, and then said. “Farren, I love you with all of my heart, you brighten my day and when I even so much as hear your name I smile. You’re my whole world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Farren, will you marry me?” He opened the box that reveled a 14 karat diamond ring. Farren quickly hugged him. “Yes, yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” He put the ring on her finger. Farren paused. “But wait, how can we be together when you’re moving all the way to Colorado?” He stood up and hugged her. “Because I’m going to finish high school, go into the military and so that when I come back I’ll be able to take care of you and make my wife.” The moon’s glow lit up the night sky as the freshly fallen leaves danced in the wind. Farren and Shane held each other tightly, as if nothing else in the world existed.

Farren got home around midnight to find her dad(Jim) sitting in the living room with a cold look on his face. She took a deep breath as she tried to think of an excuse for being home so late. “Hey dad.. I uhh.. Didn’t think that you’d still be up…” He glared at her. “You want to try and explain to me why it’s midnight and you are just now getting home? Or why when I called your friend’s house, where you were supposed to be, her mother told me that you weren’t there and that she wasn’t told anything about you staying over there today?” Farren became nervous as she tried to think of a way out, then her father continued to talk. “You lied to me, you made your friend lie to her parents and you were out way passed your curfew. YOU’RE GROUNDED! No friends, no phone, no T.V. and NO SHANE!!”

Farren finally snapped, it was time for her to fight back. “I am 17, you can’t tell me what to do! And you can’t keep me from Shane!” She held out her hand to show him the ring. “Do you see this? Once he gets out of the Marines we’re going to get married, and you can’t stop us!” She turned, stomped up the stairs, to her room and slammed the door. Her eyes swelled up with tears as she fell onto her bed. “They won’t keep us apart, I won’t let it happen!”

Meanwhile at Shane’s house, things weren’t much better. “We are moving and that’s final! You have your entire life ahead of you Shane, you will find someone else!” His mom yelled. “No I won’t, she is the only one I will be with! And even if I do move, I will come back for her!” Shane protested. Shane was furious with the way his mom was acting; she never really liked Farren in the first place no matter how happy she made her son. She always tried to tell him to find someone better, however it was no use. Shane was completely infatuated with Farren. Even his three sisters, Cassie, Sophie and Jennette, liked her. His mom was the only one that didn’t approve of her, and she never even gave a reason as to why.

Shane and his mom continued to argue, still convinced that the other was wrong. His sisters couldn’t do anything , they had no choice but stand back and watch as the sparks fly. “She isn’t right for you, I don’t know what you see in her!” His mom screamed. “She’s perfect for me, you’re the one with the problem! You are the only one that doesn’t like her, and she hasn’t done a single damn thing to you! In fact, she’s been trying her best to get your approval, but you’re just too stupid to see how hard she has been trying. And, you can’t even get over yourself enough to see how happy she makes me!” His mom looked offended. “Why you inconsiderate brat! Are you really choosing that slut over your own mother? She is just another girl that will break your heart and leave you for someone younger! You’re just too blind to see that I’m trying to do what’s best for you!” Shane still didn’t back down from his mother. “You’re not doing what’s best for me; you’re doing what’s best for you! You know just because that was what dad did to you, doesn’t mean that Farren will do that to me!” Everyone was shocked, bringing up what Shane’s dad did was a harsh subject for his mother, no matter how mad his mom ever made him; he’d never brought that up before. Shane’s mom was stunned; she was completely silent for about a minute or so. The two of them just sat there in silence staring each other down, the tension in the room was tremendous. His mom’s face was blood red as tears began to fall from her cheeks. Shane showed neither regret nor hesitation, he knew he had to stand up to her. “Just because you can’t be happy doesn’t mean you drag me into it. I’m finally happy for once in my life, and you will not take that from me!” His mom was about to scream at him, but there was a knock at the front door. Cassie and Sophie left to go and see who it was.

