The honey hues that had gazed upon the other being through thick ebony lashes flickered away, glancing out across the surrounding scenery outside of the safe enclosure Caedis considered the pavilion, noticing the soft grey clouds that peered out from behind the ivory ones as they drifted across the pale blue sky - surely to bring a light drizzle of rain for the parched flora.
And all the while, she had been silent.
No words shaping her lips, no thoughts lacing into speech, nothing - just silence. And yet, there was no tension or ignorance in the air around her. It was an almost a comfortable or relaxed silence, a stillness of noise that implied a sense of calm as his words hung in the air.
For a long moment she remained this way, a soft breeze stirring the strawberry amber locks against her pale cheeks, the only motion to her still form.
" . . . Caedis. "
A sudden sound, a word; a name.
Now looking back at the air perched conjuration, a calm yet subtle smile rest upon her fragile and delicate features, revealing slight dimples that also seemed to add a new hue of color to her eyes, a light and pale tone of yellow that twinkled as she settled into this strange sensation of joy - at potentially having a friend, at last.
" My name is Caedis . . . "