PityKitty's Journal

PityKitty's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


15 entries this month

19:48 Aug 19 2019
Times Read: 1,084

Here is some sage advice. When you go and rename or create a new profile and chose to call it Crack, it says way more about you than it does about the people you use to attack them with. If I had to guess I would say that would have been PrimalSecrets. As we all know you change your name to get yourself removed from the negative honor board. Hmm Interesting, "PrimalSecrets is not a valid Vampire Rave member."

Keep taking E Honor - it doesn't affect me either way. When people have made suggestions that you need some medication - crack wasn't what we had in mind. No, I'm not saying you're smoking crack but your behavior suggestions some sort of delusional addiction.




20:02 Aug 18 2019
Times Read: 1,133

"No one can throw a bigger tantrum than a narcissist losing control of someone else's mind." - Raging Rhetoric




07:50 Aug 17 2019
Times Read: 1,230

Maybe it's because you are just so unstable and still in dire need of psychiatric help, I hear your lower half is experienced with that, maybe you can go and see his or get some recommendations for some medication. Because you certainly need something.

See the difference here is this. I really don't care about the negative honor. I am not going to lose my mind over some numbers on a website. It doesn't effect my life in one way or another. And I am certainly not going to cut myself 98 times and blame everyone else, that is truly insane. And no way in Hell would I
ever make anyone believe such fabrications and fuck with people's lives like you do. When a person manipulates people in the way that you have, all while crying that your are the victim as you accuse the same person you tried to manipulate a womanizer. Generally 99% of the time the person screaming the loudest that they are the victim, they are usually the one who victimizes others. You certainly are not the 1%.

Let's think about that for a minute...

So because you can't handle the backlash, cut here and cut there. ------- -------- blame everyone else and cry you're the victim.
Along comes the threats and accusations.

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It's not like this was the first time and well not the last time either. I'm sure another manipulation attempt will fail and it will just repeat. So, I guess I know for myself that if someone I cared deeply about and wanted to spend the rest of my life with kept cutting themselves, I certainly would have done something about it. Instead of playing whose balls are bigger. But when it is all done for attention and to make people feel sorry for someone who got a taste of her own medicine - that is really fucked up.

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So ya here we are again, threatening people for causing her stress. What about all the shit she does ? If everyone she has ever done anything wrong to came at her like she does to every one else - would that be a manipulation show again ?

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But this this next little bit was really quite sad. This was not an accusation - this was 100% Fact. You did do exactly what you're trying to make people believe you didn't do. I feel bad for any number of people that believe the line of complete bullshit you bring to them. It makes a person wonder whether people are really that naive or just really that stupid. There are all kinds of fucked and mentally unstable people in this world. But a person that sits there and cuts themselves because they can not manipulate someone else and then starts feeding lies to an innocent person and just attacking them in any fashion that they can. That right there is the type of person who should never be around any type of children, animals or in society in general. Let alone a website where she can unleash threats and try and destroy relationships and attempt to have children removed. Making a mockery of people who are easily manipulated. The lonely people, victims of abuse, ( real abuse not some fabricated delusional stories of a girl who didn't get the right or enough affection or attention) and people with big hearts who usually fall for the charade of of narcissistic sociopath and that is what you are. To tether the good out of people and make them believe that you are really the victim - when in reality you are the Abuser.

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This little gem right here though. Wow as some of us love to say Pot meet Kettle. Hypocrite much ? ( As I told you, Julie be cautious of the one's who's loyalty can be bought. It wasn't but just a few weeks ago that you were the target. But I am sure that when she needs you to give her honor again, she will come back and promise to fix the negative on your other profiles right ? ) SMH

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What was that about not breaking ToS ? We all know you have hand your hands in stealing peoples profiles. But admitting that she is still logging into peoples profiles - that was rich.

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So as I said in the beginning - I do Not Care about how much honor you take or how many times you rate a 1 - it's a website people can rate and use honor how ever they choose. If they are easily manipulated into giving you honor because your honor keeps being taken by many people - so be it. It's hilarious. Especially when you have to send messages asking people to come and give their honor to you after you have changed your name a dozen times to wipe out all the negative honor you have received. Dear Gods please come back and say you don't do that - because I will prove you're a liar again - you make it way to easy. Eventually you will have no need for them and move onto your next victim. Shrugs some people just never learn and I feel sorry for them. But go right ahead and knock yourself out. Take as much honor as you want - it's fun to watch you change your name to avoid being on a board that was created for people like you.

