1 Albin, Antoni, Antonina, Budzisław, Budzisz, Eudokia, Eudoksja, Ewdokia, Feliks, Herakles, Herkules, Jewdocha, Joanna, Józef, Nikifor, Piotr
2 Absalon, Franciszek, Halszka, Helena, Henryk, Januaria, Krzysztof, Lew, Michał, Paweł, Piotr, Radosław, Symplicjusz
3 Asteriusz, Hieronim, Kunegunda, Lucjola, Maryna, Wierzchosława
4 Adrian, Adrianna, Arkadiusz, Arkady, Eugeniusz, Kazimierz, Lew, Lucja, Łucja, Lucjusz, Wacław, Wacława
5 Adrian, Adrianna, Fryderyk, Jan, Pakosław, Pakosz, Wacław, Wacława
6 Eugenia, Felicyta, Frydolin, Jordan, Klaudian, Koleta, Róża, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Wojsław
7 Felicja, Nadmir, Paweł, Polikarp, Tomasz
8 Beata, Filemon, Jan, Julian, Miligost, Miłogost, Stefan, Wincenty
9 Apollo, Dominik, Franciszka, Katarzyna, Mścisława, Prudencjusz, Taras
10 Aleksander, Bożysław, Cyprian, Makary, Marceli, Porfirion
11 Benedykt, Drogosława, Edwin, Kandyd, Konstanty, Konstantyn, Prokop, Rozyna, Sofroniusz
12 Bernard, Blizbor, Grzegorz, Józefina, Wasyl
13 Bożena, Ernest, Ernestyn, Kasjan, Krystyna, Marek, Roderyk, Rodryg, Rodryk, Trzebisław
14 Bożeciecha, Jakub, Leon, Matylda, Mechtylda, Michał
15 Gościmir, Heloiza, Klemens, Krzysztof, Longinus, Ludwika
16 Abraham, Cyriak, Henryka, Herbert, Hiacynt, Hilary, Izabela, Oktawia
17 Gertruda, Harasym, Jan, Patrycjusz, Patryk, Regina, Rena, Zbigniew, Zbygniew, Zbyszko
18 Aleksander, Anzelm, Boguchwał, Cyryl, Edward, Narcyz, Narcyza, Salwator
19 Bogdan, Józef
20 Aleksander, Aleksandra, Ambroży, Anatol, Bogusław, Cyriaka, Eufemia, Klaudia, Patrycjusz, Ruprecht, Wasyl, Wincenty
21 Benedykt, Filemon, Lubomira, Mikołaj
22 Bazylissa, Bogusław, Godzisław, Katarzyna, Kazimierz, Paweł
23 Eberhard, Feliks, Katarzyna, Kondrat, Oktawian, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Piotr, Zbysław
24 Dziersława, Dzierżysława, Gabor, Gabriel, Marek, Sewer, Sofroniusz, Szymon
25 Dyzma, Ireneusz, Łucja, Lucja, Lutomysł, Maria, Mariola, Wieńczysław
26 Emanuel, Feliks, Larysa, Manuela, Nikifor, Teodor, Tworzymir
27 Benedykt, Ernest, Ernestyn, Jan, Lidia, Rościmir, Rupert
28 Aniela, Antoni, Jan, Krzesisław, Sykstus
29 Cyryl, Czcirad, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Ostap, Wiktoryn
30 Amelia, Aniela, Częstobor, Jan, Kwiryn, Kwiryna
31 Amos, Balbina, Beniamin, Dobromira, Gwidon, Kirył, Korneli, Kornelia
1 -- Dewi of Wales
2 -- Blessed Agnes, Bohemian
3 -- Cunegunda of Luxembourg and Bavaria
4 -- Casimir, patron of Poland and Lithuania
5 -- John Joseph
6 -- Felicia
7 -- Thomas Aquinas
8 -- John of God
9 -- Frances
11 -- Constantine, King of Cornwall (first martyr of Scotland)
12 -- Gregory the Great, Pope; Maximilian
15 -- Blessed Conrad of Bavaria; Louise; Zachary, Pope
18 -- Cyril of Jerusalem; Edward
19 -- Joseph, father of Jesus
21 -- Benedict, abbot
22 -- Isidore the Farmer; Zachary, Pope
24 -- Gabriel, Archangel
25 -- Annunciation of the BVM
27 -- John Damascene
28 -- John Capistran
Name Days - Feast Days
Name days, often spelled NameDay, in Poland are very special occasions and are more important than Birthdays.
You should ALWAYS remember a Name Day.
It is traditional to call and wish the person "Wszystkiego Najlepszego." It is also traditional to give a small gift.
The Name Day has its history in the Polish tradition of naming children after Saints. The importance of the Saints and their Feast Days (the date that the Saint was canonized) resulted in many parents looking to the local priest or to the Roman calendar to name their children. They typically chose the name of a Saint that had a Feast Day close to the birth or baptismal date of their child.
Poles did not celebrate their birthdays, as we do now. They celebrated the feast day of the saint for whom they were named or the anniversary of their baptism. Many families in Poland today still observe this tradition. Originally, the day was for honoring one's patron saint. However, in modern times it is generally a time for parties and gift giving. Nerveless, it retains its importance. You should never forget a Name Day. Moreover, never forget a gift. A gift, however small, is appropriate.
The Name Day is so important to Polish people that in many cases when people emigrated to the United States they gave the date of their Name Day as their date of birth.
oh my gosh, I love hearing about things like this thank for sharing this with me. :)
Yesterday the last flight from jaxonville, fl to miami was cancelled and the dispatcher manually documented "pilot refusing to fly because of weather". I had a customer that was so irate because she was insistant that the weather was fine. Complaining she spent $700 on a conferance in miami blah blah ... I refunded her $150 ticket and said the pilot has the final say.
This morning when I was getting ready for work I watched the weather channel and they stated that 2 tornadoes hit northern florida last night. I commend the pilot making that decision to not fly the plane and I hope that those passengers that were to take that flight last night realize how lucky they are to have been inconvenienced.
Now that it's the 1st of March hopefully I can get back into some better routine. I still haven't heard back from the job interview about going to the second phase. I made a follow call yesterday and I will have to send and email follow up as well.
I need to also keep job hunting now that my bubble has burst :( It was too good to be true.