Requiem's Journal

Requiem's Journal


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15 entries this month

So. There's this place called Edmonton.

02:03 Feb 28 2007
Times Read: 903

And I was there.

Cold. Fun. Snowy.

Got to play Punk Bingo on Thursday night. That rocked. I was this fucking close to wining the robo-dinosaur!!! *harrumph*

Friday I was cheesedick and stayed in.

Saturday - out to Suburbs for Scott's birthingday - much fun had. There is this cat named Dave with fabulous hair and lightsticks - watching him dance was neat!

Sunday I died.

I was a zombie for a student flick - it was sticky and absolutely foul messy. Some of the fake blood, after it dried - it really did look like strawberry jism. It looked like we'd been mangled in a train wreck then caught in a Mr Kool-Aid circle jerk. *giggle* *happy sigh* It rocked a lot.

I'll get pictures from people soon and put them somewhere.

Monday, we went to see Pan's Labyrinth - fucking awesome movie. The dragon at the movie theater rocks! It moves around and shoots flame!

Today was travel day.

Travel days suck ass.

Home safe. About to be comatose.

Happy birthday Scott! And Kat - fucking awesome to meet you, lady.




Zombie - Eat flesh!

20:23 Feb 24 2007
Times Read: 915

I may well be an extra, a zombie, in a student flick on Sunday.

How cool is that?





01:57 Feb 22 2007
Times Read: 926



I left it to the last minute. Go me. I'll eventually join "Procrastinators Anonymous" if they ever get around to making a group.

I finally got my bag packed.

The carry on, however, is not packed yet.

And the monkey is mocking me.

I have to put it in carry on, because if my suitcase screams they'll probably strip search me this time.






ToiletDuc Makes me Giggle.

21:42 Feb 21 2007
Times Read: 935

Drew says:


Requiem says:


Requiem says:


Requiem says:

got vewy busy there for a bit

Requiem says:

the wabbits wewe wascawwy

Drew says:


Drew says:

What are you doing with rabbit weewee?

Requiem says:

wewe ... WEWE ... As in WAS onwy gwamaticawwy cowwect!

Drew says:





In fewer than 24 hours...

15:08 Feb 21 2007
Times Read: 949

I will be on a plane.

I am excited about being able to see these folks again, and delighted in contemplating the look on Daermon's face at the birthday gag gift, but rather less than sanguine about the airports and flying.

I couldn't stop tossing my non-existent cookies this morning, trying to calm myself down.

Meh. Travel looks to be rough for me tomorrow if I can't get this shit, my mental shit, under control.






19:15 Feb 20 2007
Times Read: 973

Papercuts generally suck, and rarely have I found one of my own amusing (I say one of my own, because when other people are shrieking and moaning about a shallow incision less than a quarter of an inch long it's funny), but today changes that.

I managed to get a papercut in the web of flesh between my forefinger and my middle finger on my left hand.

I'll wait a moment while you picture exactly where that is.


Yes, wince, it's worth a few.

Ok. So. You know how most folk tend to stick a cut finger and the like in their mouths to comfort a fresh injury? Well, I can't do that with this one, it looks vulgar.

I was explaining that to a woman here at work, Samantha, and she was laughing a great deal. She was laughing hard enough that when she tried to put her hand on my shoulder she ended up grabbing my boob on accident.

THAT, my friends, is fucking hilarious.




Mmmkay ...

01:57 Feb 19 2007
Times Read: 982

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com





17:08 Feb 18 2007
Times Read: 986

Thursday I fly up to Edmonton.

I go from San Antonio to Dallas to Seattle to Edmonton, then coming back, Edmonton to Seattle to LA (for fuck's sake) to San Antonio.

I'm probably not going to be fit for consumption of any kind (unless it's to gut and stew me like a lionfish) upon arrival in Edmonton or back home.

Fair warning, Daermon: Coddle me, please? ::laughter:: Or jolly me out of it or something.







16:58 Feb 18 2007
Times Read: 988

The one thing I really dislike about cold weather is this:

My hips ache abominably.

My pelvis was just about crushed several years ago in an auto accident, and now, whenver the weather changes, or it's very cold for a long period of time, owie.





Jeebus and baby sheep

21:58 Feb 16 2007
Times Read: 991

One of the agents (an out of towner) sent me a Valentine's day card. With Jeebus and a lamb on the front.

What do Jeebus and sheep have to do with Valentine's day?

Was he molesting the lamb?


One of these days, one god or another is going to hit me with lightning.




Carolyn is an evil bizzle.

17:28 Feb 16 2007
Times Read: 997

Me: "Carolyn?"

Carolyn: "Mmmhmm?"

Me: "Will you shoot me, please?"

Carolyn: "Mmmhmm. But in the foot. ANd I'm not letting you go to the hospital."


Me: "You suck."

Carolyn: "Yep."




Gem of the day

22:41 Feb 14 2007
Times Read: 1,004

Me: "Carolyn, I'm 52 pounds down!"

Carolyn: ... "*scowl* Don't tell me that while I'm eating a donut, you bitch!"




Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys

23:48 Feb 10 2007
Times Read: 1,016

So. In about 12 days I'll be hopping on a plane. Again.

For someone who has agoraphobia and a fear of flying, I do seem to be entering crowded airports quite a bit.

This time, I'm off to see the Monkey again for birthingday time.

I got him the niftiest thing - he's probably going to soak it in lighter fluid and burn it. I jokingly threatened to get him something pink and fluffy.

He made such a stink about it that I HAD to do it. Heh. Go me.

On a different note: There is a company in California with whom I am currently in love. They do coffee.

I have about a kazillion pounds of absolutely lovely flavoured ninja makings now, in my freezer, cheerfuly awaiting grinding and boiling.

Go ninjas! Hai! Hut hut hut hut!

*mmmmmmm coffee*

Chocolate truffle is good in my cup.




Holy chit!

03:44 Feb 04 2007
Times Read: 1,028

Gruntled really is a word!

I always (apparently mistakenly) thought "disgruntled" was a lone, freestanding word.

I made a joke about how one may be gruntled and decided to search Webster's.

Go-go Gidget Google for learning new things!




Returning member to the hall of shame

21:56 Feb 03 2007
Times Read: 1,035

Well. This Puerile and infantile Jackass has merited himself a spot in many peoples' halls of shame.

His behaviours run in rampantly childish bursts, then when called to account, behaves even more ignominiously, while attempting to call his just (and rather light, in my mind) punishments "childish" because he disagrees and chooses to blind himself.

His wife, on the other hand, seems to exhibit class. I don't understand why or how he ended up netting her.

Maybe, (when he is properly medicated? oh - was that ever catty ...), he can actually behave in an intelligent rational manner. I can't imagine any other reason she'd choose to be with such a seemingly infantile fuck-up.

Maybe he'll learn from her nature. At least, maybe he'll stop throwing his bullshit behaviours out through her account and tainting her name as well as his own.

What really amuses me is that he chose to rate my profile and portfolio as 1's, with snotty little baby comments. *giggle* I could give a diahreac shit less. I chose to not respond in kind and instead left my ratings of his creations in the value I thought he'd earned.

I believe his profile comment for me was something along the lines of "I hope Cancer frowns on your immature behavior as well" or similar.

Heh. Well. Ask the man, folks. He seems content with my performance in the job he assigned me. And as for that, anyone's opinions beyond his just really don't matter. I think what "Freebird" i.e. LordLestat, or whatever whingeing little title he is using next week, just fails to understand is that it's CANCER'S website. Even paying members need to follow the freaking rules.



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