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The different types of vampires.

15:29 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 439

Sanguinarian, Psychic(Psy/psi) Vampirism, Hybrid


A Vampire that feeds on blood; a better term for blood drinker. In old tongue Sanguine refers to someone "of the blood". Sanguines have a physical thirst, need, or craving for blood. This need is generally non-erotic in nature and distinguishable by the greater quantity required from the minimal amount consumed by blood fetishist. Many Energy Vampires are able to sustain themselves on pranic energy or chi alone, while Sanguines need to combine this with actual, physical blood seems to be the only real factor, which distinguishes sanguine vampires from pranic vampires, as both experience the throes of hunger. Most serious Sanguines are not public about their practices and only practice such activities within committed monogamous relationships, primarily due to the high risk of infection and contracting blood born diseases.

Sanguinarian (Sang) Vampires feed by the drinking of blood - either human or animal. Sanguinarian vampires can vary in their experience of blood hunger and in how often or in what quantities they need to feed, but the unique craving for blood and the physical symptoms associated with neglecting to drink blood are unifying features of sanguinarian vampirism. The consumption of blood from human sources is facilitated through a consensual agreement by verbal or written contract between vampire and donor. Not all members of the vampire community actually acknowledge the difference between psychic and sanguinarian vampirism, and there is a popular but not universally-held theory within the vampire community that the life force energy or "prana" contained within the blood is the source from which they feed, rather than any physical component of the blood itself. This theory is supported by the notably small amount of blood that vampires consume to alleviate their hunger; usually one to two tablespoons, but challenged by the fact that vampires who consider themselves primarily blood drinkers often do not display as many or any of the psychic tendencies that psychic vampires do, and more often report more physical symptoms, such as sense acuity and physical strength, than do the psychic vampires.

Psychic(Psy/psi) Vampirism,

Psychic (Psy) Vampires are understood to feed psychically on life force energy. Psi (or psy) feeding is usually performed on a willing individual or from the ambient energies of a large group or crowd. This term is often mistakenly confused with the pop psychology use of "psychological vampire", used as a metaphor to describe specific socially manipulative behaviors. Psi vampire, refers to a vampire who feeds by some manner of energy transfer; this term may also be shortened to psi vamp. Psy vampire, and "psychic vampire" are sometimes considered synonyms for psi vampire, but are also sometimes employed as separate terms with distinctive meanings. For example, "psi" is often employed as a synonym for ESP phenomena in parapsychology, and "psy" is short for either "psychic" or "psychological". Those who make distinctions between these terms may use these meanings as the basis for their reasoning.

Now if you are confused by the difference of psi and psy... the only difference is spelling.


Hybrid or Psi/Sang Vampires claim to have no primary feeding method, being able to feed from either source at any time. Others report changing their primary feeding source from energy to blood, or vice versa, at various points in their lives. Some, but not all, vampires who can feed or have fed via both methods choose to describe themselves as Psi/Sang or Hybrid vampires. Still other Community members go further to define sub-classes of vampirism based on the detailed methods and sources of psychic feeding. These classes are most often distinguished from one another based on the type of energy gained. Those who feed from natural or elemental energy, and those who feed from humans either during sexual contact, during magickal rituals, or during times of high emotional output may be described as specific types of vampires. Further subcategories of psi feeding energy exist, including terminology to describe those who feed from direct contact with the human aura, those who feed from the ambient energy of crowds and public places, those who can only absorb certain kinds of emotions, etc.

like i sed... The only difference between psy and psi vamps is just the spelling



03:27 Oct 01 2011

so theres no hiding form you then again i dont think i dont think i want too


Awakening.... definition

15:15 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 440

The term "awakening" is commonly used in the vampire community as a way to describe the onslaught of symptoms associated with vampirism. Awakening generally happens between the ages of 17-24 and is different for each person. There is no checklist of signs, nor guaranteed order of events. Some people experience a change in sleep patterns (often times going from sleeping nights to sleeping - or wanting to sleep - days); some people experience a change in eating habits (some people experience a decrease in appetite, others an increase especially in high-iron content food like red meat and nuts, or a change in thirst); some people experience changes in light sensitivity and general sensory awareness (things can suddenly seem too loud, or too bright). As each person is unique, so to is each person's awakening. The largest obvious change is the introduction to the "thirst" or "hunger" which defines a vampire's condition.

There are several things to keep in mind however. No one online can tell you if you are awakening or not. No one online can tell if you are a vampire or not. Beware of those who claim they can, most likely they are role-players at best, and dangerous internet predators at worst. It's not that people do not care or do not want to help you understand if you are or are not, it's simply that we do not know you. And, there are many people who are out there who will try to confuse and possibly harm someone in the vulnerable state of mind (whether an awakening vampire or just a changing adolescent), so it's very important to never give out too much personal information to anyone on the net - be it a message board, an email, or a chat. You don't know who the person on the other side is, so be safe.