You know... I think it's time you stop playing the "victim" in your own little drama production... It gets really old considering your age. Be aware of the person who stabs you then tell the whole world they're the one who is actually bleeding. You can only play the "victim" so many times before people start to figure out that maybe you're the problem.

Everybody isn't your friend. Just because they hang around with you and laugh with you doesn't mean they are for you. Just because they say they have your back doesn't mean they also won't stab you in it, when it fits their purpose. People pretend well. jealousy often doesn't live far away. So know your circle. When that person was throwing salt at you just a while back and now offers an olive branch and then asks you for something, that is not a friend. At the end of the day real situations expose fake people, so pay attention.

A narcissist will use the phrase, "get over it." Because, to them your feelings are trivial. If it's not about them, then they're not interested.



08:15 Aug 17 2019

It's like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.

17:32 Aug 17 2019

The Giving honor back part was true to my other profiles when I got attacked by a member at the time inside of her coven I only asked for one honor to see it would be fixed, She fixed but also my Sire Use to be attacked by the hidden accounts known as FallenAngel1313 it would get deleted by them every time they would rate a 1 and then block you're account with it and then delete I tried reporting this account several time for none sense purposes same with sweetdreams that was my referral it was my moms account and some how it got stolen with out my mothers knowledge.
There is more I wish I could tell but I would rather stay clear I would rather be natural with everyone and be friends and help the entire site If I could because I'm a nice person when I'm not pushed into a corner. I do not like that don't seem to be getting really anywhere.

Someone texted my phone number and they said someone from Vampire rave was giving out my phone number and my personal stuff on VR Through msgs

07:28 Aug 18 2019

GothxAngel - Isn't it always with these type of people ?

ReapersSoulmate - You always run the risk of being bitten by the same dog you feed even when it's tail is wagging. I apologize that you had to be the target of her anger, just because you spoke the truth.

22:28 Aug 18 2019

It's alright I'd rather tell the truth the a lie any day even when it's hard to tell the truth it's better off telling a truth any day then a lie and it's alright I've been bitten by a dog many times before when it comes to this. I learned that you tell very little information with this person because if you're not careful around them they can use that information against you and spread it through peoples inbox's like you're personal stuff they can say they are not doing it but how did that other person get the info.

I think it adds up eventually.



04:17 Aug 17 2019
Times Read: 1,273




23:52 Aug 14 2019
Times Read: 1,292



02:26 Aug 11 2019
Times Read: 1,400

While it was amusing I never asked TheImpossibleProject to start a Free PityKitty Campaign. I'm not his keeper, he is as he always has been the rogue Bunny.And I have no control over what he does. But it was interesting to read of the one's whose loyalty you thought you had. ( No I am not referring to lessthanhuman either. These people are not even in your covens or alliances) You can't buy everyone's loyalty with the promises of giving positive honor with all your profiles. And we already know what happens when you can't buy loyalty, out comes the blackmail and threatening to attack people. And when that still doesn't work ---- It's then, "let's make people feel sorry for me as I give myself 98 paper cuts. " And then blame everyone else because you're a malicious cunt. We already know that when the attention isn't on you, you need to start some shit so it is.

Shrugs -- It's early.

What no dozen name changes today to wipe out all the negative honor you received ?



04:22 Aug 11 2019

I don’t think you had any part in that.


This will leave you speechless

15:28 Aug 07 2019
Times Read: 1,558

Get the popcorn ready kids this is going to be very interesting and very long.
It is no secret that the deranged cat has been spewing at the mouth, hell almost like she has rabies. Hmm Ponders that for a minute...

But first let me state again. I could careless what coven I am in. It does not keep me from doing anything else on here. So what if I am blinded. I never asked to be traded. I don't care what the rate is or my level or any of that. Because unlike her I can walk away and log off and sleep just fine at night. Because unlike her I am not going to do something stupid because of words or numbers on a website.

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This whole poor me victim act and screaming for attention act is overrated. Now come on good people of VR, are you really buying this crap ?

Let's take a look at how this really went down.

We are going to have to go back a bit first - It started with her saying she has changed her ways and she is not the same old cat. Now we know she never does anything just for doing something there is always a price or something to gain. She asked to come back to Hell she was allowed to come back and given another chance( in my humble opinion I felt it was a mistake. But moving on she was not to have any positions. But again she cries I have changed I am not the same person I am trying to be better. Same old song and dance. But it was agreed keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Thing went down hill fast - a member here was sent to Hell it was uncalled for and revengeful. People were traded out - blah blah blah. again proving that she has not changed and is still the same vindictive twat she always was. Using people as weapons, because that is what manipulating abusive people do.

