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45 entries this month
02:11 Feb 20 2008
Times Read: 750
what website is mention hum let me see??? vr ...vr...vr...vr I only see vr..
as for english hum let me check..wow we are NOT un america wow guess what we are in a french province, and country meaning? we dont give a fuck about english, why? cause we are not obligated to and also once again I do not see mention of another sites so YOU are bringing all drama and accusing her of things that are NOT in this post, YOU are perpously trying to provoc drama.
Oh, I'm sorry, it's not your obligation?
Then kindly do us all a favour, & leave...
02:05 Feb 20 2008
Times Read: 757
Apparently I'm a racist, because I pointed out that this is an English languaged based website. LoL.
....Ya, right.
22:03 Feb 19 2008
Times Read: 768
It's so nice to be able to do absolutely nothing & be on VR all day.
I better enjoy it while it lasts...
Job interview Friday.
18:47 Feb 19 2008
Times Read: 781
It's about time I showed my skill at Photoshop.
I've been looking at other peoples work, and everyone's like "ohh that's good"
I'm thinking to myself, really...What's good about it? Be real, it's shit.
I'm too lazy. I need to find the code again for my CS.
23:44 Feb 18 2008
Times Read: 812
GQ, why the hell are you STILL snooping around my journal? Theres nothing in here about you. Why dont you fuck off & find something better to do than lurk in here.
21:38 Feb 17 2008
Times Read: 869
Some of the members are at each others throats...Makes me feel better as it's not just me LOL.
Everyone says there sick of the drama, blah blah...But if there was only peace on the site, it would be pretty boring. Sometimes we need a few good rift's to keep it a little interesting.
19:26 Feb 17 2008
Times Read: 876
I hope it's not only me that struggles to talk with some of the people on here that send messages saying "hello"
So I reply & say "Hello, how are you"
There like "fine thanks, how are you?"
Im like "fine thanks"
& thats it.
If thats the only thing your going to message me saying, dont message me at all. I find it annoying & awkward.
01:55 Feb 17 2008
Times Read: 895
23:53:19 - Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 4
you all are cock sucking jews
Resorting to racism now? Your pitiful.
Can anyone say banned? Soon.
01:45 Feb 17 2008
Times Read: 898
QueenNocturnal has blocked me for some unknown reason or paranoia.
I have never spoken to this person even once, & I find myself blocked when I was about to ask her about something.
00:54 Feb 17 2008
Times Read: 910
Feb 16 2008
Date: 15:40:42 - Feb 16 2008
Rating: 8
Comment: Fuck, while were in the midst of humiliating the ignoramuses, maybe we should brand them Gangs of New York style.
A hot blade across the face should suffice for their mortal sin of spelling mistakes, & poor punctuation, the burn mark to recognise who has made this heinous crime, so they can be humiliated further in public.
How dare they write & brutalize the English language before our almighty spell check policing eyes!
We should get the twat seeking sporks out to hunt these vile excuses for human being's down.
Off with their head!
Damn right!
See, now you're getting the hang of it!
Well done.
Sarcastic bastard. ;)
23:03 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 923
located in US
i try english but other make fun but i try my best
Thats all you can do sweetheart.
22:55 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 929
I enjoy a bit of dominating, a bit of rough...Although, I sometimes see profiles of women that have got dog collars around their neck, saying that they belong to this particular person, & call them master.
Well, each to their own & no person bashing here...But do you not find this....Humiliating?
If someone put a leash on me & I was required to call him master, Id find it humiliating. & I'd tell them to kiss my ass & fuck off.
Im too dominant myself, & I feel I have too much pride to be treated like that, & maybe self respect comes into it.
Being dominated is hot, but thats a little too extreme for me...
17:44 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 937
15:26 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 967
Fuck, while were in the midst of humiliating the ignoramuses, maybe we should brand them Gangs of New York style.
A hot blade across the face should suffice for their mortal sin of spelling mistakes, & poor punctuation, the burn mark to recognise who has made this heinous crime, so they can be humiliated further in public.
How dare they write & brutalize the English language before our almighty spell check policing eyes!
We should get the twat seeking sporks out to hunt these vile excuses for human being's down.
Off with their head!
You dont like me because I question you, because my opinions differ. Because I'm not a coward. Because I dont hang on every word you say.
15:11 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 973
People cant have a civil conversation with differences without it turning into a childish fight, with bandwagon jumpers.
15:10 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 974
Proven wrong? No.
Ok you blocked me because of your reasonable request, fine, fair enough, I agree with it, I took it the wrong way & I was rude.
