Requiem's Journal

Requiem's Journal


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29 entries this month

One more thing ...

03:51 Sep 29 2006
Times Read: 880

I finished my laundry.




Well. I guess it's good to have a plan.

03:50 Sep 29 2006
Times Read: 882

I normally don't do anything for my birthday. It's not been a big deal and usually ends up forgotten by others, family included. It's just been one more day.

This year, 34 seems to be looming with a depressingly bleak outlook. I'm not sure why. It's been a weird year.

I was thinking of going and actually doing something next weekend for it. I hadn't bome up with anything brilliant or intriguing, maybe a day spa, suggested by Jason.

Well, my brother called me tonight.

He and his wife and son are going to the Renaissance Faire next weekend.

I now have a plan for my birthday.

I'll be dog-sitting Shouter, their exuberant dog.


Maybe I'll share a cupcake with the bouncy pup.

I guess it's good to have a plan.





18:25 Sep 28 2006
Times Read: 891






Enough said.




Oh, yeah.

21:07 Sep 26 2006
Times Read: 904

I pretended the spare bedroom did not exist last night.

I also pretended laundry did not exist last night.

So, I sort of won on both counts, but neither the elliptical nor my laundry are done.

I also have yet to see if my lurid purple corset still fits, or if it's way too big.

I may do some of all three tonight.


We'll see.




The brain cell in action - AGAIN.

21:06 Sep 26 2006
Times Read: 905

Requiem says:

I want ...

Requiem says:


Requiem says:

Lots of rare mooing steak.

Anger Management Issues says:

i want....... yeah

Anger Management Issues says:


Anger Management Issues says:

and sautee`d mushrooms.

Requiem says:


Requiem says:

sauteed in butter.

Anger Management Issues says:

and imported beer.

Anger Management Issues says:

red skinned taters

Requiem says:


Anger Management Issues says:

parsley buttered.

Requiem says:

yes slightly crisp from the baking

Anger Management Issues says:

and pumpernickle bread. hot. with butter.

Requiem says:

and JUST steamed carrots.

Anger Management Issues says:


Requiem says:

You and I need to go out to dinner TONIGHT. We want the same freaking meal. LOL

Requiem says:

if we lived in the same city we'd be dangerous.

Requiem says:


Requiem says:

the brain cell from a few thousand miles is scary enough.

Anger Management Issues says:

no kidding

Requiem says:

*makes journal entry*




Well. Regarding ..

18:10 Sep 25 2006
Times Read: 911

Regarding the elliptical.

Have you any idea how many freaking parts those things have?!

Well, let me tell you - it's a LOT.

They are spread all over the floor in the spare bedroom.

With the directions laid out like a sacrificial offering right in the middle.

I am daunted.

And I don't know if I can put this thing together.

Going to try again maybe this evening.

laundry may win out over elliptical construction - and if you know me at all, you know how very scary that thought is.





22:48 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 927

THIS ... ... is the Franchise.

Read her blog.

Admire her flaming cherries.

Do not, under any circusmtances, expect her to adhere to normal or socially acceptable behaviour.

She really does sit in her bathtub and pick her nose.

She's marvelous.





22:21 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 928

I ordered an elliptical.

It came in.

I am putting it together this weekend, and then I will learn new curses and use them in startling and unique combinations as I work out.

This is going to suck so much worse than the torturecycle, isn't it?




THIS ... is why I love Dahlia.

00:22 Sep 19 2006
Times Read: 942

Me: yay!

Me: I had

Me: a swiss mushroom burger

Me: and am having more jello.

Me: this time strawberry.

Her: yum

Her: I can't eat anything that is more nervous than I am. lol


I adore you, sugarpop. =)




I'd rather ...

20:51 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 944

I'd rather be at home, naked and doing yoga.

Today has been a thoroughgoing Monday in just about every respect.

Well, it's appropriate. It is Monday.

I really, really, really need a vacation.

I can't wait until the end of October for said vacation.

On a different note, I'm actually letting people know when my birthday is this year.

It's on a Saturday.

I'll be 34.

It's October 7th.

So. There.




Perception is off?

19:58 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 957

I need to use someone else's eyes in the mirror.

Mine are not seeing correctly. Intellectually, I know this.

But, when I look, I see a 400 pound woman with 14 chins, no discernable neck, and cankles.

I know this is not true. Intellectually.

This weekend has emotionally sucked.

Everything nauseates me.





10:43 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 965

Having very unproductive thoughts at 4:32am.

I feel fat and unlovely.

I feel lowly and unworthy.

I have no idea why I am feeling these things.

I need to get my hands dirty and wet in clay, get the gritty silky stuff under my fingernails and see just what has my mind in such a dither.

