You gave me love, where there was none
You give me hope when the day is done
You give me such common sense
You give me the world in a sentence
You give me the time of day
You give me the right of way
You give me no conditions
You give me pole position
You give me music to my dance
You give me artistry to enhance
You give me eloquence when I stumble
You give me your hand when I tumble
You give me a definitive to my indecision
You give me accuracy and precision
You give me melody to my song
You give me a right to my wrong
You give me shelter from the rain
You give me relief from the pain
You give me smiles to start my day
You give me shooting stars to light the way
You give me security
You give me sensibility
You give me answers why
You give me wings to fly
You give me smiles to light my way
You give me the right words to say
You give me comfort in troubled times
You give me poetry to rhyme
You give me sun to warm my face
You give me dignity and grace
You give me passion and desire
You are the match that lights my fire
You give me a reason to sing
You give me everything
You are the missing piece
You give me inner peace
You are my everything
And everything is more than I want
Lust is like a flame when hot
That night you found my spot
Sent me to a world I never knew
All because you knew what to do
No one has gotten me that wet
Now I have to play hard to get
Dreaming that you will want me
More than a pillow pal you see…
Lust can turn into something more
Hope you don’t walk out the door
Take a chance and get to know me
Maybe you and me are meant to be
The sunset streaming across the ocean
The beautiful colors of orange and red
Is reminiscent of my devotion
And eagerness to stroll the road ahead
The glory seen in the view above me
Reminds me of the joy found in your heart
You have proven the splendor that can be
When tender love becomes a work of art
Across the array of vibrant shading
A flock of seagulls flies swiftly in pairs
As a testament to unending romance
Love remains after the daylight’s fading
Beyond the utterance of bedtime prayers
Lingering always, thanks to the heart’s dance
Her dark tresses that gleam and shine
speckled with frostings of long love.
Upturned lips of a thousand smiles
blessed with those enchanting green eyes.
His hair in white waves and smile straight
so here they stand in eachothers space.
Pairs of green eyes locked together
his strong hands stroking silkeness.
After resting on soft shoulders
they glide across a sculpted place.
To slowly slide down, side to waist
and arms wrap to hold eachother in.
Standing thus no one else exists
bodies merge as their arms close in.
Heads tilt and lips join together
breaths lengthen with long sighs moaned.
Tihy wings flutter while hearts thump
as fingers grasp and cores heat up.
Heads lean back and chests start to heave
nothing is said, only eyes speak.
Their smiles broaden when arms wrap again
and parted lips meet for love play.
What could it be better than this
so mists dissipate and lights dim.
I always knew that love would come find me someday
but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way
you caught me off guard and took me by surprise
but you simply captivated me, the same way you do when I look into your eyes
It's true that every good and perfect gift is from above
you were presented to me as a beautifully packaged gift full of humor, talent, intelligence, beauty and love
"it isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"
we all have our flaws but when I view you through my eyes, perfection is all I see
From when you laugh to when you're upset, I still love the little things you do
especially hearing you laugh and seeing your nose wrinkle the same way mine does too
coming into this relationship has been hard at times but we've made it through
I know as long as we're on this journey together, there's nothing that we can't do.
Sometimes I wonder if what we have is too good to be true
too scared to get my heart broken and scared of the thought of losing you
but in the end, I trust in the author and perfecter of what I believe
because what we ask for in Him, we in return shall receive
"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also" is how the saying goes
I may not know what tomorrow may bring, for God is the only one who knows
the one thing I do know is that you are my one and only
a treasure in my heart that I want to devote my whole life to completely
I know I don't need to prove my feelings to know they're true
because what I've known in my past, doesn't come close to the experience I've shared with you
I've had the experience of being in relationships before
however, this is the first time I've been truly happy... I couldn't ask for anything more
it's an honor to know that I am yours, as you are mine
and I trust God that He'll bring us together in His beautiful time
For now, I'll be waiting patiently for that day when we'll be together
that precious moment in time when I'll say, "it's you that I want to be with forever"
God made everything beautiful, precious and new
just as beautiful and precious as the day will be, when I look into your eyes and say, "I Love You"
Unconditional love..
More comforting than anything on earth.
Unconditional love..
I just can't explain how much it's worth
to me.
Unconditional love..
has enabled me to finish things
I would never have started
unless I had it..
unconditional love.
Unconditional love..
wanted by all, received by few.
I wish I could offer it as a gift
to everyone I ever knew
Unconditional love..
what is this word "unconditional" anyway
how do we explain it
and to show it, just what do we say?
