It is nice to hear about other's achievements…
Many would feel happy to find out about loved ones who have succeeded…
For me it is not so, mother could only frown
and dismiss the thought of my accomplishment.
Most can come to agree…
That parents thrive to see their child succeed
If anything to see the joy in their child's eye.
For me it is not so, mother rather complain about her daily routine and how life is so unfair.
Are you trying to gain some sympathy?
Being envious only spreads poison and builds walls…
All I can say is I love you....
So stop comparing yourself with others…
with me...
Though I would love to hear words of praise from you, mother...
I am content with my own satisfying smile, and the cheers from my kids...
knowing I did my best in reaching my goal of obtaining a BA in Psychology.
Now accepted into Grad School, I will pursue my license as a counselor.
So I am doing a proposal on the need of art therapy in schools. Focusing on elementary and middles schools and special education classes but, it is also beneficial to other students in need (i.e. traumatized or grieving students or behavioral issues). I would like feed back from anyone. As a parent, would you enroll your child into a certain school if this program was available?
Definition: Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
The responsibility of an Art Therapist within a school setting is to help students express and contain their internal conflicts, while facilitating their ability to implement change. School Art Therapists collaborate with the teaching and counseling staff as well as parents, to establish treatment goals and objectives that are appropriate within a school system. Art Therapy in schools is generally used for special education students who have difficulty in the setting as a result of learning disabilities, behavior disorders, emotional disturbances, or physical handicaps which impair gross and fine motor control.
It makes sense that it would aid in fine motor skills and occupational therapy aside from the artistic aspects. My youngest daughter had learning disability. I would bring home old blue prints, and we would sit and draw treasure maps. She would sit longer doing that than anything else. I would encourage the idea, and applaud you for working with those wonderful children.
What a great idea.
I worked with a woman who later went on to teach art, then specialize in art therapy.
I hope that the proposal goes through!
great Idea
16:50 Jul 02 2014
very well said
congrats on grad school :)