I saw you standing in front of me,
The day I met you.
You just looked at me.
My heart began to race,
And my breathing became shallow.
That brief glance opened my world,
To infinite dreams and possiblities.
I would speak only if I knew,
What to say,
Without you running away.
Confusion races through my mind.
Not knowing what to do,
Or show you how,
What you have done,
When I wasn't looking,
For what I have found.
One day I will find the courage,
To speak,
But for now,
I will remain silent,
And watch from a distance.
The darkness that surrounds me,
Is lifting to a shade of grey.
The rain that surrounded me,
Is now harmless clouds in the sky.
I know there is a storm approaching,
For the sudden peace that has settled,
But I don't fear the storm,
For I know when it is done,
I will once again be dry,
And hopeful for what is to come.
I belong to you.
I offer my life to you.
I give you my heart,
I give you my soul.
I give you my body,
I give you my alligiance.
You are my life mate,
I belong to you.
Looking at me with your angel eyes,
Could save me from myself.
With your heart offered to me,
Could propose a new love,
That might be impossible,
For me to refuse,
But also difficult to accept.
As long as you keep,
Looking at me with those angel eyes,
I know everything will be alright.