I give up, i can't seem to get any thing right no matter how i try, i can't seem to have feelings with out being made to feel bad for it, i know i don't always pick the best ways to get my feelings and thoughts across but i can only do what i can do, if i say nothing i get shit on for it, i say whats on my mind i get shit on for it, all i want is to be happy, loved, wanted, needed, i'm tired of being used and lied too, i know i'm not perfect never claimed to be and i know i'm probably to needy, and nag to much and maybe i expect to much from people maybe thats the problem, cause in the end i'm the one used, lied too, cheated on, abused, the one left feeling like i messed up again, it's no surprise my ex husband left the way he did and that he hates my guts, i know i'm a pain in the ass most of the time, i know i don't look the way you would really like me to look i know my non existent self esteem gets on your nerves, listening to me bitch about other girls and what not, never mind i'm just rambiling now fuck it......
I can't take it any more, i just don't know what to do, it just seems to be getting worse day by day, night by night, it's all i can think about why wasn't i good enough to wait for, why wasn't i enough to keep you happy enough not to stray, i just wanted you to love me, is that so much to ask, don't i deserve to be loved, treated with a small measure of respect, to be good enough not to be lied too. I love you more then i you could imagine, more then i ever thought i could love some one, please just tell me WHY........
02:38 Mar 19 2008
im here for you hun