I went to a wedding this past Sunday...a young neice of the "room mate's" was getting married...and what a wedding it was...the service was in a very devout Catholic Church...strange symbolism all over the place...the priest or whatever he's called looked like a high member of the KKK...they lost me when the entire bridal party had to kiss this gold box and place money into it...I couldn't understand what the heck was being said...I believe it was in another language...maybe Latin...and the bride and groom were silent for the most part...very European but from what part I have no idea...probably Armenia where ever that is...and then the reception...this is where I was blown away...I think maybe the wedding was for that show Bridezilla...camera crew everywhere...4 photographers...in door fireworks!!!!...holy shit...I didn't know you could do that without starting a fire but they had them...open bar...300 guests...and everyone got this beautiful candlebra as a gift...the food was phenomenal...5 course meal...the entire place was draped in cream silk accented with fresh lilies...fresh lilies in February...can you fuckin' beleive it?...must have cost a fortune...but they didn't have coffee...that was a downer...I thought at least espresso but no...too many Irish, on the bride's side, in the house so they had ALOT of booze instead...oh yeah...I had my moment of fame or more like shame......my three year old stripped and ran around the place much to everyone's amusement and my mortification...had a heck of a time catching him...he was a hit...