It sounds so much better to say that I only have 39 more levels to go, even though they are some of the hardest to acheive.
I have worked hard and gained 61+ levels since opening my profile. 2/3 (ish) of the way to Sire. I'm not sure what I will do when I get there. Maybe open my own coven. Maybe just petition an exisiting one to let me hang out there.
I have met many people, some have made me laugh, many make me smile just by being here. Some I learned NOT to trust, others lied and some have tried to use me as an outlet for their own inadaquacies. But one thing no one has done, is to make me quit, or give up. This is MY journey. I will play by my own rules as I wander the forum halls, meet newbies and get the chance to talk to those that have been here much longer.
It has been a long 7 days. The drive to California wasn't too bad. We (the boys and I) made good time. Spent 1 night sleeping in the van, but the weather was mild and although not comfortable as a bed, we all managed to sleep.
We got to the east gate of the Yosemite Nat'l Park about 2 friday afternoon and drove through to the west gate, enjoying beautiful scenery and amazing mountains. Our only wth moment? NO camping spaces open in the park. anywhere. We drove out to Mariposa and found a Comfort Inn. We didn't really have the money, but another night in the van was not an option. We ended up in a wonderful room. The hotel had taken a small cabin and split it in two. Each half had a queen bed, TV and a bathroom with a Shower! I guess the clerk felt sorry for us because he gave us both halves for the price of one. The boys had a room and I had one for myself. We also had free wifi and breakfast the next morning. It was wonderful and very much needed.
Saturday was spent helping my sister-in-law get ready for the memorial on Sunday.
More and more it's gotten hard to know who is who and who is lying to your face, or trying to use you for their own agenda.
I have a simple answer, trust no one and talk to even fewer than that. No body needs stress and crap on their social media sites. We log in to talk to friends, learn new things and basically play. There is enough BS and stress at work and in everyday life, why would you seek out more?
Hugs to those that are truly friends, you make it worth coming back. To the others that are playing their own little games. Screw you, find someone else to annoy.
Why is it everytime I log on, I find more and more bs and drama.
People I trusted and cared about turned out to be self serviing, back stabbing users.
Others that called my hubby and I friends, keep sending him skanky messages and nasty comments. He doesn't want to skype, cyber, or see your nasty ass on cam. Do you really think telling a married man that wishes you a good night, that you have cum running down your leg is appropriate????? It's freaking disgusting!
I have to say, if it wasn't for the few amazing and special friends we have on here, I wouldn't bother logging back on.
End of Rant :)
They actually say that shit?
OMG... That was deffo cah-cah... Yikess... Did you kill her yet? lol