Well some time has passed since I came on here last.
I'm still living at home which is great now because everyone is getting along and we are all open to each other more now. I'm still unemployed due to personal reasons which I won't mention here. The way you saw Redeemer has changed........ I shaved my head and now look like a mental patient or I look like a football fan from england hahahaha. I should also mention I am still single, I have moved on from my past love and have tried to go out and meet someone special but you can't force fate. There is a plan for me but I don't know when that will be. I still get nightmares of death and destruction to this world but I am no longer afraid of it. It will happen someday and when it does I'll be watching as it all turns to rubble before us all. Well you probably think I'm insane now but thats your judgement over what I truely know now. Like I said some time has past and in that time I have been watching the world and studying everything I can. I will be on and off here for awhile, but be sure I will still write.