While rating profiles to level up, I end up on one of her profiles, ya I generally read profiles - because isn't that the point ? And what do I see :

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Meanwhile she is claiming she isn't stirring the pot and staying out of trouble. But oh no, she wasn't starting anything at all.

The journals were flying with all kinds of private information told in trust and even though Saetan had already posted in Her Journal about what was going on - Cat and her little friend had to continue with all the nastiness.
Saetan can speak for herself and I am certain she will in the comments.

Moving on, during all of this she sends saetan a message :

Now what is interesting, is she asked several people if this was true or if they thought it was true. Well one would think that maybe you would go to your Fiance and ask him if it was true, instead of going to people who said they were done with you and of course apologizing for what you had said and made accusation about.

But again, if there isn't any drama you make it. And when it comes back and bites you in the ass . . . well we know how that ends. No I am not mocking - but when you have made mention of it as many times as you do - Because everyone has to feel bad for you. Hell this was even your avatar on your social media.

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The only type of people that would chose that are attention seeking advertising instability and mental health issues and wanting people to feel sorry for you. Where it is clear that you have some, because normal people do not act and treat people the way you do.

So, because you asked all of us, and yes a few journals were made regarding this and threats and all your regular bullshit. But again no one started saying, "Hey by the way i heard a rumor that....." Whether that is true or not, I don't care. But why would you ask if it was true to begin with. Ponder on that.

But so she can't back peddle on that - here you go :

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Now this acct had been inactive since 2013 that is correct, and it stayed in active until you started all of your bullshit again. Oh the accusations that this profile was created for this purpose or that purpose. Does it really matter, how many profiles did you create to start shit and make comments and then self delete. Fuck any new members are going to have a hell of a time finding a name that hasn't been taken with all of your creating profiles changing names.

Especially when you get a shit ton of well deserved negative honor - and you just change your name - and it wipes out all of your honor and you deactivate acct or name change. Your the only one who is so concerned with being viewed as the self righteous bitch that you , that you shouldn't dare be in the negative. The list of shit you have said and done over the years, learn some self respect. Lets see a lifetime is worth $150 I do believe is that really all your worth ? Oh no that's right we won't talk about the other $$$ that you conned people out of. We'll leave that as an unspoken because those good people know who they are. As Payne wrote the list also of all the dirty shit you have pulled, relationships you have hand your hand in destroying.

The list goes on and on, but please tell us again how it is everyone else and not you.

You totally and maliciously sent a member to hell because you didn't get your way lied about the situation. again with the can't be trusted no shocker there.

Which brings us to just a few days ago...

We will refer to this as 98 Problems.

It started out with the bitching of taking honor - Did that crack your fragile ego -- Good too fucking bad. You don't get to go around and do the shit you do with out facing consequences. Everything and I mean Everything you got coming to you, you deserve.

A journal was written and you and him added your comments. Henry took the journal down and you threw a fit because you thought you could just spew more garbage. You demanded and threatened for it to be put back up or there would be consequences. You blamed people for making you cut yourself 98 times because you couldn't manipulate the situation. Again attention seeking as a last resort.

So then because well after the fact you then call your fiance to blame everyone for you, YOU cutting yourself. make everyone feel bad for poor cat, the drama queen of VR who is more unstable than anyone I have ever come across. Now your Fiance had to plaster the journal sections to let everyone know that the people that were fed up with your shit starting blocking, giving negative honor which is 100% part of VR. But blamed everyone else except for the person who needs to be blamed and that is you. For all of your bullshit.

But because your demands where not made you decided to threaten and demand that henry make his friends stop taking your honor or you would go and attack a person who had never said a word to you. You did it just because you couldn't get your way. Grow the fuck up.

You read for yourself -- The manipulate cunt and her 98 reasons - Yes you have 98 problems and you caused each and every one of them all on your own.

It's funny how she mentioned in previous jounals that she had him blocked yet her she is texting him... Hmm more lies as always.
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Going after an innocent person because she couldn't manipulate the situation to get what she wanted.
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Because she has some sick twisted obsession

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So yes why is it she is the victim here sorry nope she is in fact the ABUSER !

Moving on....

So after she "sat there and cut herself 98 times" she sends Henry the message saying this is all his fault. Bitch you need to seek professional Help in the worst way.

Two Hours later ....

