PlayingxEmbryo's Journal

PlayingxEmbryo's Journal


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Ideas from the Dream

01:59 Oct 14 2009
Times Read: 597

I spend a great deal of time on the internet doing such things as Role Playing or creating stories with other people. One such story I got from one of the odd dreams I frequently had and I wrote it down on paper. I want to post it here mainly to get opinions. Let's say I wanted write a book sometime soon; Does this plot seem like something you'd want to read?


To Save Ren:

In the town of Nebolen there lives a little boy named Ren. he was abandoned at a young age by his parents, leaving him to live an unfortunate live out on the harsh streets of Nebolen, battling weather, local police, and the occasional thief. Despite his circumstances, Ren is a very bright kid. he spends most of his waking hours at the marketplace speaking with the shopkeepers that didn't immediately throw him to the gutter. He never goes to beg, only to about the finer points of life. On the day before Christmas, he decides to go to a mini-market where the public are allowed to sell their goods.

He'd taken up every item he'd ever owned and placed it all in a bag, ready to sell. He went to the market and set up a station, intent on selling everything, to prepare for Christmas day. He waited and waited, but in the end only one item was sold. Dismayed, he went back to his alleyway, where he'd made a makeshift bed, and started a fire. He was so depressed none of his things had sold, he devised to set it all to flame.

Then, out of nowhere, a strange man appeared, offering to buy everything for 70 gold pieces. The man placed the bundle of coins in his hand and took up the small bag of belongings before Ren had a chance to even speak, leaving the dumbfounded Ren frozen in place as it began to snow. The next morning, he rushed from sop to shop, finally coming up with five packaged gifts. he'd been waiting a ling time for this, a chance to repay the kindness of the shopkeepers who'd always welcomed him in. He delivered each of the presents, personally visiting each shopkeeper rather they were at their shop or in their homes. Satisfied that he'd gotten them all delivered safely, he went to his make-shift home and fell into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, the shopkeepers had been deeply moved by Ren's gifts. They were all relatively expensive, too expensive for a homeless boy that barely ate, to give. They decided to throw a Christmas party in Ren's honor, each purchasing a gift they knew he'd love. One shopkeeper was sent to retrieve Ren as the other waited in a shop, putting the finishing touches to the party. When the shop keeper found Ren, the boy was slightly red and looked to be really weak. Thinking it was just the snow making the boy red, the shopkeeper too up Ren's hand and led him to the surprise party.

Ren was elated, a smile as bright as the sun spreading on his lips. He was about to thank everyone for such a nice party, when he broke into a fit of coughing. He collapsed to the floor, a fever making itself known as he lost consciousness.The shopkeepers rushed to his aid and frantically called in the towns healer.What the doctor had to say, made everyone's heart clench with grief.

He'd been sick for quick sometime, effectively hiding it whenever he came to visit the shops. He needed a medicine that the Healer didn't have. Without it, he'd likely die within three days time.

but the closest Healer that would definitely have the the medicine was five towns away, easily a seven day trek by horse. Getting the medicine back within three days was humanly impossible. The shopkeepers all visibly fell, completely defeated after hearing such a diagnosis.

Hope wasn't gone, however, as the Healer started mumbling to himself. There's still a chance the boy can be saved...on the mountain just East of us, there is a herb that is said to cure any illness. It takes only a day to get to the mountain, but if you push your horses, you can get there much faster. The problem is with the mountain itself. It's the home of many high-class demons and said to hold the one of the slumbering Demon gods. no man would be safe venturing there. It'd take a demon to make it back here alive...

With that said, the shopkeepers jumped up and ran out of the shop at top speed. There was only two people who could accomplish such a feat. They were half-demon that lived just outside the village. If anyone could make it back from the mountain alive and within three days, it was them. The shopkeepers rushed to their tiny home, got to their knees in from of them, and begged them to retrieve the herb. With an annoyed hiss, the eldest one agreed, stating that he'd ask for their reward after they'd gotten them the herb. With excited shouts from the shopkeepers and a barrage of thank yous, the race to save Ren began.



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