That has nothing to do with the fact that people are humiliating others when there in a staff position to HELP them. Not hinder.
Im answering Acolyte questions sometimes & I roll my eyes & think "for fuck sake"
Then I realise..."well, isnt this what I signed up for, isnt that what Im here for, isnt that what I have this position for?"
I dont grumble about my status, it's what I signed up for & I enjoy helping people. I WILLINGLY took the test & accepted that sometimes I'll get ridiculous questions.
It's your own decision, as it is mine.
14:54 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 979
Prove me wrong, just once.
14:52 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 982
*Puts on her red & white target shirt*
14:35 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 1,005
The below post wasn't directed at anyone in general, I read alot of journals with these kind of comments.
It is BULLYING wether you want to think of it that way or not.
Hell, you might as well throw them in the stocks in the town square so we can throw carrots & tomatoes at them.
14:31 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 1,014
I wish some of the "holier than thou" people on this site, would be publicly humiliated for their weak points.
English & spelling isn't a strong point for us all.
Yes, it's annoying when some fuckwit brutalizes the English language, but do they really deserve to be put in someones journal & ripped apart for it, by numerous members that have never spoken to them?
Apart from hurting your eyes & giving you a headache, those people arent doing you any harm. You dont HAVE to read their dipshit babbling.
Seriously, how would you like to be publicly humiliated? Im sure everyone here has been at one point been humiliated, you know how it feels, so why do it to others?
Does it make you feel better about yourself making someone feel like the shitscum of the earth?
12:28 Feb 16 2008
Times Read: 1,022
Ha, oh my god...I just took a look around & had a little read of journals like I usually do, & the people that have been in my journal like flies round dog shit are fighting with several other people...& they put in my comments box to grow up? LOL....
Rofl, maybe it's time to practise what you preach?
They called me a drama queen, well I dont feel special anymore as there arguing with a large population of the site by the looks of it.
Why don't YOU grow up you fucking bitch!
19:48 Feb 15 2008
Times Read: 1,045
I was just reading a journal entry, that Im pretty sure was aimed at me. I could be wrong though.
I never bitch about Cancers rules, I abide by them & Im happy with 100% of his decisions, he does a good job, with little thanks in return.
I dont have 3 premium membership accounts that are all acolytes, I don't have any other accounts apart from this one that Im on now either.
I never bitched that there were too many, the last time I looked there were about 20 acolye's & it came as a bit of a shock that there are now over 50.
It just means theres constant help available around the clock, alot of people in different time zones helps.
19:57 Feb 12 2008
Times Read: 1,135
I think the new comment boxes in journals are brilliant. It's a great way to communicate & share views on peoples thoughts & an easier way for friends to keep up to date...
Great work Cancer :)
19:09 Feb 12 2008
Times Read: 1,146
I've been an Acolyte for about a year & a half. When I first took my test there were only 7, including myself. Now theres over 50! Wow...
16:36 Feb 11 2008
Times Read: 1,225

This picture is for the people that have become furniture in my journal that I can't get rid of.
It even has a little sarcastic "kiss my ass" avatar there.
To my fans...MWAH!
16:31 Feb 11 2008
Times Read: 1,232
"Dont fuck with me or I'll make you cry"
I'm fucking with you & you make me LAUGH!
16:08 Feb 11 2008
Times Read: 1,245
16:13:46 - Feb 10 2008
Times Read: 37
I Should Set The Record Straight....
Yes I Have A Family Member Who Has Down Syndrome...
It's Something That I Don't Take Lightly...
So Now Here's My Final Warning...IF ANYONE EVER CALLS ME Anything That Has To Do With A Mental Handicap..I Will Rip Out Your Heart And Feed It To My Dog...
I'm Not The Girl Who Is The Type To Take Battles Lying Down...I Fight For Myself"
I've never met a bigger hypocrite than this girl right here. She puts even MINX to shame. This message is directed at me. Now if you look in the comment section of my journal she said to me
"Profile for BubbleGumClaudia
Feb 10 2008
Block User
Delete Comment
Yes Sug..Cause I have a life..a child to raise, bills to pay and things to do...
Have you ever heard the term Munchausen Syndrome??
Cause the mental illness suits you"
So she said I have munchausen Syndrome. So when I retaliate & ask her if shes heard of downsyndrome, she doesnt fucking like it. LMAO. This little girl can give out plenty, but she cant take shit.
Your sat there on your high horse acting all innocent, when in reality your the person that said I had a mental handicap first.