The journal section is flooded with :

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Gee someone was quick to snap this gem. It wasn't until Bunny commented in each journal entry the TOS. Now if you read the very last lines it says clearly that : " Her blood being spilled again will be answered with blood" I don't know about the rest of you but to some people that sure as hell seemed like threatening people on a website that she has caused nothing but chaos on for the last ten plus years. But oh yes, did any of us sit there and cut her 98 times, nope. It's not like she slit her wrists 98 times. Of course she has to make it all dramatic, when she already told someone she never cuts deep enough to leave scars or draw blood because they are all tiny superficial cuts. Way to go to make people believe that she was dying, bleeding out, because that is how you have to grand stand everything.

Then we have this great thing that Dakota started. But somehow as always you have to make it so you two both sound like victims.

16:11 Aug 03 2019

There really has been too much as of late. From one certain point of view, my reason has been partially self-defense against actions that make mrandmrsimpaler4ever look like a saint. I have had some very damaging accusations furthered by someone who knows the damage it could cause but did it anyway. I have seen my submissive pushed into drop by those actions, so I railed back against the ones causing that. I literally feel what she is feeling so it has caused a drop on my end as well- not to mention rage. Toxic, VERY toxic rage."

Maybe you really just need to put a muzzle on her mouth and keep that leash tight. She runs her mouth makes accusations and is just an all around lying little twat, but please blame everyone else except for where the blame belongs. On her head. and her head should hang in shame. She always wants to fuck with other peoples relationships and cause problems.

News Flash Not one of us give a flying fuck that you chose to be with her, it's your life. Best of luck, but there is an old saying you can't turn a whore into a housewife.

Now yes she will claim this was not directed towards Henry, but because she can't help herself she said it was. Now you want to talk about you flew off the handle about any one even suggesting that someone was an abuser. And yes here you are doing the same thing. When in reality the monster is you. And you alone Cat. You are the most disgusting, worthless person on this site.

"Person C: I have debated about writing this entry for you because these are to show positive outlooks on people but not everyone is positive specially you. Honestly, I have regretted knowing people, but you take the trophy for this one. I try to see the good in everyone and I do try to help others I even tried to help you even though you spit in my face. I told you things about myself, I listened to things you told me about you, even though I heard nasty things about you I still gave you a REAL chance. When the time came, and I needed someone it appeared you were there but were actually there? When certain events took place did you try to find a solution, or did you fuel it more? Did you show sympathy or compassion when it was needed the most by those who seemed lost or did you shove your head in the sand and pretended you were a good person? These are questions I think you should ask yourself because the answers are really clear but are, they to you? What good have you done for me…hmm good question. While I was a small child my father showed me what a monster truly is you reminded me of that monster because you showed him to me again. You showed me the type of person I cant stand or wish to be like surprisingly you claim to have no desire to be this person but you are accept that fact. Most importantly you helped me find me once again…. the person I thought people forced away because of ignorance and lack of understanding hell care for someone other than themselves. I am not perfect, nor do I pretend to be without flaw because you showed me what that does to a person. I will continue to use you as an example of what I don’t want to be and continue to grow with or without your permission or the thoughts of the empty. I know there are people who care and love me for who I am, guess what thats all I need in this world. As long as I have those people I can face just about anything without a doubt, think I am wrong I will gladly prove you wrong since I have done so many times over so far. What is sad is those you claim are friends only are proving that you cant be trusted. Hell they prove your word means nothing. Best part of it is you claim they respected you which clearly they dont"

More of the everyone else is to blame except where the blame should be, on her.

Quoted your entry - Your right you did fail and you are just as manipulate as she is, your right also that she is being disrespected , because she is getting a taste of her own medicine a bit much for her to swallow. But, maybe she should stop all of her bullshit, but we have all been here so many times before and it never changes. You got off make threats, when the one you should be screaming at is her. She obviously needs some type of psychiatric help. So instead of threatening harm to people on here why don't you take her for an evaluation. I mean it is pretty obvious she is not stable enough to be in any type of society, because all she does is victimize people and your just as guilty of it yourself for allowing it.

"I failed her. In so many ways. It does not feel good to admit that. In fact, it hurts like hell.

But, I must say that phone call- even in my failures was enlightening. There are many kinds of abuse. Many ways that one can be responsible for.

You are as responsible as they are. You are as responsible for those blades touching her skin. That was the last time. The last time I let it ever get this far. Even if I have to build a wall around her that none of you can penetrate there will not be another drop of blood. This is human life we are talking about, not some nameless, faceless piece of flesh that no one cares about. I would rather die myself than see serious harm come to her, and i would be prepared to.

