Ravenskar's Journal

Ravenskar's Journal


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Chapter 1

23:44 May 31 2008
Times Read: 598

Once long ago, when the world was young. There came a man from out of the frozen north. Barely alive he made it to a distant settlement and was taken into the home of a widowed woman named Faith. This man was delirious with hunger and thirst. Yet he ate nothing of the food and water that she brought him. For many days he lay as though dead. Then in the third week of his stay with her, she came into the room to see him sitting up in bed and quite lucid.

“What is your name? “ Faith asked. In a voice deep and melodious he answered, “My name is Damon.” “Where do you come from?” Faith wondered aloud. “I come from the north, at the top of the world.” Wondering what he meant by his cryptic answer she went about her daily chores. “Would you like some lunch Damon?” She asked. “No thank you,” he stated, “I think I will sleep some more and regain my strength if that is alright?” He asked. “Of course,” she said. I will leave you to it then. Gently closing the door she left Damon to sleep and dream whatever tormented dreams he had.

Faith was in the kitchen cleaning and trying to decide what to fix for supper, when a tinker came to the door. “Would you like to see my wares?” He called to her. “Yes, I would like very much to see your wares.” She answered. Pulling his cart to a stop, he jumped from the seat to the ground. Fine day, eh? Yes, a more beautiful couldn’t be wished for. He rounded the cart in front of her and opened the doors, showing his wares. There were books, plates, cups, cloth, needles, thread, lace, and all manner of odds and ends. Faith took her time in looking at everything. She didn’t want to miss a single treasure that she might find hidden in the recesses of his cart. As she was moving some cloth, she came upon a book of some indiscriminate age. The book was very large and heavy. “How much is this book, Tinker?” She asked. “Oh, that old thing, why you may have it if you like.” He said. “I will not be able to sell it for any profit.” He stated. “Oh, thank you very much.” Faith said. She laid the book on the steps and continued to look through the cart. A few minutes later she was paying for her purchases and bidding him a happy farewell. As the tinker was driving away he called to Faith and tossed her a rather large bundle. “From your friend the baker.” He cried. Then waving, he drove off until the next time he would pass by there.

Opening the bundle, she found fresh baked bread, muffins, cookies, and other delightful desserts. Laughing gaily she picked up her purchases and went back into the kitchen. So caught up in her delight, she failed to notice the man standing at the table until he spoke. “Where is he?” the Man asked. “Who!?” Faith asked. “The man from the north, I know he is here!” Faith thought fast, I can’t let him find him now. “He left a few days ago.” “I don’t know where he was going.” “He didn’t tell me anything, not even his name.” Faith stated. “Why is it I don’t believe you?” The Man said. “Truthfully, I don’t know where he has gone.” Faith told the Man. “Who are you anyway, to come sneaking into my home unannounced and questioning me so rudely?!” She stated. “My apologies.” “My name is Robert Ravers.” Robert said. Walking around the table slowly, “I am following a deranged man who is a vampire.” Spoke Robert. “A WHAT??? Laughed Faith. My dear sir, there are no such things as vampires. They are merely the ramblings of crazy people. “No my dear woman, they are not.” “Vampires are very real.” Moving closer to Faith, Robert stands to his full height and strikes her across the face. Knocking her to the floor, he snarls at her showing unusually long canine teeth. Grabbing her roughly and pulling her up to him, he states, “We are very much real and very dangerous!” Struggling vainly against his strength Faith is drawn ever closer to him. Turning her head Robert opens his mouth and starts to pierce her neck with his fangs. “NO!” screams Faith.

“LET HER GO!” snarls a voice from the doorway. Flinging Faith to the floor Robert starts to turn. Damon, strides into the room with a look of cold fury upon his face. “How dare you come into this woman’s home and abuse her.” Rants Damon. “I left so no one else would have to suffer my pain and guilt.” “Touching.” says Robert. “Noble to the end.” Suddenly Damon leaps upon Robert and they both crash to the floor, not far from Faith. “GET OUT! While you can.” Cries Damon. Faith gets up and runs from the house and hides in the trees nearby. Getting up the men face each other. “So, who will win I wonder!” said Robert. Damon doesn’t talk but stalks Robert around the table. Fangs bared and eyes blazing, Damon prepared to end Roberts life. Robert strikes with a lightening quick punch to Damon’s head. Damon leaps to the side and stabs Robert in the side with the knife he had concealed behind his back. Robert holds his bleeding side and pulls a blade of his own from his boot. Now, evenly matched the two men face off. Smiling smugly, Robert goes in for the kill. Aiming his knife at Damon’s heart, he thrusts forward. Stepping to the side Damon meets Robert’s headlong rush with his own blade. Nothing moves and all you hear is the labored breathing of the two men. Slowly Robert crumples to the floor. Gasping his final breaths, he says,” You will never be safe, we will hunt you down until your dead.” Slowly the light fades from Robert’s eyes. He turns to dust before Damon’s eyes. Wearily, Damon goes outside to find Faith and make sure she is unhurt. When Faith sees that it is Damon coming out of the doorway, she runs and flings herself into his arms. Crying she states,” I thought you were dead.” Stepping back she smiles up at Damon. As she does this she notices the blood and the dizzy look in his eyes. She catches him as he sinks to the ground. “You’ll be ok, I’m going to take care of you.” Faith declares. “You must leave me!” Damon cried. “No!” Faith said. You must leave me, what Robert said was true. “I am a vampire.” Damon said. To prove his point he bared his fangs at her. Staring at him for a moment, she smiled and told him she didn’t care.



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