a red candle (represents passion, love and romance)
a small mirror
a bowl of water
a rose quartz (optional)
in the evening, gather your supplies and meditate, if you desire. you can sit on the floor or at a table/altar. relax and breathe deeply, clearing your mind. light the candle and place it in front of a bowl of water. if using a rose quartz, place it next to the candle. now, hold a mirror up to the candle, then to the water and then to your face. look into your own eyes. concentrate on your beauty, your lovability, and your desirability - loving yourself is an important part of also being loved by others.
hold the mirror up to the candle again and say,
In the grace of the universe,
And in the abundance of love,
I am open to the bounty of love around me.
The flow of love, romance and partnership
is ever abundant.
In line with the greater good,
I create and attract romance.
wet your fingers in the bowl of water and hold your hand over your heart. when you’re ready, blow out the candles. wear or carry the rose quartz with you
You need:
-a white candle
-healing oil
-a handful of dried lavender and/or rosemary
-a piece of clear quartz or selenite
-a tool for carving the candle (toothpick or nail)
Place the candle on your altar or other flat surface along with the crystal. Scatter the lavender/rosemary in a circle around the candle. Carefully carve words the words “healing, wellness, no more pain,” and such into the candle, then.anoint it with a drop or two of the oil. Relax and try to clear your mind, think about how great you’ll feel when the pain has passed and focus on that thought. When you’re ready, light the candle and say the following five times:
"Candle’s flame, burn and carry this pain away."
Hold the crystal in your hand and focus on the flame. Visualize the pain and the discomfort leaving your body over time, being pulled toward and consumed by the candle’s flame. Hold the crystal gently against wherever the pain is. Charge the crystal with your desire/intent for wellness and allow the crystal’s natural properties to soothe you. You can continue saying the chant, if you like.
Blow out the candle and carry the crystal with you (ideally, near whatever part of your body that hurts you). Repeat the spell as needed.
Notes: this spell is designed to relieve physical discomfort and should not be used in place of professional medical assistance. It may be done on the behalf of another with simple modifications. See also: Herbal Bath for Pain Relief.
So EmeraldWitch a new member and a new witch asked for a spell that will give positive energy to an object so I got a simple one for her.
Tie one end of the rope/string to your item and the other item to your finger. Go outside and hold the item up to the sun/moon, think of a time when you did something good (gave the poor money, help the disabled, etc.), and repeat these words: "Oh, angels in heaven give me the power upon my kindness to bless an item mighty. Give it the power to help those in need whilst I repeat the words of thou mighty saints. Give me the power to bless". Then, keep holding the item under the sun/moon for 1 minute and after keep the item clutched in your hand for another minute, while keeping your thoughts on that memory. Then, your item will be blessed until you pass on. (Warning: If you miss a step, do a step incorrectly, or say the spell wrong, the blessing will backfire and the item will be cursed. So be careful.)
I am going to begin giving out spells to those in need. If you are in need of a certain spell, message me and I will upload a spell into the spell sections of my journal with your username.
Blessed be.