It's been entirely too long since I've sculpted anything and kept it whole. These past several, several months I've wadded up anything I've halfway done. Nothing looks right, nothing feels right, nothing is right.

Nothing's right.

Maybe it all feels so off kilter because it is the time of the night or morning where introspection can turn into an unhealthy thing, where brightness just does not go.

Maybe it all feels so off kilter because I've not been using the "muscles" of self evaluation lately, and they are weary from lack of any significant examination.

Maybe it all feels so off kilter because a nagging dissatisfaction with everything - family, friends, work, breathing - is colouring everything I do with washed out greys.

Maybe it all feels so off kilter because it is.

I need some time away from anything and everything.

Maybe it's the holidays which are approaching. I loathe this time of year. I usually turn into a hermit and hide from everyone, including myself. But this year, that particular habit isn't going to be possible. I've scheduled things so that I am around people.

How could I have been so goddamned stupid as to think that it would all be hunky-dory because I wanted it to be so?

I am both looking forward to the Masque in October and dreading it. I am both looking forward to New Years' in Ontario and dreading it. I am both looking forward to seeing Scott for his birthing day and dreading it.

Maybe time will make it all better, maybe it will make it worse. I don't think I've a clear enough head at this point to know which is the likelier outcome.

I wish I was an ostrich. I wish I was a seal. I wish I was a dolphin or a dragon or a wolf or a stone or the ocean.

I wish I was just about anything other than a human.

To be the ocean, to be that deep, restless, endless and everchanging and inscrutible enigma .. What am I saying? I am an enigma, especially to myself. I think I may be both too close to me and too hidden from me to make any kind of sound judgement calls about myself.

And, heyla, that's the saddest thing of all, hmm?

I don't think I ever want to know all of me.

I wish I knew all of me.




Ok. So ... onto the exercise deal.

23:12 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 969

I've been consistently doing yoga for a few years.

I have been somewhat consistently riding the torturecycle for a few weeks.

I have ... as a friend told me to look out for ... developed "I didn't work out" guilt.

One word for you: BASTARD!

You've cursed me!


I've gotten this salsa dance aerobics dvd. I am debating actually using it. And I've ordered an elliptical.

Goddamn healthy stuff.

But ... Michael grabbed my ass the other day, and said it is getting firmer.

I let him keep his hand.




Dove Dark Chocolate

14:31 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 980


My candy is conspiring against me!

I KNEW Dove chocolates had mutant tendencies!

I opened it and the note inside says, "Be fearless."

Damn pushy candy.


... That was what is called an "extreme" response, wasn't it?






19:37 Sep 14 2006
Times Read: 993

I was a bad girl.

I went to Sun Harvest and got coffee - fresh ground, flavoured coffee.

I mixed the beans. I got: Jamaican dark roast, chocolate raspberry, french vanilla and mocha cinnamon.

I mixed the beans, and then I ground them.

I made a pot here at the office and Carolyn is confused.

"It's good ... I just can't decide what it tastes like. It's a different flavour with every mouthful!"

I was bad. =)

Mmmmmmm confusing, scintillating coffee.




From Sveinung

15:22 Sep 14 2006
Times Read: 998

"You underestimate the power of slobber, young Skywalker."






21:36 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,019

This jackass created a thread in the main portion of the forum entitled BLOOD. It has been RIA'd. His opening statement in this forum was:

"y is the good blood supply so dry in Minot, North Dakota. my stalks are so lot that im getting weaker by the day. Save me from this place called Burdick Job Corps. AKA hell on earth "

I replied: "Oh for all the odd gods of the galaxy's sake! If you MUST role play, don't do it in the forums."

Now, this person has obviously never read the FAQ's for the forum. Either that or this person does not understand or care, or like so many children, thinks himself above the rules and standards.

In retaliation, this lil' git decided to rate me a 1.

I burn, I weep, I wail! I giggle and return the favor, saying, "Thanks!"

He blocked my comment.


Some days, I enjoy being petty.




My tummy

00:28 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,036

My tumbly is rumbly. But nothing sounds good.

I got nowhere near enough sleep last night.

I was full on cranky panty woman today.

Sahahria suggested I take off my wadded up cranky panties.

Well, my unders were trying to hide in my butt, so maybe not a bad idea after all.




Dahlia and Requiem

00:25 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,038

We discussed today being Thelma and Louise.

We've decided that I get to be Louise because I am the one with the agression issues. *wink* She gets be Thelma and have the amazingly fun, hotel-room destroying rough sex.

*wistful look*

That actually sounds fun, too. I could use a little amazingly fun, hotel-room destroying rough sex.