Unconditional love...
some crave it all their life.
Others blow it off
so it doesn't cause them
worry or strife.
Unconditional love..
Everyone wants to be loved
in one way or another..
I always wanted to be love this way
Unconditional without bounds by my mother.
Unconditional love..
What do we do to receive it?
What can we say to bring it closer to us?
We all want it.
Where is this "unconditional love? Is it visible?
Unconditional love..
those of us who have lived a few years
realize that all the laughter or tears
simply cannot bring unconditional love into our lives
and we are content with who we are.
After all, what really consitutes "unconditional love?"
Completeness? Sensitivity to our needs?
Unconditional love..
It's all how you view it, whether you have it or not
and who you have it with.
Unconditional love..
I spent twenty-seven years of my life
trying to receive unconditional love from my parents.
Then, they told me to "go home and work things out"
with my soon to be ex.
They just couldn't understand how my marriage could go wrong.
Unconditional love...
It was time for me to be free.
My parents didn't give it to me.
My husband never knew what it was.
And they all want it to "work out."
To me, that's kind of conditional.
Darkness surrounds me
Flicking a match,
Lighting a solitary candle.
A cold summer’s breeze surpasses me.
I sit here lonely,
Watching the burning candle,
Mesmerized by its glow
I fall deep.
Unconscious to the world around me.
Till awakened by your warm touch.
My handsome prince has returned
Taking away my loneliness
Laying down beside me,
Great comfort overcomes me.
Holding me near,
Pondering upon our time apart.
Speak no more for you were always in my heart
Holding me tight through the night.
I awake the next morning to bright sunlight,
And you in my sight
You don't know it...
But your hurting me inside.
You said goodnight
But it don't sound the same
As yesterday
I knew that was the last time...
You would say it like that
I loved you...
Our hands clasped together
Under the rain my love
You were looking for me
Behind a white forest
With a hollow tree
Please come find me
Even if I was cold in the snow
Your hug would feel like a furnace
Against my body
But I know
your not looking for me anymore
my love dream ends here
But my love for you doesn't
Every tear i let fall
Isn't even for the pain
I'm feeling inside
Its for the pain that
I know you
DON'T feel from losing me
I always dreamed with love
You holding me in your arms
But that wont be done
Why do you make me
Die inside like this?
You made me feel like a fool
Why did you tell me
From the start
That you didn't love me?!
You made me dream
Impossible things
But I see now
The only thing you wanted
Was to play with my feelings
You just hurt me inside
Didn't you notice?!
I try not to care anymore
But the pain keeps coming
Do whatever you want
I don't care
Just please
Please stop hurting me
Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can
disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to
every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel like there is
something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your
optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best,
and expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living person you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too strong for fear, and to happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Success is speaking words of praise,
In cheering other people’s ways.
In doing just the best you can,
With every task and every plan.
It’s silence when your speech would hurt,
Politeness when your neighbor’s curt.
It’s deafness when the scandal flows,
And sympathy with others’ woes.
It’s loyalty when duty calls,
It’s courage when disaster falls.
It’s patience when the hours are long,
It’s found in laughter and in song.
It’s in the silent time of prayer,
In happiness and in despair.
In all of life and nothing less,
We find the thing we call success.
What is it I surmise, when I look into your eyes?
Is my opinion wise, when I look into your eyes?I try to find the truth on how you feel about us
And not to improvise when I look into your eyes.
There are times when I can be so sad and lonely,
Where my heart cries when I look into your eyes.
Moments are there when I feel as light as air,
Like I won first prize when I look into your eyes.
You can touch my heart with soft tenderness
And passions will rise when I look into your eyes.
When you look at me no more and you turn away,
That’s when my heart dies, when I look into your eyes.
You are the whole world to me. Can you not see?
I FEEL MY life is comprised when I look into your eyes.
My lips to yours' wakes my soul,
My lips to yours’ tell a secret that only my heart knows.
Such grace as our eyes close
And share a breath...
Words lose meaning and mean even less.
Lost in rapture of a perfect dance,
when two lovers leap and take a chance.
A first kiss not outdone by the second-
a third kiss and surely the fourth one beckons!
No day shall ever find
a reason why,
no star could ever shine so divine...
A million poets could try-
but would fall every time,
When into rhyme they try to harness the
Passion of your lips pressed
against mine.
