Well, I have now lost...alot...in my life...trying to gather the pieces of my heart back together, but that is not an easy task..
What I thought was friends, is not.. What I thought was love, was not.. So, why or HOW can I find hope again? The answer is; I can't..
I know I have done many stupid mistakes, and I apologise for them, but I am human, and as every human I have my faults. I do wrong things sometimes, but I do not mean any harm..As I've said, it is MISTAKES, which means that they, no matter how harmful they were, were not an act of purpose...I did NOT mean to harm ANYONE -.-
But as it is now, I am alone, again, with only people who wish to seek their own fortune...
I wish someone could be patient with me, since I am human and needs to be led. For now.
I am lost as it is now, and I know it.