That's the final warning I will give to anyone feeling like they can get away with this. I am through watching her be disrespected and torn down emotionally. I am through, even if I lack of an ability to stop it knowing she has taken a blade to her skin.

Things are changing with me. This isn't a negotiation. We're past that, and have been ever since one drop left her body."

So perhaps if you want her to stop cutting herself, maybe you should teach her how to be a civil human being instead of vile hateful cunt.



17:27 Aug 07 2019

11:36 Aug 08 2019

I love how users will read it knowing it's drama but refused to leave a comment...

03:16 Aug 09 2019

It is what it is Bunny. People like to wear the blinders until the tables are turned on them, Shrugs it's all good.



10:48 Aug 07 2019
Times Read: 1,577



06:59 Aug 04 2019
Times Read: 1,666

No one wants to log in and have to read the entire journal page filled with a psychotic bitches self pity. Save me your threats and you big bad words. You had a fit because it was merely mentioned that she does this to herself. Blames everyone else for handing her the so called knives. For gods sake your starting to sound like Aracon. Is she going to die and come back again ?

Lets see she starts shit and oh no poor me.
Been there, seen that heard it a million times before.
And ? If her life can't go on because everyone is taking away her fucking non existing honor, then I might suggest you have a mental exam done and maybe have her committed, because she obviously can't function in a normal society.

It is always all about her - Maybe we are all just sick of the same routine. She says and does all kind of dirty shit and when the same shit is thrown back at her this is always her go to. Tell me I am wrong. I'll wait. Someone wrote a great journal about doing a challenge. You had to make it about how it's unfair that you have to deal with drama. Just maybe if she shut the fuck up, stopped being a cunt, perhaps she wouldn't have so many problems. She's got 99 problems all created by herself.

She does this to herself every single time. So predictable. When she can no longer try and manipulate people and her demands are not met, its I will attack you. Well guess the tables have turned and the same is done to her and what does she do ?

When you try to black mail people and it blows up in your face --- 1,2,3
When you lie and get caught ( in so many lies) 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - 80
When you are just a deplorable human being and threaten people because they wont do what you want 81
When the same crap you have done to countless other people is returned to you 82 - 98

Always the victim, never the abuser right ?





21:07 Aug 03 2019
Times Read: 1,668




01:51 Aug 03 2019
Times Read: 1,675




22:34 Aug 02 2019
Times Read: 1,679




21:37 Aug 01 2019
Times Read: 1,695



04:37 Aug 01 2019
Times Read: 1,539

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Really ??? I find this all so amusing. I have not asked to be unblinded or traded So where did you pull that bullshit out of ? I mean seriously. Did you want a cookie because you took a profile of mine and blinded it in your piece of shit coven ?? I'm literally dying of laughter. Did the two of you and my previous CM conspire on this ? ROFL I mean I can see the connection being the 3 of you are all just human garbage. The shit you make up about people is astronomically mind blowing.

It makes a person wonder why would your unhinged paranoid fiance feel that she needed to ask several people if they knew if it was true about the bit there about minors ? I mean she was the one asking. And there was proof she was the one asking. And again with your oh so innocent fiance having to "Bend The Knee" and ask for forgiveness for turning her entire profile into a Bashing Saetan. But please go ahead with the whole song and dance how she is a victim ??? We will wait...

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You talk about so much bullshit.

Let's see :
A profile as you claim was created to "attack" your two faced lying little cunt of a Fiance ? Now which part of that last statement wasn't true ? Let me help you out with that ( A profile as you claim was created to "attack")
Everyone here already knows how two faced she is, and that she is a lying cunt. Shrugs ??? And ???

Lets go back six years and what was the issue then ? Her hands in drama as usually, but we all know it goes back way more then 6 years ago. Name a time when she wasn't doing something or involved in some sort of drama ? And is far as this profile being made to attack her....seriously you want to go there ????? Really ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many profiles did you all create to do the just that to rate 1's and block ? But someone does that to her and its all threatening and more or less just talking out your asses.

And what did you hit your head or something, or do we all need to go into the archives of all the shit she has done, is doing and will continue to do ??

She is always the one that is in the middle of all Drama, prove us wrong....

Then when she wants something it's all sweet and I have changed. Which is the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever seen. Chance after chance, the two of you have been given. Just for you both to prove that it's always with the under minding and scheming and utter none-sense.

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00:13 Aug 01 2019
Times Read: 1,543


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