Raven370's Journal


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3 entries this month

My Son

15:25 Nov 28 2005
Times Read: 679

My son scared the hell out of me. I was leaving my Mom's and he was going to spend the night. He was up the street hanging out with some friends and skateboarding. Well, when I left my Mom's, I saw this kid way up in the air on a skateboard. I thought to myself, "That had better not be my son." And damn if it wasn't. He had skateboarded off the roof of a house. I was so pissed at him. I told him he better not do something like that again.




I need to rant.

15:22 Nov 28 2005
Times Read: 680

Please don't judge me because of the lifestyle I live. But I need to rant today. My Master has been ignoring me lately. I am stressing out about it. He has never done this before. I don't know why he is doing it. He has not punished me in about a week and I don't know why. I have given him many reasons to, but nothing. I want to cry all the time because I feel like I have done something wrong, when I don't believe I have to make him this displeased with me. Oh, I don't know. I don't know what to do.




Unwritten Rules for VR

15:47 Nov 23 2005
Times Read: 694

I found this in the forum and thought it was funny and cute and very close to being true. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. And I strongly believe that some of them were referring to me. Not absolutely sure, but I think so. LOL.


#1 Thou shalt not advance quickly it causes people to become upset. (Sidhe)

#2 Thou shalt not rate people's profiles with real numbers but rate the person high. That way people like you. (Sidhe)

#3 Thou shalt have as many pictures and as much html junk on your page as you can find. (Sidhe)

#4 Thou shalt have atleast twenty pictures of yourself or your hot girlfriend on your portfolio. (Sidhe)

#5 Thou shalt not rate a premium member lower than a 10 else he or she shall come after you and tell you to re rate. (jtavarez50)

#6 Thou shalt not 'advertise' in the Vamp box else you shall be bitched at. (Sidhe)

#7 Thou shalt not post to a thread more than one time in a row. (Sidhe)

#8 Thou shalt bear falseness to oneself and conform to everyone else's opinions and never be unique or genuine. (lucioswolfe)

#9 Thou shall proclaim anne rice vampires to be true and infallible (lucioswolfe)

#10 Thou shalt proclaim oneself a pureblood while getting to school at 7am (lucioswolfe)

#11 Thou shalt not say fag, unless you are an administraor see previous rules, even if speaking of cigarettes. (Sidhe)

#12 Thou shalt present yourself as a bi-sexual bitch on your'e profile if you are a female between ages 13-16 so everyone will be intimidated (gothpunkstarfighter12)

#13 Thou shalt claim to know actual vampires and live next to them (lucioswolfe)

#14 Thou shalt claim to be a pureblood vampire & only linger in the shadows, and then put a picture of yourself sunbathing & playing frisbee at the beach with your friends. (gothpunkstarfighter12 )

#15 Thou shalt claim to be a psychic vampire when all else fails (lucioswolfe)

#16 Thou shalt type using self created abbreviations and acronyms and expect everyone to know what you are saying. (moonmystic)

#17 Thou shalt use numbers in place of actual words whenever possible. (WhiteTrashDruid)

#18 Thou shalt make out in the vamp box at any given moment, with people you will never meet. (WhiteTrashDruid)

#19 Thou shalt never use the shift key for it makes thee look cool and rebellious. (Jason)

#20 Thou shalt type in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME. (Sabastion)

#21 Thou shalt expect everyone to agree with your opinion, no matter what. (Jason)

#22 Thou shalt be highly offended when others do not agree with your opinion. (Jason)

#23 Thou shalt start a thread about every fucking thing that others do not agree with you about.

#24 Thou shalt hate thy mother and father because they do not "understand you." (Jason)

#24 Thou shalt believe that admins are assholes and abuse their "power." (Jason)


#26 Thou shalt claim to be a real goth simply because I "claim" to wear ALL black ALL the time, and think that the world hates me (jtavarez50)

#27 Thou shalt act like I am seconds away from jumping off of a bridge every damn minute of every damn day (despite the fact that I am 12 and have no way to drive to the nearest bridge) (jtavarez50)

#28 Thou shalt repeatedly claim that being goth is more than just dressing in black and being depressing all the time. (WhiteTrashDruid)

#29 Thou shalt worship the gods known as Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, and HIM. (WhiteTrashDruid)

#30 Thou shalt ignore the theme and subject of threads to have idle chatter not exluding, Yes I agree, and That is so wrong. (Sidhe)

#31 Thou shalt pimp your own profile and portfolio with a new thread atleast once a week. (Sidhe)