Next time when your dishing out insults, saying someone has a MENTAL HANDICAP, expect them to say you HAVE ONE BACK. Are you really that fucking dumb?!
Your the biggest, stupidest hypocrite I have EVER come across.
& I welcome you to come TRY & "rip out my heart"
I'll eat you for breakfast :)
03:09 Feb 11 2008
Times Read: 1,256
Now the journal whores seem to of left, I can carry on posting in peace :)
17:54 Feb 10 2008
Times Read: 1,276
My journal has become the Fight Club LOL
15:05 Feb 10 2008
Times Read: 1,334
Damn GhostPunk is fantastic, he copied my whole journal & put it into his own...So original.
& Bubblegum, your correct, the stupid attention whoring cunts should be shot, maybe you should look closer to home ;)
GhostPunk & GhostQueen aren't capable of fighting there own battles, they have to involve the world & his wife.
Im not bringing people into our argument, yet all your little friends are in my journal, leaving snide comments about me in yours, I mean HAHAHA, & IM the attention seeker?
This must argument between us must be the fucking highlight of your sad pathetic life.
12:47 Feb 10 2008
Times Read: 1,341
LOL, don't pretend to know anything about my life. I was married on the 7th August last year.
Remember when I messaged you occasionally & told you that I'd be getting the internet soon & to hold on? The reason for that is because I was in a place in Alabama that didnt have the internet, apart from dial up, which we decided not to bother with.
When me & Scott were in Florida, we had broadband & this was over 8 months ago, then we were only engaged at the time.
He has been online twice, maybe three times in the last 8 months & didnt change the option to married. Big deal Jaye!
Yes. I can be manipulative, & if you say you don't have that ability too, your lying.
Keep him in your coven, he was never interested in VR much anyway, & it's really sad that you'd bring in an innocent party to an argument he doesnt even know about, or defend himself in.
Thats not manipulation sweetheart, thats cowardice.
Your IQ will smother me? Don't make me laugh. You cant string a complete sentence together without shitty punctuation & spelling half of it wrong.
If your so smart why do you carry rocks for a living...*Rolls eyes*
Maybe you should put that mouth to good use...5 dolla sucky suck
22:24 Feb 09 2008
Times Read: 1,371
What happened to your last journal entry?? LMAO... did your concience get the best of you or are you jealous because my wife is sexier than your fat ass ever will be. And I'm assuming you have a fat ass because you only take upper body pics. LOL
*Smiles*...The reason I dont FLAUNT myself is because my body is for my husband, and my husband alone...I dont need every dirty pervert online to be looking at my body to give me substantial confidence about myself. I have plenty.
I wasn't even talking about your wife, but it's nice to know what you really think of her, thinking I was talking about her...LOL.
21:42 Feb 09 2008
Times Read: 1,378
& Also how do you know I was talking about GhostQueen, all because I visited her profile? Oh wow aren't you Sherlock Holmes, do you know how many profiles I visit when Im online?
Have a look at evilbjdoll before you run your MOUTH
21:35 Feb 09 2008
Times Read: 1,379
lol...Oh, did she now? She said -I- can't get enough? HAHAHA
Thats the most hilarious thing I've heard all year...Go look in her journal about her "abusive" relationship she has banged on about for over a year...Not that many believe her...
Oh Minx, your so funny...
You just showed what a backstabbing little cow you are once again :)
17:54 Feb 04 2008
Times Read: 1,443
"omg..now whos contridicting herself.
ya know..i was gonna leave you alone but b4 i do i must comment on ur obvious lie here..
1st you say you didnt say i lived off the state tho i have ppl whod back me up that you did..
then you say you dont associate w/ state suckers .lmao..riiiight...
now everyone who reads this can see who the delusional full of shit so called white trash is.
of course.unless you delete like you deleted some of jayes (GHOSTXPUNKER) BTW......
so ppl can cant read ur lies..ahh...funny shit...
well weve made our point..so you respond anyway you want,it wont do no good..atleast im not the 2faced liar,you obviously are..have fun w/ ur own personal soap opera.ive got a house & a baby to take care of..have a nice pathetic life whoring around the streets.i know ur proud of that but its very disgusting,esp the way you look..
hmm..ur like another famous whore i know..a movie was made out of it.lmao..you next?
*waves to all my fans*
youre the biggest one. :)
LMAO, atleast me & her have atleast one thing in common, I look forward to reading more of her illiterate dumbass comments left in my journal from her...