It was Nichole, Karen’s friend, with her stuck up son Devon. “Mom your friend is here!” Shane’s younger sister Cassie shouted from the other side of the house. “And she brought her cute son!” The other younger sister Sophie quickly added. Shane rolled his eyes and groaned in aggravation. “Great, the prick is here.” His mom glared at him. “Behave!” As she walked away Shane’s older sister Jennette walked over to him. “I swear she has eyes that can pierce right through you.” He said lowly. “Isn’t that the truth, look, just calm down. The more you argue, the worse it will be on you, just try to get on mom’s good side and this whole thing will just blow over.” She explained. Shane sighed. “Fine…” Jennette walked off, leaving Shane with only his thoughts. “I wonder if she even has a good side…” He mumbled.

A few minutes passed and Shane started to set up the pool table in the game room. “I’ll just play some pool to calm my nerves.” Devon walked in with the same smirk he always has. “What’s up Shane? Having fun by yourself?” Shane exhaled. “I was, but then an annoying little prick walked into the room.” Devon growled. “You’ve got some nerve you gothic freak! I bet I could kick your ass in less than five seconds!” Shane laughed. “You know what? You’re not even worth it. I’ve got enough problems, I don’t need to add going to jail for beating the shit out of you.” Devon began agg him on. “Oh yeah? Do you really think that?” Shane continued to shoot the cue ball. “Yes I do, now leave I’m trying to play pool.” Devon scoffed at him. “Ha is that the same thing you tell your skank of a girlfriend?” Shane stopped and looked back at Devon with eyes burning full of rage. “What in the hell did you just say?” Devon got a dumb look on his face. “What? The fact that you’re a total whimp? Or that your girlfriend is an ugly skank?” Devon knew that would set him off.

Shane has always been protective over Farren, even before they were dating. No matter who was picking on her, Shane always stood up to them. And his refusal to give up was what won every single fight that he was involved in. Many people found out the hard way that you do not trash talk Farren while Shane is around, he would take a bullet for her, a few assholes were not going to be a problem for him. And Devon was about to find out this lesson the hard way…

Shane grabbed Devon by his shirt and slammed him onto the pool table. “Take it back you little bitch before I break your fucking neck!” Devon smiled and shouted, making sure that everyone in the house could hear him. “Ow Shane let go of me! Ow it hurts!” Shane slammed him against the table again. “You piece of shit, I’ll give you a reason to say ow!” Everyone ran into the game room the instant Shane began punching Devon in the face. Nichole screamed. “Oh my god, Devon!” Shane’s little sisters began cheering. “Go Shane!” “Kick his ass!” Jennette added. Shane continued to pound into Devon’s face. Shane’s mom yelled. “Shane get off of him emedetly!” Shane shouted back. “I will when he takes back what he said!” Devon’s face was covered in blood; he started to beg for mercy. “Okay, okay you win I take it back! Please stop!” Shane dropped him; he fell back onto the pool table. Devon slowly sat up and coughed up blood, he started crying as his mom ran over to him. “Are you okay?” His mom panicked, she stood between him and Shane trying to make a wall between them. Shane’s little sisters gave him a high five as he walked up to his room. Jennette patted his back. “Nice job!”

Once Shane was in his room, Nichole looked at Shane’s mom. “You need to control that animal you call a son!” Jennette snapped at her. “You bitch! Don’t you dare talk about my little brother that way!” Nichole was astounded by what Jennette said. “My god! What is wrong with these kids of yours Karen?” Karen started scolding her. “My kids may not be perfect but they are better than your brat of kid! Now get out of my house before you look as bloody as your son does! And don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out!” She slammed the door. Jennette laughed. “Go mom!”The twins giggled. Yeah you told her!”

Meanwhile upstairs, Shane was filling a duffel bag full of cloths and other necessities, but paused when he heard a knock on his door. Shane opened his bedroom to find Jennette standing there with a big smile on her face. “You kicked ass little bro, I didn’t think you had it in ya!” She paused and looked over at the army green duffel bag on his bed.

