Promathia's Journal

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Hidden Meanings in my Poerty

11:09 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 570

I imitate the esoteric writtings I study by using allagory for certain situations that regard myself, other Journeymen, and things I see on my Path.


"The Monkey of Man" was written as a friend of mine was undergoing some foundational Sith training with a mentor of mine. I wrote this about me, and about his conflict in answering "What is Darkness?"


"Tempered Glass" and "The Crystal Make-shift prison" that the Monkey of Man is in, serves as a metaphore for the convient lies we tell ourselves. It also represents the strong walls we set up to protect ourselves from self venerulability and becoming vulnerable to outside influences. It is a symbol of our convictions of what SHOULD BE that shield us from WHAT IS. "Tempered Glass" is the prison that the Intellectual mind traps the heart and desires of the individual.

"All elequince and righteous reasonings are frivilious when they see what they do not like stare at them."

What makes a decent man turn passionate and combative when confronted with themselves is truer than the abused sophistications of a man trapped by his own intellectualism.

When people tap on the tempered Glass, they pose a threat to the safety of the subjective reality constructed by the individual. It is symbolic is the sense that somebody is inquizative and seperate from the individual, as the Monkey of Man as Isolated himself from the rest of the world in "Temperd Glass".

The Monkey of Man will shriek at you. They will lash out emotionally, and intellectually, when others tap at this personal and individual boundry that has became a self imposed prison.

The Man devolves into something to be examined rather than actively communicate. This is because of the Monkey of mans self isolation.

All things in the Tempered Glass carry a reflection of the individual. No matter what he sees from of the outside world he will never escape a faint and goastly gloss of self reflection in the glass. When they see something they do not like in society and see things that feel threating to their crystal palace, they will react as shrieking monkeys. They will devolve from challange and lash out, unaware of the enemy that is really their themselves.

It is another metaphore, that the monkey will shriek at those challanging, trying to examine, and possibly liberate the Monkey of Man, when his true obstical is his own ace in the reflection.

When his Tempered Glass Shatters, all the things that fear and that made him a victim will cause him to panic and fear they MIGHT happen again. Insecurity is pevelant.

"Where all ugly things are seen with a faint and ghostly reflection of the self."

All things seen Ugly and Dark come from within.


Polyster Flowers was written after two minds I respect said on a radio show, and then made a lecture named, "There are no new Sith." This was to say nobody was new, everyone was old hat and nobody really wanted to learn but wanted to jock egos about their beliefs and play "Sith Lord".

I felt that I fit into that discrption sometime a go.

I had grew since then, but I knew what they where talking about. I am not ashamed to say I was like that. I wrote Polyster Flowers about those aspiring "Students" that acted like they already knew everything. They where not organic, but felt like charecters that where created from the minds of people desiring power in their lives. Indeed I called them fake, but I also called the beautiful.

Even Pinnochio became a real boy.

I cry a single tear because Miles was my Geppeto.



18:15 Apr 10 2010



The Monkey of Man

07:24 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 578

When you tap on tempered Glass, the monkey in men skreik at you.

All elequince and righteous reasonings are frivilious when they see what they do not like stare at them.

Even in the semi-transparency, a faint and ghostly reflection coats the external image of the outside world.

The monkeys of man will shriek at you, so that what they see in the reflection will haunt them no longer.

Tap on the tempered glass, where man devolves himself.

All past tragedy will make the monkey of man shriek when the tempered glass starts to crack.

The devolved man will hide and protect and look out into the world from the safety of the make-shift crystal prison.

Where all ugly things are seen with a faint and ghostly reflection of the self.



09:47 Apr 10 2010

I'm not sure I understand what your saying here, but oddly enough that did'nt seem to matter, I like it.


Suus Adventus

10:14 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 587

Suus Adventus

Decamping thence the bulwark in the Kingdom of Should-be-Dreams,

a bolting Stallion ferry the designation of Dissent.

Far and Near the Desert of Discord,

Incognito predilection's sustain the steed while make chase,

Entrenched within the Illusionist proprium thrush,

A precipice crowns defecate of Past beasts,

lie broken mules and birds that could not touch the sky,

Peaking is the fertile Garden,

Seeds schism forth the essence of Capricorn

feed the curious sparrow

Dissipated the directions is the essence of Pisces

the winds of change tribade on it's surface to divulge

Drink from the body of Adam's Ale is the initiation,

Disdained echos impose and see the reflection,

Oh, Loch in essence of Sagittarius

Hooves and roots and wings putrescence,

Cry and Re-surge from slag,

Hellion between Tucana and Sculptor,

Son of Man.




I wrote this with introspective retrospect, it is called "My Perfect Vase is Full of ... "

05:09 Apr 07 2010
Times Read: 600

Polyester Flowers

I'll stay beautiful even in the twilight hours.

When the real life dies, I'll be around to fulfill your eyes desire

I'm in disguise.

Polyester Flowers

My leaves will stay intact when I am shook.

My stem is injection molding, and the water is only for the look.

I never needed soil because I never was a seed,

I never needed Sunshine because my leaves are painted green.

I never needed to concede to natures ups and downs

and I'll stay in-bloom for you when nothing is around

Polyester Flowers

I am perfectly conceived for your approval.

If we can compromise though I am comprised of lies, I will never need renewal.

I'm in disguise.



08:25 Apr 08 2010

oh my god.....I love it!!! This is great stuff...

04:07 Apr 16 2010

this is really good :)

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