"And as he drove the dagger through my heart, he shattered the broken piesces of my heart. And as the breath left my body, he whispered he loved me"
Just a little piece that popped into my head just now.
No offense if your reading this and do this...
If you write in your ONLINE vr journal, where the point is for others to read it, why then, do some write PRIVATE entries?
It just annoys me.
Someone pleaseeeee explain why people do this.
Perhaps it s a way of writing notes to oneself and leaving them in a place where they will be found because the place is often returned to.
Occasionally I will post private entries when I am wanting to see how an image looks when it has been posted or if I am proof reading something.
Perhaps some entries have been or caused embarrassment but the privateer could not bring themselves to delete it.
I do it when i need to get a link from on pc to another. Link porn site links i don't want vr to get lolol
Ok, maybe not porn lol But info to share from such as that just the same lol
mine are thoughts and feelings i want to save so i write it here, but the section is clearly labled private
Sumtimes i just need ti vent out my thoughts sumwhere and private-ing is a good option wen i dont strangers reading my emotions and thoughts. Sum may be not suitable for public view ...
It's ridiculous that this is even a problem for you. Premium members have the right to make entries private, and the majority of them do so. People write in their v.r journal for a multitude of reasons, it's not always for other people to stop by and gawk.
Most of the time, when I write private entries, it's simply as a place saver. If I want to remember the url to certain websites I'll post them there.
If it were something I wanted to share, I'd make it public. Your logic is flawed, just because a journal is online does not mean it's sole purpose is for someone to stop by and read it, because we have the option for private entries.
I really hate that every damn writing thing I start I NEVER finish. Like I have lost count of how many projects that I have started that never even got really going. Take for instance the stories section of my journal. I just quit writing about those characters. And I dont know why.
I mean I know I can write, thats not even a question I ask myself.
I just cant figure out why I cant stick to these projects.
Ok. I had these werid string of dreams that I just feel have to be interconnected. I cant find any hidden symbols in them. Maybe they are nothing. But I want to be sure. If you have any knowledge of dream interpatation, please help me out.
The dream/s strated out, and I was driving along this highway. As I drove and drove, I finally came across these childern riding alonsde the road, on tricycles. The one that stood out to me was the boy in the front. He had short brown hair and was wearing a red shirt. I had to swerve to miss hitting him.
The next one I was on a plane. I look to my right and there he is again. The little boy in a red shirt with short brown hair. I recoginize him as my child. He is scared or so it seems. I find myself comforting him.
I dont know what either of those could mean or if they are even connected at all. It seems that there is more to this story, but its just beyond my reach of memory.
What the crap should I study for the Acolyte test? I know to read the VR manual and I have read the majority of it, but what specifcally should I pay attetion to?
All of it. The test is a hell of a lot harder than most people think. It took me 9 tries to get it the first time. Also paying attention to the TOS and the FAQs will help. You are allowed to have the manual open as you take the test, but the main thing is when you get the question knowing exactly where to look.
Yes it is a very hard test.
He’s over there,
In the dark of the night.
I can barely make out his figure.
So I call out to him.
Hoping he will step forward, into the light where I can see him.
He steps forward,
One graceful step.
His eyes shimmer in the light.
His teeth glisten with delight.
He walks toward me,
And as he draws nigh,
Flames surround us in a perfect circle.
But yet,
I am not afraid.
He isn’t a monster.
He is only what I have been searching forward.
His finger touches my cheek,
And the sensation of electricity runs through my body.
He kisses my lips,
And as he does so,
The flames engulf us.
But it isn’t painful.
Just a blissful release.
(All scenarios are entierly fictional. Any resemblence to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidential.)
Charlie stares at himself in the mirror. And all he sees is his black eye. Or the bruise on his cheek. He didnt know how he was going to explain this one to his friends. Sean, his boyfriend of two years, came home drunk. Not the first time. This wasnt the first time Sean had hit him either. But Charlie told himself it would get better. Thats what he told himself, over and over, as he cried himself to sleep.
Or what about Jean. Tonight, Nicole slapped her, knocking her down their staircase. But Jean was used to the slapping, the shoving, the sneers. All of it. Like Charlie, she convinced herself, that Nicole would evuntally stop.
Then we have James. Everytime he is home alone, he finds his favorite corner. He sits down and pulls his knees to his chest. He cries because of all the things his fiance Trevor calls him. All the sneers he sends his way.
For Jean. Things did get better. She has lived with Nicole, abuse free, for a year now.
James has left Trevor. He has found another who treasures and loves him.
But for Charlie. Things didnt work out so perfect. A trail of black veils follows a white casket today.
Abuse among ANY couple is just unacceptable. If you or someone you know, is the victim of abuse; there is help out there. Become aware. Become proactive. Become a champion.
Ok heres a snippet of a (maybe) song that popped into my head.
When you said hi,
I fell for you.
When you said goodbye,
I felt like a fool!
I just....
That feeling... I cant stop it. Even though I dont want it to be there... it still manages to find me at my most vulenrable point and bust in.
But logic tells me that I shouldnt do that...
But something just isnt right...
(Sorry guys I just had to rant for a moment)
I have acutally spent a lot of time watching some handfastings (Wicca marriage) today, and it really got me to thinking.
If Wicca is a relgion that is recognized by the United States goverment, and Wicca recognizes gay unions, why doesnt the U.S goverment?
Just a small thought there I wanted to share!