“Where are you going?” Shane continued packing. “Out…” Jennette started acting smart. “Okay mom might have stuck up for you but that doesn’t mean she’s going to let you go and drive off at 2:00 in the morning.” Shane continued. “I just need to be away for a few days, I need to see Farren.” Jennette exhaled lowly. “Okay look I understand how you feel.” She paused. “And that’s why I’m going to cover for you, but only for tonight. Once the sun comes up you’re on your own, okay?” Shane smiled. “Thanks sis. Just keep everybody out of my room and the garaged so that they don’t see that the car is gone.” Jennette nodded. “Alright, well hurry up, the sooner you get there the more time you spend with her.” Shane hugged her then climbed out the window. It was about 2:15 when Shane arrived at Farren’s house, there was a cool breeze that blew right through Shane. He sighed as he looked up at the high tree he was going to have to climb to get up to Farren’s window.“I might as well get going.” He started climbing.

Farren was asleep in her room, exosted from the hour lecture she had received from her dad. Once Shane had reached Farren’s window he started to knock on the glass, waking Farren from her slumber. “What was that?” She questioned herself as she went over to open the window. Her eyes widened when she opened the window to find Shane sitting in the tree. “S-Shane? W-what are you doing here?” She said lowly so her dad wouldn’t hear. “I came to see you, may I come in?” Farren had a blank look on her face.”Uhh.. S-Sure, b-but my dad can’t know you’re here.” Shane came in. “Don’t worry, he won’t know…” He wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry, I know that I shouldn’t have come but I just had to see you…” Farren hugged him back. “It’s okay, I’m glad you came.” Shane kissed her softly then paused. Farren looked up at him confused. “What’s wrong baby?” He stared at her with a serious look in his eyes. “Run away with me… Just pack your bags, we’ll load it into my car then we’ll just go, we’ll keep driving and never look back.” She didn’t know what to say. “B-But what about your plans and your family? Shane quickly responded. “Forget the plans, I’ll find a way to make things work! And fuck family, they don’t give a damn about me! Why do you think my brother left?” Farren stood there quietly, she tried to speak but was unable to squeeze out even a single word. Shane continued. “Well? What do you think?”

By that time, Farren’s dad noticed Shane’s car in their driveway and was on his way upstairs to Farren’s room. Farren tried to speak but before she could make out any words, she was interrupted by her dad pounding on the door. “Farren I know he’s in there, unlock the door now!” He continued trying to open the door. Farren quickly looked up at Shane. “It’s my dad! Y-you got to get out of here!” He replied. “Not without you!” Farren’s dad banged on the door harder as Farren pushed Shane over toward the window. “There’s no time for that just go now!” He tried to convince her. “Baby please…” Jim shouted. “Let me in!” Farren panicked and tried to rush Shane out the window. “Hurry!” Shane sighed and climbed out the window.

Once Jim managed to bust down the door, Shane was already pulling out of the driveway. With her boyfriend gone and no one else to take his rage out on, he began to beat his own daughter. He started with a single punch to the face sending Farren crashing onto the wooden floor, she slowly started lifting herself up off the floor. “Come on, get up you fat whore!” Her father shouted, followed by a heavy kick to the stomach. Jim’s thick steel-toed boot lifted and flipped Farren onto her back, then, he stomped his size 13 foot on top of her chest. She screamed in pain as she tried to get him off. In a desperate attempt to move him, she pulled Jim’s foot up and in the opposite direction from where he was. Her plan worked, Farren’s overweight father lost his balance and fell flat on his back. Seeing the opportunity to escape, she quickly jumped to her feet to run away, but she wasn’t fast enough. Jim grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her to the ground. “Get back here!” He yelled as he drug her across the floor. Farren was frantic, she began to dig her nails into the floor and when that didn’t work she tried swatting at his hand, but she couldn’t free herself from his vice-like grip. “Let go of me!” She screamed. Her father then got on top of her and used his massive bodyweight to hold her down while he started choking her. Farren was starting to turn blue in the face; then she summed up all of her strength and flipped her dad onto the floor. She stood up and backed up into a wall; she was breathing heavily trying to keep calm. Her enraged father stood up and slammed her up against the wall with his hand wrapped around her throat. “Now it’s time for you to feel some real pain!”

