Yes. may 22 2008 and eight is the most bad day i have had in my life so far. I was dumped, fired,was told there was an amber alert out on my neice and my son is in the hospital because he was hit by a car. so besides that everything is perfectly fine.ARRAAG. well i have to go grocery shopping now so i will try to finish this later
I must say that i am thouroghly amused yet frusterated at the fact that i live in a wiccan comunety, we even had a plan approved by the city to build a temple of warship for spiritual poeples, but i cannot seem to find a simple occult shop tho replace my ransaced alter and supplies.
also i have only found one store to buy the books that i require but it has less then half a third of the books i need. so, i am frusterated at the stupidity of this city for the lake of materials the seven covens of kitchener need.