I’m in a very dark time in my life right now. Before I go any further, let me remind myself and admit to whoever comes across this, I’m a good person. I am a child of God, and I some how got involved with the underworld. When I say involved, I mean I know way too much about it and I’m not involved. Well I’m involved, just not in a good way.
I’m really having a hard time right now especially because my whole family is gone. I have no family members left, I’m the only one left. It hurts me. Then on top of that I can hear my brother being severely tortured. I don’t know how I can hear it, I think some form of black magic is being used, but I’m not sure. It’s killing me to hear my brother suffering like that, and I know for a fact he so does not deserve that. I feel really, really bad for him. My situation is depressing, it makes me really sad.