It was over an hour later when Jim was finally done with her, his knuckles were dripping with blood. “You’re a fucking disgrace, I’m just glad that your mother is dead so she can’t see the piece of trash that her daughter turned into! The day that you die is the day that mine and your sister’s lives become better!” He was red in the face. Farren snapped. “And you’re a fucking joke! You take advantage of your size and pick fights with people smaller and way younger than you, if you were a real man you would pick a fight with someone your own size!” That was the last straw. Jim snapped, he grabbed Farren by her hair and threw her into a closet. “You can stay in there for the rest of the night, now maybe you’ll learn to keep your mouth shut!” He locked the closet door and laughed as he walked away.

Later when Jim was asleep and her 11 year old sister, Letty, opened the closet door




Story 1

21:17 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 468


It was three years ago when they captured me, before that I was just a normal thirteen year old girl. Well, as normal as a girl who can turn into a giant wolf can be. They took me along with many other mutants, including some of my friends. When they came for me, I looked to my parents in hope they would stop them. But apparently, my parents were the ones who called the military’s soldiers; they asked if they wanted to buy me from them. Of course the government being the way they were, they jumped at the chance of getting another mutant to experiment on. My parents didn’t want a freak for a daughter and decided that it was time to get rid of me, now I’m trapped in this hell of endless suffering.

At first we were put in specialized cages in an underground laboratory, they kept us in the holding cages located in F14. It wasn’t long before the experiments began; they stuck us with needles and for some, changed our appearances completely. Every day was a constant struggle to fight against the agony and torture that the scientist put us through. We were nothing but lab rats to them. They forced us to train, trying to make us into stronger weapons. And, when we were unable to continue, they chained us up and were used as punching bags for stronger mutants. As for those who rebelled, they were put down.

Many of my fellow mutants died, and most will never be the same. The observation scientists at least tried to make us stay claim and semi-happy, but it was futile. You see there were two kinds of scientists, those that experimented on us and put us through thousands of painful tests, then there are the scientists the study our progress and make sure that we are doing okay. They try to help us in what ways they can, but there isn’t much they can do without getting in trouble themselves. It was the lab scientists and the government’s military that wanted to use us, to them we were nothing but tools, weapons of the military, to them we weren’t even people.

Lately, some of us managed to escape, but most are caught and punished before they can get off the compound. I’ve been planning to leave as well, but I’ve been waiting for the right moment. However, with another war approaching and the possible chance that they have started controlling the minds of some of my fellow mutants, I may have waited too long.


I awoke from my slumber around 3:00a.m. My sleeping chamber glowed red from the light of the emergency alarm, we were under attack. I quickly stood up; my long black hair covered my red eyes, as I began to think of what I should do. I didn’t move it was as if my feet were nailed to the floor. If I were to go out there I’d once again be slaughtering my own kind.

The mutants that weren’t already captured rebelled; they were all so determined to bring down the human’s military. However, it would not be the humans they would have to face, it was us. To protect their precious lives, the humans sent us to do their dirty work. We were forced to kill those like us, most of which were trying to set us free. Most of us couldn’t bare the deeds they made us commit; we were absolutely disgusted with ourselves and the humans. Some of us went mad, while others lived the rest of their days out in denial. They prayed that it was only a dream and that we’d all wake up soon, but there was no way around it. It was no dream; this was a living hell and we were trapped within it.

I couldn’t do it again; I couldn’t go and kill more of my brethren. I felt stiff and cold, like I was made of stone. But suddenly, Ardamis, one of my remaining friends, busted through my door. The wind rushed through her short blue hair; her golden eyes were focused on me. “Why are you just sitting here?” I could already tell what was going through her mind, she was on her way to fight and she didn’t want me to get into trouble for not going. I didn’t move, not even an inch, and with a heavy sigh I answered. Because I don’t want to fight anymore, I’m done.” She was shocked. “You can’t just be done! We have to fight it’s our only option, even if it is our own kind.” She knew deep down that it wasn’t true, but she was too afraid to rebel against the humans. Honestly, Ardamis would rather do what she is told and fight the mutants than face the humans. Like most of the others here, they put fear into her heart, and it was too much for her to simply just get overcome on her own.