Realize that everyone goes through changes in their lives and many times, they are perfectly normal. Don't be afraid to ever see a doctor if you are concerned about your health, or suddenly do not "feel" yourself. It's easy enough to just avoid mentioning the "V-word" - give the doctor your symptoms only. Leave the diagnosing to them. Make sure to insist on blood work to look for things like anemia.

Keep an open mind either way - it's perfectly ok, if you thought you might be a vampire, but now realize you're not - and allow yourself to be happy with who and what you are. There is no right or wrong way to be. Being a vampire will solve nothing in your life, nor make you a better person. It is fine to be "normal" and you are exactly how you are supposed to be, don't ever think you need to change that by becoming something else. You must learn to love, respect and accept yourself as you are because nothing can make you do so.



03:28 Oct 01 2011

yeah i changed a year ago ^-^


How to spot a real vampire [Tips]

15:10 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 442

•There will be a dark colored ring around the iris of their eye.

•There is generally a noticeably different color surrounding the pupil. (Inner part of the color of your eyes.)

•A real vampires breathing will be slightly shallow at all times except for when they are extremely excited or upset.

•A real vampires heart rate usually will match the person's heart rate and speed that is next to them while they are sleeping, (or during sex).

•They will be able to change your moods, and feelings to however they are feeling at the time they are around you, (usually done without the vampire knowing that it’s happening.) (Babies and cats are very sensitive to this effect).

•Whenever you even glance at them, a real vampire will know that you are looking at them, usually knowing as your turning your eyes to look at them, even if all you are doing is glancing around the room. This automatically causes them to look right at you, at the same exact moment that you were looking at them, (you will think that they are staring at you, (usually causes nervousness). Don’t be nervous, (a real vampire can’t help it) and if you talk to your friends they will think they were being stared at nonstop as well, (which you know is impossible). No one can stare at multiple people at the same time, let alone a whole room of people, (unless in some cases the vampire is extremely distracted).

•Their aura will usually have a heavy, thick, dark feel to it. Real vampires even if they are energy users don’t tend to sense this from other real vampires half as well as normal people do, (seeing that they have adjusted to feeling it from themselves).

•My best friend (which is a very strong energy user (non-vampire), has told me that all chakras in my aura color wise, oddly appear to be in absolute perfect health even when he knows that I am sick. Sickness will happen to real vampires usually as often as it will to a person, just they don’t stay as sick for as long. He has noticed this in other real vampires as well.

•Most real vampires take on aspects of the animal that they admire the most. This includes strong mental traits, as well as some subtle physical features. Whatever type of animal this happens to be will react differently when around a real vampire. General first reaction is awareness and confusion/curiosity, followed by a sort of mix between how they react to a human and another animal like them. (99% of the time reacting in a quick friendship).

•If holding eye contact with them either in person or a picture where they were staring at the camera, for a few seconds or more, you will begin to feel an odd effect where it is harder than normal to look away as well as an odd pushing or pulling feeling against you, with the most likely effect of a cloudy white energy look distorting everything else in your eye sight, while looking in to their eyes for a short time.

•Are their nails clear like glass, yet very strong?

•Their bedroom will usually be the coldest and darkest room in the house.

•Electronics that are around a real vampire often such as watches, computers, mp3 players, cellphones, and other electronics tend to malfunction in really odd ways.(but not all are like that)

•Real vampires tend to be very charismatic to some while having the complete opposite effect on other people.

•Real vampires tend to be extremely sensitive to sunlight and other bright lights, resulting in discomfort and most cases a migraine.

Some of these could be passed off as just a coincidence, but how many coincidences can really happen at the same time for the same person before they realize that it’s not just a coincidence and actually should be telling them something. DR. Carl Jung, Synchronicity "the calculated odds of just 3 coincidences that are related to each other happening at one time in a random universe are astronomical", you have just read way more than just three of them, think about it.

Keep in mind most vampires have no idea what they are, and most of them will never find out. When looking for a vampire locally probably the worst place to look is in vampire groups, they are generally over crowded with wannabes and posers.

If you still can't find a vampire. Then the only other thing you need to find a real vampire, is patience and to spend more time outdoors.


Remember... not all vampires are the same... especially psy-vamps. so this may prove dificult to locate.



03:29 Oct 01 2011

shhhhh were all so every sparkly in the sun fuck twilght

00:15 Oct 02 2011


i think the biggest thing that must be said is that we are not all this way. Some have stronger effects than others, it also depends on the vampyre themselves and there hold on there abilties.

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