So I was going through profiles today and ran across many that has either no information.Or vaguely any maybe a sentence, And out of being inquisitive I took a look at what some claim to have rated these people.I find 10's for profiles with absolutely nothing on them.Come on people stop being afraid to give someone a 1 because your afraid they will give you a 1 in return, The rating system isnt about rating what your rated its about rating what a profile,portfolio deserves.I mean hell even the data base kinda gets the shaft when it comes to being rated.I have a simple rating system Im sure everyone else who doesnt have one can create one if I can.
I see not the point in rating what I am given or rating all 10's just to get a 10.I am not a child nor do I think as one majority of us should be the same mind set.
That is all end transmission.
My faith in the educational system has surely hit a major spike with the message below.
On 21:05:07 Apr 07 2008 (-0 GMT) Oceane wrote:
I am not interested in a relationship. I just want a code. I have no need for it or desire, I got my fiance, been engage 6 years now.
Was just asking for codes.
On 14:24:37 Apr 07 2008 (-0 GMT) RazaelRiezen wrote:
unfortunately you would have to deal with my fiance
Abstract for that as she is the one who does my profiles
On 20:55:28 Apr 06 2008 (-0 GMT) Oceane wrote:
lets make a deal, you give me the codes for the side by side, with space in between scroll boxes and help to make them like I want, I can make scroll boxes I just can't place them side by side with or without space in between, and I will stop stalking?
So, a few weeks ago was very unlucky for me only to come in to my computer refusing to turn on.
So me and Abstract opened it up and replaced the hard drive to a different computer as its easier then replacing a power supply.Then I plug it in try to turn it on nothing.I mess with one thing plug it back in due to a loose wire inside and smoke so I unplug it and notice a wire had bubbled over.
>.< time for a new computer and all the crap I had on my computer is lost :'( every last drop of items.
That sucks a lot (as if you didn't know this already.)
But yeah sometimes computers instead of making our lifes easier they complicate it more.
Mine is giving me a lot of problems lately too, I swear sometimes I just want to throw it out of the window!
17:50 Apr 28 2008
Yeah, what he said. *nods*
18:30 Apr 28 2008
Oh one more thing I know a number of people on this site do not do ratings,or just do it to reach sire, If your going to rate rate fairly not just to get it done.If your going to complain about me rating low instead of a perfect 10 well guess what only thing perfect in this world is chocolate, Also for those who get rated You do not have to rate things.Its an activity you can either do or don't do.
18:54 Apr 28 2008
Eh, most people who don't have much in their profile get a 5 from me. I figure if they do worse I can rate lower, and if they do better I can rate higher.
However if they just have crap in their profile I don't hesitate to hand out the 1.
Maybe it's because I have the luxury of being rated so many times that revenge raters have little to no effect on me.
19:00 Apr 28 2008
*Nods* yep I always rate chocolate 10 lol
01:11 Jul 26 2008
Completely agree. The only reason I can see a person not having personal info up would be they lack the skill to do so, and in that case I would think reaching out to your Coven or Acoylte. I feel very lucky to have my Coven supporting and guiding me. Any who are reading this know I am in the middle of 'adding' and fine tuning. I will ask for re-rates when I get my profile to my standards.