just creepy XD
omg the new friday the 13th other then one aspect looks wicked bad ass,
one part i saw of the trailer was jason moving fast.(new time era new concept though I suppose)
So, irony set in last night
Me and a bunch of people were talking about how bad guavaween here in tampa gets for Howl O scream,i have gone 6 years with never really getting attacked or anything purposely.And we were talking how if i was hit or anything how hard it would be to actually catch the creep.
Well 2 shifts before I got off work some idiot decides to push me hard enough most would have fallen off their feet.luckily i know how to plant my feet to catch myself most of the time.this guy also apparently attacked 4 others in our haunted house and when he noticed a tech following him as he was waiting for a drop door scare to happen,he acted all cool,and once out of the house he even tried to slip past the cops who was calling his name.Only thing I regret is i was not asked if I wanted to press charges for assault or battery XD.He was kicked from the park so it wasnt a total loss XD
So I started off dreaming there was a new movie coming out a sequel to an old 80s film called the wizard
it was about 3 kids who try to help one of them win a video game tournament,somehow it turned into the movie little monsters, (both having fred savage in them) and then some really weird hell raiser shit
so bad that wives are having sex with their husbands cause they cant afford batteries
nothing irritates me more when
1. Im told someone will do something for me and doesn't
2. The thing someone said they would do has a limited time today to do it and by not showing up or calling it could cause my bank account to go into the negative.
3.I call the person I know can contact them or could be with them, and it goes to voice mail.
so i meant to write this yesterday, you know your cat is highly intelligent and evil when
1.he headbutts you and slaps your face til you wake up
2 learns how to turn the alarm clock on to wake you up earlier then you wanted
your cats are very smart. That is for sure. And they are spoiled lol
lol at least they were able to get your attenion. I would say good kitty.
what seems to be more stupid
A< talking about someone when they are in the room and exaggerate and change the words that were said to meet the persons whim
B< taking cold/flu medicine which could be a 50/50 shot at being allergic to an ingredient ?
I went almost the entire year not getting sick,
and then HoS season and an idiot who went in with bronchitis and boom.I hope i can beat it fast.
hahaha i finally leveled up im a DESTROYAH
and I did it without rating the database as of yet