Kristen Jaymie Rae♥
I'm eighteen, almost nineteen.
I'm half Scottish, half English and i'm a spiritualist.
I'm bisexual, happily engaged and in a band, called Our Blood Roses.. I have purple hair, blue eyes and i'm into Vampirism. I plan on getting tattoos in summer. I live in a world of my imagination and i'm strong yet sensitive, cute, friendly, wise, intelligent, supportive, caring, weird, different, opinionated, dry humored, well mannered, lazy, slow, creative, spiritual, picky, easily amused, possessive, sarcastic, witty and most importantly, i'm just me, all that i can be. I'm also into free forbidden skating, harry potter, english and vampire literature and music. I have to many obsession to share and to many hates to list. I do believe in second chances but if you piss me off, especially for a second time, i'll turn into your most sarcastic, bitchy nightmare and my trust in you will differ greatly. I'm quite a gentle and creative soul and i'm an aspiring musician and vampire novelist. I currently attend Angus College and it's been a very challenging year. You'll either love me or you wont. I'm no where near perfect, i am an outcast and i can be confusingly weird and i have my moments. I do have regrets and i would d do anything for my friends and family. My fiancee is my world, my bestfriend, my soulmate. Nothing and no one can ever change that. I'm arachnophobia and trypanophobic. I'm not very good at these things but even then can't seem to stop. But i would rather not bore you all to Death, i'm nothing special, to be honest. Although i'm sure my fiancee would highly disagree. Search me up on facebook, if you want. If you want to know anything else, go a head and ask me. Until then, i'm out. See ya'll laters. ♥