Who gives a fuck if you have witnesses that say I said you live off the state, like I told you, SCREEN SHOT IT, PROVE I said it. But oh wait, you can't, cos I never said it, rofl...Dumb cunt :)
I've asked you numerous times to prove it, yet you still wont...
Ohhh the only thing you can come up with is calling me a whole, aren't you smart. Atleast I dont look like I hit every branch of the ugly tree on the way down...
If you have better things to do, so you say, do everyone a favour & go do them. I'd recommend jumping off a very high building too.
Bye darling! & thanks for the shits & giggles, it's been fun!
12:46 Feb 04 2008
Times Read: 1,462
Everyone feel free to read the latest comments left by GhostPunk & his coven.
Obssessed? lol...Why is it obssession because I choose to show what your saying to me behind closed doors into my journal? You stupid fuck....
Also, YOU guys are the ones coming into MY journal leaving stupid messages, Im not coming to you, your coming to ME.
Your obssessed ones. No wonder with a wife looking like Lisa.... Hahahaha, you need something to look at thats easier on the eyes...
And as I already said to you, I never said anything bad about Lisa's children that passed away. Your delusional. I challenged you & told you to get a screenshot of it.
Because it's a lie :)
& cant Lisa fight her own battles, or does she have to hide behind her husband & coven of minions? Rofl...Your pathetic girl
19:21 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 1,506
Harley, Im so sorry that your another one that cant read...Its ok...
No you didnt get under my skin, I just pity you & everyone else that happens to come across you...
Oh &, I never brought you into this, if you bothered to read the rest of the journal, you'd see that your little friend GhostQueen said that you said Im drama...& I replied did he? Because I've never spoken to him.
Illiteracy at it's best...Whats insicure?
Using idiocy twice in one paragraph, and IM the dumbass? Rofl...
Talk about Coven harrassment :)

09:30 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 1,539
I'd like to know were in all of this I made fun of her childrens death...
Oh & the poor thing, shes worked enough in her life, and shes HOW OLD? LMAO
09:20 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 1,545
Ok lets start at the top. Stop attention seeking Ghostqueen, I never said anything of the sort about your children deserving what happened to them. It's an awful & sad tragedy, & no parent deserves to lose a child in that way.
It's just sad & sick that you try to twist words in your favour saying I said something so disgusting...Take a screenshot & put it up because I did not say that, it's a lie.
& GHOSTPUNK. Try doing my work, it's not all fucking nice uniforms & a pretty NVQ. It's fucking hard work, it's a VERY strenuous job, lifting & carrying ALL the time. You sit there & watch someone you've cared for, for months deteriorate & die. You wouldnt last five minutes doing WOMANS work. For a start why is work being continually brought into this conversation?
Oh yes, I told GHOSTQUEEN the reason I havent been participating in the coven as much lately is because I work 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, 8PM to 8AM...
Now if you dont mind, stop wasting my time & find someone else to bother with your word twisting little games, as I haven't the time or patience, I have a life.
09:13 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 1,547
He must be talking about this journal entry I did a few weeks ago, it was a forum thread in the coven calld "worse thing you did as a child"
& this is some of the shit these mental cases wrote...
"Re: What was the worst thing you did as a child.
Posted: 23:09:12 - Jan 09 2008
Times viewed: 23
OMG what have a started??? ROTFLMFAO
What the hell is wrong with you peeps?? LOL
Well it was terrible what I did to my little sis, but digging deeper and darker, I use to get frogs and pull their skin back and pour salt on them. I would bury cats in the ground, all but their head and run over them with lawn mowers, and I did have sex with one of my best friends boyfriends. But I think the worst it got was sleeping with one of my father's best friends in my parents bed."
I dont care who fucked who, but why would someone do that to a cat or frog? A poor defenseless creature that has never done any harm to anyone...
It sickens me. I think people like that are pieces of filth & should suffer the same grisly death.
Heres another, oh he he he fucking ha ha, aren't they clever?
"Re: What was the worst thing you did as a child.
Posted: 19:43:59 - Jan 09 2008
Times viewed: 30
yea thats true... drugging and drinking.....nailing random animals and the such like cats birds snakes, w/e i could to a tree... hehehehe that was fun... or catching mice and throwing them in a self made iron maiden.... hhehehehe"
09:09 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 1,549
| Block |
Date: 07:07:18 - Feb 03 2008
Rating: 1
Comment: "Not that I know anything about hard work?".....LMAO...Try working 16 hours 7 days a week carrying concrete forms for a living.... You wouldn't last half a day doing a mans work.
