There once this gurl who kept on getting hurt decided that she wasnt gonna fall in love anymore until she meet this this guy who promised he wasnt gonna hurt her. She believed him so he would ask her out alot until she said yes. They were so cute together they never thought that it could end. Months went by and he was starting to be an asshole he never had time for her. Many times she would think about breaking up with him. He would treat her like shit and he didnt even noticed it. He doesnt know this but all alone at night she would cry wishing that she had never met him. He made her look at love in another way why is this happening to her. They would talk on the phone everyday for 8 months until he started his new school year as a junior and she stayed home because she had barely graduated. He was starting to act so weird and he would come to her house because he was always "busy" but she knew it was just an excuse. He was starting to be a real jerk and he would tell her that he would talk to girls in school. Then one night when they were talking on the phone he broke up with her and he broke her heart but it was for the best. She imediatly started crying but when they broke up they were real cool about it so it was so big deal. Then they hung up and she qulckly called her best friend for advice and then he starting calling on the other line she finally picked it up and he said" I dont wanna break up. I dont wanna risk it. I love you" She and idiot took him back. Then the next day she checked her myspace and she had a message from him saying that it would be better if they wouldnt talk on the phone at least not until the weekend. So the weekend came and he decided to break up. She took it real good and she didnt even cry she had already gotten over him.
04:40 Jan 25 2014
Reading this story made me feel how immature i was. He was never an asshole. I didnt even know what an asshole was until I met the father of my child. He is an ASSHOLE.