#32 #32 Thou shalt raise they status by filling threads with things like: Hello all, Bye now, see ya, Anyone Here, and the like. (Sidhe)

#33 Thou shalt claim that I drink blood just because everyone else on this site claims to do so, even though I never have (jtavarez50)

#34 Thou shalt not use any "fuck offs" or other swearwords on your fucking profile lol (lordvampirio)

#35 Thou shalt be bi-sexual coz its the trend (lordvampirio)

#36 Thou shalt be emo (lordvampirio)

#37 Thou shalt love HIM (lordvampirio)

#38 Thou shalt use txt language as in "dat 2 is wot dey r 4" to keep things shorter and make it more challenging to read (lordvampirio)

#39 Thou shalt post threads concerning a person who broke up with you. (lucioswolfe)

#40 Thou shalt have a name such as "SatanSpawnOfReallyScaryPlace" if you are under the age of 17 and especially if you are male. (JessaTremere)

#41 thou shalt choose names as king whatchamacallit and lord and master to compensate for low self esteem (lucioswolfe)

#42 Thou shalt repeat previous postings made by others in a thread (Crazywolf)

#43 Thou shalt not use propper grammer (Crazywolf)

#44 Thou MUST NOT spell incorrectly in the forum threads (Emaerald)

#45 Thou shalt misquote others and claim as thine own (Crazywolf)

#46 Thou shalt only look at someone's picture and completly disreguard their profile, and proceed to hit on them. Especially if they are twice your age or 8 mos pregnant. (LustfulDarkness)

#47 Thou shalt think your life is over at 14. (LustfulDarkness)

#48 Thou shalt only post quizzes on your pro. (LustfulDarkness)

#50 Thou shalt hit on happily married men. (LustfulDarkness)

#51 Thou shalt close every thread that is actually interesting and has ppl talking (LadySinaz)

#52 Thou shalt be too afraid to disagree with admins even if they are wrong. (lucioswolfe)

#53 Thou shalt suck up to Cancer and agree to whatever he says at any given moment (lucioswolf)

#54 Thou shalt try to open as many threads as you can within 10 minutes (lordvampirio)

#55 Thou shalt not discuss a topic that masses may be offended by (LadySinaz)

#56 Thou shalt not re-visit an old topic even though there are new ppl on the site and thier opinions might be nice to hear (LadySinaz)

#57 Thou shalt not argue in public (LadySinaz)

#58 Thou shalt add 666 to thy name to sound really evil (Sidhe)

#59 If thou art female, thou shalt NOT drink the Vampire Rave water!!!!(Khayman) Thou shalt become pregnant otherwise.

#60 Thou shalt not let your blood pressure to rise over the opinion of someone that's typing behind a screen across the world. (TearsOfArakiel)

#61 Thou shalt claim to be sucking your "energy" even though there don't know where you live. (lucioswolf)

#62 Thou shalt link everything to one's journals. (Sidhe)

#63 Thou shalt put the lotion on the skin or thou shalt get the hose! (IllNeverTell)

#64 Thou shalt post nonsensical, overly large pictures in EVERY THREAD YOU SEE. (Khayman)

#65 Thou shalt make incessant suggestive comments regarding site improvement and update. (Cancer)

#66 Thou shalt give new members NO time to become familiar with the site. As soon as a new member joins, if their profile is not perfect thou must rate them a 1 and give a comment along the lines of Message me when you have updated. To do otherwise would mean thou est being a bad profile Nazi. (Cancer)

#67 Thou must never, under any circumstances, approach any member of the Administration regarding your own advancement into the Administration. To do so would assure your exclusion for any possible future opening. (Cancer)

#68 Thou friends list is too big if at any given point in time 16 or more of them are online at the same time. (Cancer)

#69 Premium Members will always be treated preferentially by The Prince. (Cancer)

#70 Thou shalt never ask The Prince if he wants to chat. (cancer)

#71 Other than Most Referral Points, The Top is not a contest. (Cancer)

#72 The position of Acolyte is one of donation of one's time to the entity known as Vampire Rave. It is NOT a cool title to be added to your member name in lew of Administrative position. (Cancer)

#73 Thou hast too many Portfolio pictures if thou must scroll through the thumbnails. (Cancer)

#74 Thou hast too many saved messages if their number exceeds 100. (Cancer)

#75 A profile page is not a website. It should be possible to read the page in its entirety in under 5 minutes. (Cancer)



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