BITE! You are truly a bitch....
"I use to get frogs and pull their skin back and pour salt on them. I would bury cats in the ground, all but their head and run over them with lawn mowers,"
To qoute you about the coven member that offended you... "Torturing animals digusts me" ROTFLMFAO.... I guess you stuck your foot in your mouth this time skank.
Does anyone else know what this nutcase is talking about now? Yawnnnn
09:00 Feb 03 2008
Times Read: 1,559
| Unblock |
Date: 21:42:15 - Feb 02 2008
Rating: 1
Comment: whore
| Unblock |
Date: 21:30:44 - Feb 02 2008
Rating: 1
Comment: Bitch
Rofl, yep, thats me! Hahahaha
17:02 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 1,587
| Unblock |
Date: 03:59:04 - Feb 02 2008
Rating: 10
Comment: blocking me..riight...well ive blocked u once & i'll do it again but not b4 i let u know what a clueless ignorant bitch u are.thankgod i never talked 2 u..u are really a worthless piece of shit in what we call,this human race..
harley was the one who said u were drama btw..so again u have no idea what ur talking about & its quite funny..ur kinda like a clown to amuse me..youre a dishonest,disgusting human being who needs to find her angels..i was orinally being nice,it shows what kinda "person" u are..not much of one.
go fuck urself!
Lmao, piss off bitch. I've been ignoring you for the past two days & look at your reaction. You get your little husband to message me & fight your battles rofl.
& before you judge me to be the shit scum of the earth, I suggest you look a bit closer to home at your so called friends that torture animals in the most brutal, sadistic ways.
Fuck off, go back to school, learn how to read & write as I never said you lived off the state, and earn your own fucking money instead of suing for it.
Harley? Harley can do a running jump as well, as he's one of the people I mentioned above, hes never spoken to me ONCE. Ever. So hes the perfect person to judge me. Uh, right.
I've blocked you, ignored you, & still you message me through ratings. Grow up, find something better to do, & shut the fuck up.
16:48 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 1,591
Feb 02 2008
Block User
To Saved
Email to Self
I'm not here to be rude or anything but GHOSTSQUEEN really does have alot of money. We got married last year and bought a $265,000 dollar house straight up in cash with the money she got out of a lawsuit due to the death of her very young children. I'm only messaging you this to back her up...... it is a sad issue the way the money was attained but I'm only saying this so you can understand a little more about her.... not that you care im sure.
Seriously, can this shit get any more fucking retarded & childish...
She said in a message to me that shes worked enough in her life, shes like what, 40 maximum? LOL...Think of the people that worked until 70+ years old, damn your so hard done by!
Its not money shes earned, it's money shes aquired through sad circumstances, so she cant just sit there & say that shes earned that money like she did to me.
Earning money is working 16 hour shifts 5 times a week honey, not that you'd know anything about hard work.
Me & clans just dont mix. I either am here every second of the day, posting in the coven forum, or I dont participate enough because of work.
Well, I choose not to participate anymore, covens are a full time thing, there so fucking possessive & Im not putting up with anymore coven bullshit.
So dont even bother asking me to join. Im sorry but I dont care if your my friend or whatever, I dont want to be in a coven. There more trouble than they are worth.
Oh & Ghost...$265,000 is nothing to brag about, thats about £132,500 British pounds, which is about as much as you pay for a council house here, & a council house is a project house...So I wouldnt be bragging about a 256k house, cos thats as cheap as you can get.
03:41 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 1,601
Look at this dirty potty mouth...
"On 15:57:33 Feb 01 2008 (-6 GMT) GHOSTSQUEEN wrote:
oh and 1 more fucking thing..
i DO NOT live off the state..i dont know where u get that bullshit..i have my own,large amount of money & own a huge house..so dont give me that..work 18hrs bullshit..ive worked enough in my life you fucking cunt..go suck ur bfs dick & mind ur own buisness..
everyones glad to have you out of our coven w/ all ur drama..."
No one said she lived off the state, but just to stick the knife in, my reply;
Look at you having to lower yourself to name calling, your pathetic...
Lots of money? Right, thats why it looks like you shop at the local goodwill...
Oh &, all my "drama"? Your so dumb you just contradicted yourself & you dont even know it...What "drama"? You just told me I didnt participate in the coven, now your telling me your glad Im fucking gone cos I cause drama? ER, DURH!
& I wanted out of here anyway, like I said, ask LV, this was a few weeks ago.
I dont associate with animal torturers or state suckers...