Oh how the hallowed winds stretch across the moonlit sky
Beneath a thousand twinkling stars,
And Oh how my heart sings its' heartfelt cries
Where love again has left its' jagged scars.
The resounding drops of the morning rain
that doth pour out o'er heavenly days,
remind me of my silent pain
so buried beneath my tears of haze.
Love do not find me, nor look my way..
Send no angels from above...
For my heart has died and withered away
and will not chase love.
Wind o'er my head and gentle breeze
that brings loves' arrows to send,
stay atop the evergreen trees
while this heart o'mine I mend.
Oh Love that lingers in the little streams
sparkling atop the water's glassy smile,
quench not my thirst amidst my screams
and leave me be for a while.
"No" Love, I say to Thee
and I dare not speak of,
I bid you adieu from me
For I will not chase love.
For I will not chase love.
Oh to Thee, Him who paints the seas
I kneel and pray this day,
whil'st upon my knees
to ask why Thou has me betrayed?
With your sharp tongue and fists of steel
that has pounded my heart into three,
Love has shown me that pain is real
and can conquer me.
So "No" to love I yell and fight..
For I will not chase love,
I will not waste love
I will not face love...
But for you,
for you...
I just might.
Darkness surrounds me
Flicking a match,
Lighting a solitary candle.
A cold summer’s breeze surpasses me.
I sit here lonely,
Watching the burning candle,
Mesmerized by its glow
I fall deep.
Unconscious to the world around me.
Till awakened by your warm touch.
My handsome prince has returned
Taking away my loneliness
Laying down beside me,
Great comfort overcomes me.
Holding me near,
Pondering upon our time apart.
Speak no more for you were always in my heart
Holding me tight through the night.
I awake the next morning to bright sunlight,
And you in my sight
Every time i miss you, a star falls
So if you ever look up at the sky and the stars are gone
its because you made me miss you too much!
I'm enthralled by your beauty
captivated by your charisma
and spellbound by your love
No wonder I am always thinking about you
I m on a mission:
Misson 2 avoid u
2 forget u, 2 get rid of u
2 not 2 talk 2u or meet u
in short...
Go for sum1 who makes u
smile becoz only a smile makes
a dark day seem bright
As days go by, my feelings get stronger
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer
Look into my eyes and u will see it's true
Day & Night my thoughts r of U
I found u when i was young
I will be with U as i grow old
U r my one true love
My 4ever girl
One day I stumbled upon a beach.
Salty air whipped waves to cuddle my bare legs.
The sun was half way down
yet I could feel its pink and orange rays
highlighting our faces and our hair
like they were trying to push us together
and soak each other up
just like we did the setting sun.
For now it has been years since that indelible day where
we walked to the edge of the world that
holds grainy sand that tickles my feet
like memories of love tickling us with rough feathers.
My laughter as you danced in the friendly ocean,
your smile as I wrote messages in the sand,
your hand as it reached to entwine with mine.
A collage of painted memories
engraved upon my mind.
That boat is where our eyes met
and I didn’t know what was to come.
When you came to seek me in my hidden little house on that beach
my stomach tingled and I had a feeling
I knew something was coming.
The beach is where you stole my heart
and I told you that you could keep it.
I don't see you anymore.
It’s too hard for two people to find one another
when they live so far apart.
Loving you feels so normal,
but at the same time,
knowing I can't have you with me
keeps me up at night.
although you are torn from my every day world
to a place I hope is wonderful for you,
I know you are carved on my aching heart
and when I see you I will smile so wide
and each memory of the beach will flood back to us,
for our foolish love will spark a million candles
lined upon an ocean shore
to light our world once more.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
The poem is about an unnamed woman. She's really quite striking, and the speaker compares her to lots of beautiful, but dark, things, like "night" and "starry skies." The second stanza continues to use the contrast between light and dark, day and night, to describe her beauty. We also learn that her face is really "pure" and "sweet." The third stanza wraps it all up – she's not just beautiful, she's "good" and "innocent," to boot.
Good evening
Sunshine musical
Your heart is to sing
A song for us all
In pleasuring way
So dreams come true
And color the gray
That came here thru
Good starry night
With a song to fill
In a glowing sight
Of a musical thrill
When days are in sleep
In the hours dark
Your songs will keep
Their moments spark
Good playing song
For a mood of the dim
For a heart to long
In its whimsy whim
When hours are calling
In their dreams feel
As the stars are falling
And nothing seems real .................. but still a real magic ! ;)
04:31 Sep 06 2012
Your poetry is well written. I love poetry.