After learning of the nearby stronghold, we sent word to friends and guild alike, we would need help in the upcoming fight. While waiting for our allies, we learned as much as we could about the enemy camp and those within it's confines. We reinforced and set traps along what was left of the town walls and the tunnel system. We needed to keep the town as secure as possible.
On our third full day in Greenest, we learned that another tribute was soon to be collected. There was much to be done to prepare. We helped gather what was left of the food and anything of value. We knew it was not enough to satisfy the DragonClaw that would come, so we readied the townsfolk and ourselves for a fight. The next afternoon we spotted a dust cloud rising from the road leading into town, it was time to see first hand what we were up against.
As the group of Followers approached the main gate, they seemed to be checking the area for anyone outside the walls. There were abut 15 soldiers in a loose circle surrounding a large cloaked and hooded figure, all were well armed. A young man, one of the town guards, became increasingly nervous and was quick to tell us, "They know you are here". We had hoped to go undetected for a while longer, it was not to be.
The approaching party paused as though waiting for something, then several alarms sounded. The wards and traps we had set were being tripped. Thankfully, they were holding. The town gates were kept open, as closing them would have been seen as an act of defiance and therefore subject to retribution. The townsfolk were all gathered in the square with us trying to blend in as well as we could. What little that was left to offer as tribute looked pitiful indeed. One of the Followers stepped forward, barely glancing at the small pile of goods before kicking it towards the townsfolk with an evil laugh. He demanded to know who offered such a puny tribute to the the great DragonBlade Vishnov. There was stunned silence, the fear hung heavily over the townsfolk, no one spoke, no one moved. The young man who had once been a proud defender of his small town stepped forward. He had barely begun to speak when he took an arrow to the heart. His wife and 2 young children cried out in fear and shock, then the silence fell once more.
The cloaked figure moved forward removing the hooded cloak that had kept him hidden. Gasp of suprise and fear ripped through the crowd. Before us stood a large, red dragonborn. I began to realize, thus was no coincidence, the young guard had been right, they knew who we were and they knew we were here.
So much has changed since I last sat to record my memories. We accepted a cry for help from a small town many days journey away. Little did we know what lay before us.
The town was not much more than a village really, but it was being besieged by a dragon, with help from the followers of Tiamat. We had met several of these "cultist" in ThunderTree when we went to reclaim it from an abundance of wild magic and a young green dragon!
This time, something was very different. The townsfolk were holed up in the town hall and what remained of the church. Most of the other buildings had been looted and burned, but it wasn't the dragon causing the destruction! It was the Followers.
The followers would come to the village every week to collect a tribute from the town. Family heirlooms, livestock, food stuffs and even the paintings from the church walls, nothing was overlooked. If the Dragonclaw (it's what the followers called their commanders) didn't like what was being offered, or thought there was more to be had, he would call forth the young dragon to wreak havoc upon the town. Children, parents, the very old and very young, no one was safe from the destruction. The followers had to be stopped.
When we first arrived a Greenest, a thick layer of smoke lay over the town and nearby fields. We were able to sneak into town through a series of tunnels under cover of darkness. Once again, our winged companions were of great service, scouting from the skies to keep us safe. We learned the followers were not just human like those we had previously encountered. Kobolds, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Goblins, Red Wizards and even a Dragonborn was rumored to be in the area. The townfolk could not give us an exact number, but we could tell this was a major stronghold with possibly close to a hundred followers heavily armed and ready to fight for their cause. This was a battle we could not face alone.