On a side note: I loathe the song "Mambo no. 5." I like "Just a gigolo."




I want ...

02:13 Sep 12 2006
Times Read: 1,048

A tummy rub.




What a wake-up call

16:38 Sep 11 2006
Times Read: 1,074

I woke up this morning, got ready for work and went outside. To find a bull. A BULL, I tell you, in my front yard, eating my fig tree. My baby less than a year old fig tree!

I shouted, “Oy! You! Steak and jackets on the hoof! Quit eating my TREE!!” And he snorted at me. *chew, chew*

Now, I normally don’t quibble when wildlife comes in and eats the plants. This is why I plant them, usually. I never expect to get more than a few tomatoes and peppers from my garden. I fully expect the local varmints to feed themselves. This is why I put out bird-seed and high protein dog food at intervals. But the fig tree was for ME!

So. It continued with its *chew, grunt, chew* and fig tree decimation. My shouting did nothing, neither discouraging one ton of cudding pot roast nor angering it (thankfully). I had a flash of inspiration. Animals don’t like to have their faces blown in, right? If a dog is biting, blow in it’s face and it reflexively lets go? So. No way I am going to blow in a bull’s face. I considered options, like paint balls and my sling shot. Bad idea. One ton of angry pot roast would be bad.

The hose!

I turned on the hose and sprayed the bull on the face (staying by the garage door so I could get my fat ass out of the way of his fat ass if he decided a morning trample sounded fun) and shouted things like, “Your brother tasted GOOD!”

My neighbor was laughing at me by this time, but the bull snorted, shook his head, peed and ambled off.

I have one lonely leaf left on my fig tree.

Note to self: Bulls don’t like facials.





02:11 Sep 11 2006
Times Read: 1,086

I finished my laundry ... again. I rode the torturecycle ... again.

I had better damn well get compliments on my perky ass sometime soon, beause that exercise cycle sucks bloated purple donkey nuts.

I have an odd sense of accomplishment mingled with disgust for today's doings.

I made split pea soup and ate enormous amounts of sugar free jello.

to jello!




... Owie ...

00:06 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,095

I loathe the torturcycle.

On an up note, I've now lost 35 pounds.





Crushed ...

22:43 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 1,113

I will have to make a note to self to have him wash his hands before he shakes my hand ...

Dang scratch-n-sniffer ...

I am so disillusioned. I wonder if the smell EVER goes away?




This morning

14:22 Sep 06 2006
Times Read: 1,120

This morning I find myself purposefully misquoting the Borg. Yes, I am a Star Trek geek, Star Wars Nerd, et al.

We don't answer the phones, no matter how early we get here, prior to 8:30am, because we are not officially here until then.

Some shit has been repeatedly calling back and not leaving a voice mail. Just ringing and ringing and ringing in the futile hopes I am going to answer the phone beforetimes.

PERSISTENCE ... is futile.




So. Anyway.

01:40 Sep 04 2006
Times Read: 1,132

I spent a little time in the sun yesterday. About 20 minutes. I didn't have my sunglasses. I know better than this.

In spite of the hat I weas wearing and using my hands as sun shades, my eyes are red and sore today, and keep watering.


Maybe that's why I was in a dark brown mood yesterday.




Ever wonder ...

03:23 Sep 03 2006
Times Read: 1,144

Ever wonder if you've offended someone, somehow?

And then wonder why it matters?

And then realize you are actually concerned about whether you've created offense toward a particular person?

And wonder how your walls got breached in that direction to such a degree that ... it really does matter?


How scary is that?




So ...

20:13 Sep 01 2006
Times Read: 1,155

So. What do you do when a man who can bounce quarters off his butt with sparkly eyes and a dimplegrin flirts with you?

Flirt back!!


*fluttery tummy*




The Frozen Meat Story

04:33 Sep 01 2006
Times Read: 919

By Dahlia's "Note to self" request, here is the Frozen Meat Story.

So. I have this abhorrence of people. Especially in large groups. Especially when grocery shopping.

I live near an air force base. I went grocery shopping adn this chap in an Air FOrce uniform came up to me and started asking me questions like do I live alone, was anyone at the house, etc. I told him to go away, only not so polite, and he reached out and grabbed my boob.

I was in the meat section, near the freezers. I don't remember what I was yessling at the rat-faced little cunt-curd, but I do remember him running away as I pelted him with one pound chubs of frozen ground beef.

I got him a good thwack in the temple, the face and the base of his skull. I have good aim with projectiles. =)

The grocer's got it all on video, and the information went to his commanding officer.

I don't understand why complete and total strangers walk up to me in grocery stores.



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