I walked over to her, grabbed her arm and pulled her into my room. I checked to see if anyone was coming then the automatic door shut behind me as I walked back in. She started pacing back and forth, something she tends to do to keep herself from panicking. “We are not supposed to be in here, we are definitely not supposed to be in here. Why are we in here?!” It was ironic that she wanted to be outside fighting, considering she didn’t like violence in the first place. But before I could convince her to calm down, her boyfriend, Jobe, walked in. Before he had the chance to question our reason for still being inside, Ardamis hugged him without warning. “Oh Jobe, I’m so glad to see you!” After a few minutes, Ardamis finally calmed down and Jobe was free to interrogate us. I explained to him that there is no point in this useless war. We are attacking our own kind, and he questions why we refuse to partake in this? “We don’t have a choice, if this is what the humans want, than this is what we’ll do.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, is this really the same Jobe I met 3 years ago? There was just no way…

When I was first brought here, Jobe hate humans and wanted to escape, and I remember that for a fact. This had to be the humans work, but what could they have done to make him act this way? I stood up and shouted. “What in the hell is wrong with you?! Is this what the humans did to you? There is no way the Jobe I know would ever say such things!” He gave me a cold stare. I looked deeply into his eyes, they seemed to have less color to them, and I could see no emotion at all. He was a completely different person, the humans’ little mind puppet… It was a clear sign that things were only going to get worse; I knew we had to leave as soon as possible.

Three days passed since I last spoke to Jobe. Honestly, few people haven’t spoke to him at all anymore. They knew he wasn’t the same, so most of us just go our own way and leave him be. It was about two or three months ago when his personality was completely altered, he wasn’t anything like his old self. And everyone could see it, even Ardamis, but like most others she tried to ignore it. We knew he’d be the first of many to be changed, and as unfortunate as it is, for the moment being, there is nothing we can do about it. We can only wait it out, and watch as the minds of our friends are corrupted. And as far as we were concerned, until they change back, they were not one of us anymore… It was a harsh reality they we were all going to have to face at one point or another. I’m not sure what they’re doing to the mutants like Jobe, but one thing is for sure, I needed to find a way to reverse it.

I walked down the grey halls trying to think of a plan, but then I stopped at the sight of another one of my friends, Zuri. I greeted her, and she seemed to be normal -well normal for her -. We started talking about plans and what we’d do if we did get out. But then she brought up a big problem. “Okay say your plan is flawless and there is no way it won’t work. However, even if that’s the case, what are you going to do about these stupid shock collars? We take one step out of the compound, and it will not stop shocking us until our hearts stop!” She made a good point, one that I did not think of before. I said. “Wow, that is a big problem.” And it really was a big problem, the collars were made of a newly discovered metal, one that was too strong to be broken. No one, no matter what their power was, no one could brake the shock collars.

We continued our discussion until we overheard another mutant say. “Fresh meat!”




True Love

03:02 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 470

What do you do when you're in love with your best friend? You should tell him right, but what if he is in love with someone else? They always say be true to your heart, but honestly there are times when that doesn't work. You build your confidence so high and right before you tell then your feelings, the thought of their reaction kicks in. Your palms become sweaty and you're scared, then in the end, you chicken out. Story of my life!

My name is Alessia Grim, I am 16 years old and I'm a junior in high school. I have long brown hair and big brown eyes, but they are well hidden behind glass with a black frame. I'm a pretty unique individual, so as you can imagine most people avoid me. Well, not everyone, I do have a few friends. And to make it worth everyone else's shit, they are just like me, creative, fun and as weird as ever. We are what most people refer to as outcasts.

There's my best girlfriend in the world, Colisa Sweet, I've Known her since we were in elemtary school (we know absolutely everything about each other). She has short platinum blond hair with pink streaks and hazel eyes, she is just amazing. She's a junior like me, but she is a year older than I am. And then there's him, the guy I am madly in love with, my best guy friend in the whole wide world, Corbanic Black. Like me, he is 16 and a junior. Corbanic is absolutely gorgeous, he has dirty blond hair that goes down to his shoulders, and he had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I've known him for little over a year, (nowhere near how close to how long I've known Colisa) but even so we know each other like the back of our hands. I see him everyday and we are always talking, how can I not fall in love with him?

