Current mood: hate
Wake up motherfuckers... The fucking world doesn't wait for anyone.. You must deal with your shit as it comes. No time to sit and think b/c things are happening even when your not looking. The world knows nothing of pain... Knows nothing of dying and wanting nothing more than that one true love to be there. Even if it takes hours to get there. It waits for no one. Not even you. Dont think you are special b/c you're not. If you were then we would praise and lift your name high. But we dont.. Millions have no idea who you are so why waste your time waiting for that perfect moment to heal. There is no fucking perfect moment. There is only time and life. Time that continues whether your there or not, and life that could give a shit less whether or not you're able to survive or not. So why must we waste our time on healing if it means nothing in the long run. You say oh i'm not going to make that mistake again, but you do. You do and it's worse than the last... B/c that's how it is... We look for someone who reminds us of that one person who we were with last, but better. You look for them, find them and try your damnist to make it better than the last but in your failing attempt to make it perfect you fail to see the mistake you made before. Or you end up smothering them with love that is unnecessary. Don't try and tell me that I'm okay b/c i'm not. I know what i want and i know that this world isn't willing to wait for me to figure out what i need to do to get it. Nor is the world willing to wait to help him figure out that it is me that he needs... Not only wants. We need each other.. For sanity and for love. Why can't life be easier... A great quote said that time exist so that everything doesn't happen at once. Honestly think about it.. If everything did happen at once, where would you be? A fucking suicidal freak who doesn't know anything except pain. You think your pain is real but you haven't felt it until everything is taken from you. Everything... Plus when everything is blamed on you. I'm waking up to a new reality... I destroyed everything for my parents.. You dont know how nor will i tell you, just trust me that i did. I'm selfish and I know i need help.. But what do you do when no one is there to give it. And when they do give it, they just turn their backs on you everytime you need your dose of sanity. An addiction it becomes b/c they are what helps you feel better like a drug. They get tired of it b/c like any other drug you need it more and more. Not for the big shit but for the little shit. They get tired of being there even when you accidently cut yourself on the paper you so willing give yourself up to.
Currently listening:
Too Bad You're Beautiful
By From Autumn to Ashes