16:45 Nov 10 2010
Times Read: 487
'''' HEAL UR SOUL'''''
Mantras and Chanting are done through sound and vibration. It sends out powerful energy to the Universe and it's over 8000 years old to the Vedic times. When invoking mantras, it brings us closer to God and clears your mind, body and soul, and is also another way for meditation. You can meditate while chanting The Gayatri Mantra, an ancient Hindu Mantra.
With so many wars, conflicts and turmoil our Universe has, and will continue to, go through, destruction has created global warming, extreme weather changes (hurricanes, flooding, etc.), which has created many diseases through the depletion of the energy on a global mass. Greed, power, ignorance, and manipulation are all negative energies and this is how this all got started. What ever happened to love and compassion in a human being, I ask myself?
Chanting the right mantra with a group of people sends out powerful unconditional love and healing energy to the Planet earth and human beings on a Universal Level. This is why group work is so important, aka World Servers. When our emotions are purified, they develop into love and compassion. With regular practice of mantras and chanting, you will start to notice a big difference in your being, which will help heal thy wounds to purify your soul.
You can use any word or sound to invoke mantras or chanting. There are many to use, depending on which ones you are drawn to. For example:
Aum or OM are sacred sounds and syllables well known mantras for chanting. It is the core sound of creation preservation to open up our third eye. It represents the Universal truth, peace, knowledge, enlightenment and unity.
Om Shanti Om is the ancient Sanskrit mantra meaning Peace.
Ishq is the Arabic word meaning Love.
Ancient Hawaiian Sunrise Ritual: Wake up sun in the East, in the ocean, the deep ocean. Climbing to the heavens, the highest heavens. There in the east, there is the Sun. Wake up. Aloha.
Om Mani Padme Hum, in the Buddhist tradition, this mantra means Great compassion and healing energy to enlighten all within.
Undea Hibi is a Native American mantra meaning carrying great healing power, it tells of the family and of the land.
Hallelujah is a mantra of the Christian faith, it's Hebrew origin meaning Praise the Lord.
Shalom is a mantra that represents Peace from the Jewish faith.
Allaho Akbar, ya Rahimo Ya Rahman is the Sufi chant. Akbar means great, Rahmin and Rahman means merciful and compassionate one. Oh please God! You are the most merciful and most compassionate one.
Gopala, Gopala Devakinandana Gopala is a mantra/chant of the Hindu faith. Gopala is one of the names of Krishna. Rama represents the Hinduism God.
Sattva is the Sanskrit word meaning the essence of being, silence and peace within the mind.
There are many types of mantras and chants to invoke, a word, a phrase, a sentence to use etc. I have now been chanting mantras for many years now and have noticed a big difference in my life in so many ways.
Music has always been a huge part of my life, and will continue to be for the rest of my life. They have helped me tremendously to make many decisions by chanting and invoking mantras on a daily basis.
Namaste... (The wisdom, light and love in my soul respects the wisdom in your soul.)..........