It was just a normal day in Clay Battelle high school, classes were boring and the day was long, but I still had afterschool to look forward to. Everyday after school (except for rainy days), me and Corbanic walked home together. We were neighbors so it was no big deal, but for me, it was the highlight of my day. We would always have the weirdest conversations; they almost always made me laugh. But unfortunately, I had to wait all day for that. Right now it's time for first period class, English 3; it tends to be really annoying. On the plus side, Colisa is in here with me, we had to work on a film project together. At first it was cool, but honestly now it's really annoying me. It was fun filming but now all there is left to do is editing and that's boring.

Time was going by pretty slow, but it could've been worse, I could be all alone in that class. I try to look at the positive side of things, although sometimes it's very difficult. I always try to think to myself "it can always be worse", which is true. I could be a slave or a prisoner of war or worse, I could be a victim of a nuclear explosion (like missing body parts or a second head or something). So why make a big deal out of things, my life could be much worse.

The bell finally rang and I was off to my next class (History), this class was actually kind of weird (and not just because of our teacher), about half of my last class was also in this one (including Colisa). But it also made it kind of fun. The teacher's name was Mr. Howard, he was probably the funniest (and oddest) teacher in the whole school. He likes to make jokes at the students and pull pranks on the other teachers, so basically he was like the coolest teacher ever. Although I will admit he does get a little annoying, like sometimes I become the main target of the day, that does aggravate me a bit.

The class zoomed by, everything was still the same. But then I saw him in the hallway on my way to 3rd period. Corbanic was sitting up against the lockers, his beautiful blue eyes were tainted with tears. The instant I saw him, I ran to his side. "Corbanic, what's wrong?" He didn't speak, he only laid his crying face on my shoulder. I rubbed his back and held him tightly. "It's ok, I'm here." I glared at those who passed us by in the halls. "Who hurt you?" They will pay!" Which was odd of me to say, Corbanic was one of the toughest guys in the whole school. Most of the students did not like him, so a lot of people attempted to jump him, but with absolutely no success. He had 5 years of ATA under his belt, my friend was no push over. Chances were no one hurt him physically, something happened to make him this emotionally distressed, and I needed to know what.

Corbanic whipped off his face. His voice crackled and was a little hard to understand, but he was still crying so it was understandable no one could blame him. "My mom is kicking me out." I was shocked. We all knew his mom was terrible, and didn't care about him, but this was too much (to put it bluntly, his mom was a total bitch and we all knew it). I wanted to go find her and punch that whore right in the face. "What, why on earth would she go and do a thing like that?" He was still struggling to make his voice understandable. "Because, her stupid boyfriend refuses to move in and stay with her if I'm still there. He told her it was ether him or me, and she chose him! She chose an asshole that beats on her and her own kid for god's sake!" He berried his face into my right arm. I held him close to me, I had my left hand on the back of his head, rubbing him. "She can't do that, you are only 16, it's illegal for her to kick you out." I was doing my best to keep my voice calm, it wouldn't do ether of us any good if I lost it.

"Yes she can, my biological father is still alive. Even though he left us when I was only 5, she is going to send me to live with him." He looked up at me. "Alessia, he lives in Kansas, that's over 500 miles away from here (we live in Blackville, West Virginia)." My heart just sank, I couldn't believe what was going on. He was really going to be taken away from me. I couldn't keep it locked up anymore, I started crying. I felt crushed; seeing him brightened up my day, Corbanic meant the world to me. I held him closely, even if he wanted to get up I wouldn't have let him. I had all of the time in the world to tell him how much I loved him, and now it's too late. Now he is leaving the state, and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

The halls became empty, all except for two, me and Corbanic. The bell for the beginning of 3rd period rang, but we remained sitting. We were already late so what was the point in bothering, there were much more important things to deal with than that.



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