Apparently a meeting about having mandatory over time because they company is having issues with shipping the parts out on time is not the time nor place to ask such questions as why is this happening, what is being done and wasn't there plans for such events.
Then when the plant manger(or whatever his title is...) advoids your point and talks every which way around it, it is disrespectful to refer to him in anyway as a know it all to not only him, but everyone in the meeting, the company and your self(due to it being an ESOP owned company).
He will then kick you out of the meeting and make you sit in the office like a highschooler until the meeting is over. Come in and tell you how it is not the time nor place to ask such things and how disrespectul your commen was. He will continue to tell you that you need to be a good girl and know the different. He will ignore you when you point out that you run your presses everyday in the black and green, and that you usually work three days over every week but hadn't due to illness to tell you that you need to work hard for the company and help out with said promble.
This is the kind of arrogant fucking pomus asswholes I have to deal with, this company is shit. Instead of getting us equipment that works proper they repaint and make the plant look pretty for the customer. The make a big bandaid instead of fixing the prombles. This is also a company that blames its lower workers and even its customers for its mistakes.
No blood, no foul
Thank you for taking the time to read this mess, and for anyone offended by wording, sorry but shit happens.
I'm sick, again. After working Saturday, got sick. Making me miss my Grandpa's birthday. Been sick all week(yes I know its just turning the middle of the week.) Then the stupid place is making me work again this Saturday!
I hate being such a nice person... Do you ever get that little voice in your head? Well its like a good and a bad nagging thing... Its pretty annoying... Friend asked for help, and I've got to be there.
Hyperness of doom! Soooo tired... Going to suck today. Please no bullshit...
Do or do not, there is no try. :3
Yep, I've got to work Saturday. I really tryed not to, but it couldn't be helped. I guess in the end it'll make for a good paycheck.
Sleep is for the dead, and food is for the weak! Gotta wake up at 8 to get the food I'm hardly going to eat for the week.
Spent the night on one press checking parts all night. Between checking the 2,384 parts I had some time to write a new poem. First one in years. I just might put it up.
I like driving with my brights on in the snow fall, makes me feel like I'm doing warpspeed!